’ Phew, I finally caught up... I’m so tired from following this chance encounter. ’

Luo Huai, who ran out of the woods in a panic, saw the same three faces as in the document and thought so.

In the eyes of the people across from him, he looked very embarrassed. His body was mixed with broken leaves and mud, and there were some scratches on his face. It looked like he had fallen several times.

His facial features had some slight changes, and his hair became messy. Even if Yun Lin and the others were standing in front of him, it would be impossible to recognize him now.

Not to mention that the way he is panicking is not at all in line with his confident and steady impression.

When the guardian teacher saw this, he was the first to step forward and ask him, "What happened? Why are you alone?"

If both the student and the guardian teacher are separated, it means the situation is serious, and you have to contact the college's search and rescue team if necessary.

Luo Huai pretended to be too panicked to speak, and half of what he said was confusing.

The guardian teacher had no choice but to wait for him to calm down first, and at the same time, he and He Fang and others were vigilant behind him.

If he ran in such a panic, there was probably some monster chasing him behind him.

"Hello...is anyone there?"

The guardian teacher uses his own communication headset and the communication equipment on the same channel around the pager. This is their only authority. Students can only use this channel when sending a distress signal.

If the student's guardian teacher is nearby, he should be able to receive his call.

But after calling several times, there was no movement at all.

The teacher suddenly frowned. He was so far apart. What about his teammates?

If he was the only one who ran farther, that would be okay, but if it were another situation, it meant that other teammates and teachers might have had accidents.

Then the college's rescue team must be called.

At this time, Luo Huai finally "calmed down", swallowed, and said slowly with heavy breaths: "There is a monster chasing me!"

His finger pointed to the depths of the woods, but there was no movement there, let alone the monster he was talking about.

"Are you too panicked?" He Fang looked at him with a hint of displeasure and said.

If this guy hadn't appeared, he would have buried the things by now.

But now, he has no chance to bury cigarettes again. He can only wait for the next time, and he has to contact the buyer to explain the reason.

This has a great impact on his trading reputation.

"Tell me more about how your teammates are doing, and where is your guardian teacher?" the teacher asked again.

"They... they should be fine. It's just that I was targeted by a monster and lost my way when I ran away. As a result, I ran further and further away."

Luo Huai looked around blankly, as if he wanted to further prove his confusion.

"But what about the monster?" Wang Qi was injured. If any ferocious monster came over, he would be the most dangerous one.

"I don't know... maybe I got rid of him." Luo Huai looked timidly into the depths of the woods, "I'm better at escaping."

"Then let me contact the college and ask them to contact your guardian teacher, so as not to send out a search and rescue team if nothing happens." The teacher said.

Sending out search and rescue teams basically requires mobilizing troops. If nothing serious happens, it is better to not dispatch them at all.

"Hmm...huh?" Luo Huai nodded in amusement, but he immediately reacted.

This is not possible. If he contacts the other side, won't he reveal his secret?

Thinking of this, he immediately pointed towards the woods and shouted: "No, that monster hasn't left yet!"

"..." He Fang and the other three looked at him speechlessly.

Who would believe your exaggerated transformation?

But the guardian teacher who was just about to call the academy immediately drew his weapon and entered a defensive state regardless of whether it was true or false.

As expected, the sound of swaying branches and leaves could be heard in the woods, and the next moment, a black shadow quickly emerged from the dense branches and leaves.

"Gah!" The hoarse but loud crow call made people's hearts tremble.

The prototype is a monster that punishes the world. Even if it is only a 1/1 follower, it has a terrible sense of oppression.

This is the follower card that Luo Huai drew out some time ago, the blood-seeking crow. After summoning it, he placed it nearby and was responsible for causing trouble when necessary, like now.

And I don’t even know one!

The two Bloodseekers provide each other with a 1/1 attack health bonus, so now they are both 2/2.

Among ordinary-sized bird monsters, they are definitely extremely ferocious existences.

[Blood Hunting Crow] (Epic)

Race: Beast

Mana: Two charges

Attack/HP: 1/1

[Assault] Shortens the back of the summon to quickly enter the attack state.

[Halo] Spell strength +1.

[Swarm Effect] Each other [Bloodhunting Crow] on the field will gain +1/+1.

[Cut Flesh] When causing damage to the enemy, put a [Flesh] card into your hand.

The quality of epic-level followers makes their combat consciousness very close to the original body, and their agility is terrifyingly high.

"It's those two crows!"

The guardian teacher's eyes were also locked on the hunting crow the moment it appeared. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net made a semi-defensive posture with the broad sword in his hand.

The hunting crows were very fast. Under Luo Huai's command, they seemed very smart and did not pounce on them recklessly.

They are separated by distance, making it difficult for the guardian teacher to attend to both individuals at the same time.

"He Fang, pay attention to the other one!" the guardian teacher commanded, not daring to be careless.

But when they saw it was just an ordinary-sized crow, they looked down upon it, especially Luo Huai who could be chased by such two little birds in a panic.

These thoughts combined with Luo Huai's resentment for disrupting their plans made the three of them even more unhappy.

"If you don't have the strength, don't come to the wild area and die." He Fang curled his lips and seemed to be muttering, but in fact he deliberately wanted Luo Huai to hear.

Seeing Luo Huai looking at him, he stared back, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you are right, but the teacher just asked you to pay attention to monsters." Luo Huai seemed to be stunned and pointed behind him.

"!" It seemed like the sound of flapping wings suddenly approached.

The teacher asked He Fang and the others to pay attention to the other one, but they did not call it in time. The result was that... the hunting crow found a chance to get close.

He Fang's heart suddenly twitched, as if he felt a chill climbing up his throat. He had no time to think, so he could only turn his head instinctively and subconsciously, and saw a horrifying scene out of the corner of his eye - so dark that it seemed like an endless night. The sharp claws reached out from the air to his neck, bringing up a splash of blood.

He didn't even have time to scream, so He Fang could only squat down in fear and pray that his wounds would not be too deep.

Fortunately, he hid quickly (Luo Huai's control was precise), and it seemed like it was just a little skin injury.

Wang Qi and Zhao Lianping quickly raised their small shovels for picking vegetables and smashed them at the attacking crow...

. :

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