I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1425 Private Cigarettes

Another day.

"It's nice to have peaceful days..." In front of the store, there was an old man's lounge chair, watching the sunrise at the end of the street comfortably, Luo Huai stretched.

In the past, college students would probably still be sleeping in. If there were no classes to attend, almost no one would get up early.

But things are different now. For several weeks, the shops in the commercial street have been almost occupied by various food stores. This type of shop has the most stable market and is also the fastest to practice. It also helps students in professional departments. With more commissions received and mutual promotion, development will naturally be rapid.

Many students who have their own "career" no longer live a hazy life. On days when they go to class, many people get up early every morning to prepare for the business of their stores for the day. There are three peaks in the morning, noon and evening. , are all opportunities to be seized.

Although it may not seem very easy, many students have also tasted this sweetness after achieving financial independence. Especially for students from ordinary families, this is a good thing and provides a sense of accomplishment.

And what a coincidence, right next to Luohuai's bento shop is a tea and snack shop opened by a few girls.

The store is not big, but it is beautifully decorated by a few girls. The customer base is mainly girls. It is very suitable for three or two girls to have afternoon tea together, or to read a book quietly by themselves.

In comparison, Luo Huai's posture of basking in the sun at the door can be said to be a completely different style of painting.

But who made Luo Huai's face tender? Even though he looked very salty lying on the recliner, he still gave people a sense of leisure and contentment.

Moreover, his lunch boxes are also well received. Many "lone rangers" who want to go back to the dormitory to eat like to buy one from him and eat it back.

The reputation is still good, and he has successfully promoted A Lang's comics to individual tea shops.

Because he doesn't consider cost or sales, Luo Huai makes the outer cover of each comic very exquisite, so it would be easy to put it in a refreshment shop.

Originally, a few girls wanted to put some literary and artistic books, but the guests who came were all literary and artistic, and many of them came just to relax.

After a few weeks, Alang's comic books have played a certain role. Some customers came with friends, and some may have arrived early, so they took a few comic books from the nearby bookshelf to kill time. , but I was attracted to it instead. In the next few times, even if I didn’t make an appointment with friends, I would occasionally come to read comics.

Not to mention that Alang is still drawing new content. As long as Luo Huai takes her to the dungeon every week, she will have no shortage of materials.

Moreover, Alang's comics not only describe the adventures of the male and female protagonists, but also describe the details of the relationship between the male and female protagonists in great detail. This is what Luo Huai calls "private goods". Hehe, sweet candies are placed in the refreshment shop. It couldn't be better.

So just like that, the refreshment shop gained a group of regular customers who were attracted by comics.

"Look at today's news." Luo Huai's daily routine is very complete. How can he not read the day's news every morning?

It's just that he used to read the big official news, but now he also reads all kinds of small news in the college.

Unlike the news from the outside world, the news in the college is not so serious. It is produced by a news agency composed of students. Even some small interesting stories will be published. The price of each copy is also very cheap. Buy it as a It’s great to look at as a recreational item.

In addition, many store owners have finally thought about advertising. When there were only a few stores in the beginning, just opening a store would be eye-catching. But now, even if the store is not big enough, it will be submerged in the crowd. The crowds and the stores on the commercial streets are gradually being robbed. If you open a store again, you can only go to a commercial building, which means you have to advertise.

The business situation here is still happy now, with hundreds of flowers blooming, but it is estimated that in the future, it will be an invisible battlefield, and there may be many "bloody storms".

But these are none of Luo Huai's business. At most, if something happens, he won't take care of it.

"Hey... this sounds quite new." Luo Huai, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly let out a light sigh.

Recently I have been reading gossip and stuff, but today I saw a rare piece of serious news.

Moreover, it was a "smuggling case" led by students and involving huge interests.

"Smuggling cigarettes is okay..." Luo Huai didn't know where to start complaining.

It's probably like seeing a "smuggled lollipop".

But this news is not a funny thing. The sale and purchase of cigarettes is prohibited in the college, especially for students. Unlike some copy worlds that have not yet banned tobacco, the human race in the mortal world still manages this kind of thing. It is very clear that smoking is prohibited in many situations.

Even in the outside world, such addictive things are not recommended, especially in the academy, and they are strictly prohibited. UU read www.uukanshu.net

Therefore, under such regulations, even if the college town is as big as a city, it has created a good smoke-free environment.

But there are so many students, there are always good and bad, and there will always be some not so good ones.

The larger the base, the more problems this group will be involved in.

The benefits of social simulation are obvious, but because the proportion of interests in students' lives has increased, it is indeed easy to cause some problems.

According to reports, the incident was revealed when the student union caught some students gathering in groups to smoke. After a period of investigation, they finally closed the net and captured the people and evidence on the spot.

They were taken back for questioning, but it was a pity that they were not official after all, so they could not use some means. These arrested people were not people who cared about punishment or not. They kept their mouths shut and carried it to the end. The student union had nothing to do with them.

Luo Huai thought this matter would alert Li Ming and others to take care of it.

But after sending a message and asking, I found out that although the people in the second team have similar characteristics to the student union, the management of the entire college is still the student union, and they are more involved in violent conflicts.

It's probably like the difference between ordinary police and armed police.

If they find clues and find clues about the suspect, then they can go out and arrest him.

Then look down.

In the end, the student union checked the transaction records of the student card and found some clues.

Luo Huai was also a member of the Hidden Discipline Committee after all, so he approached Li Ming and the others and asked for a copy of the information at that time.

"This person who secretly sells cigarettes is also a veteran. If ordinary people look at these transaction records, they are just ordinary consumption records in the business district..."

But if you look carefully, you will find that the frequency of some stores appearing in consumption records is suspiciously stable.

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