I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1437 Dinner Invitation

After the few people finished collecting, they returned to the academy.

When he passed the security check, He Fang's heart beat a few minutes faster. With the recent storm, the students guarding the entrance to the wild area would focus on searching their bodies and backpacks for any related prohibited items. He was afraid that the cigarette packs on Luo Huai's body would be searched.

Fortunately, I passed it successfully in the end.

The guardian teacher finally left, and He Fang and the others were able to communicate openly with Luo Huai.

"Happy transaction, please contact me if anything happens."


No matter where they want to go to record the time point, the two sides will come to an end.

Luo Huai successfully obtained a contact information and a group chat that seemed to have no problem.

Immediately after entering, a group announcement will pop up. The meaning is also very cryptic. It probably means that you should not directly chat about cigarettes in the group. You should use various passwords and nicknames. The specifics will be clear after taking a look at the previous chat records. It's easy to understand.

This is not a large group, just a few people. It should be just a small group on the edge of the entire black supply chain in the college. The main members are addicts and simple traders.

But having access to this is already a big improvement.

As long as the clues are discovered, the next step is to follow the clues.

However, the last message displayed in the group was: The limelight has been very tight recently, everyone tried not to be too active, and there was no movement after that.

He Fang's deal was probably just discussed privately with one of the members.

Luo Huai looked at the edge of the smoke and thought that this would be the end of the day. We would discuss any actions tomorrow.

However, at this moment, the phone rang with a message.

When he opened it, he saw that someone in the newly joined group chat had sent him a private message.

When I opened the content, I didn't expect it to be an invitation.

[Classmate, you are welcome to join us. If it is convenient, can you come to our place for a meal tonight? Everyone knows each other, and we can discuss other matters by the way. 】

The annex is where the dinner will be held, in a building in the business district.

"It can't be that hot pot restaurant...it's true."

I didn't expect progress to come so quickly. It seems that I have to go home late today.

After making a phone call and talking to her sisters, Luo Huai went to the meeting alone.

Originally, he wanted to send a message back to confirm, but he found that the invitation message had been withdrawn and deleted. He also tried, but couldn't reply to the message.

A prompt popped up telling him that in order to obtain permission to send messages, he had to pass administrator authentication.

But after searching, I couldn't find the authentication window in the interface.

It seems that this invitation is to verify him as a new member.

Hmm... not bad, at least these guys seem to be a little more cautious and smart than expected.

It has a sense of déjà vu at the Hongmen Banquet.

But just go.

He casually threw the cigarette pack in his backpack to little Alice and asked her to analyze and record the ingredients of the stuff first, maybe it would be useful later.

"Master, how do you think this tastes?"

Little Alice made a scented spray according to Luo Huai's request. The smell emitted by this spray was based on the analysis of smoke components. It was very imitation. It was mixed in the mouth and nose and was emitted after smoking. People can recognize it as soon as they smell it.

For those who are not familiar with it, this smells like a strange odor in the mouth, and at most it is a bit disgusting.

With such an "aura" as a foil, Luo Huai became familiar with all kinds of smoking methods, and suddenly he looked like an old smoker.

Ahem, but I'd better restrain myself a little when walking on the street now, otherwise it would be embarrassing if I get arrested again.

Night is gradually falling, whether there are classes or not, students will come out to look for food at this time, and the commercial street has changed from a few people here and there to a lot of people in just half an hour.

It was almost time for the appointment, so Luo Huai went to the hot pot restaurant.

"Private box 104." The invitation information contained the number of the box.

"Okay." The shop owner just welcomed the guests with a standard smile at first. After hearing the box number, his eyes changed, but he immediately calmed down.

"Wish you a nice dinner." This seemed to mean a lot.

Luo Huai just gave him a faint smile.

Then he walked to the private corridor inside.

In addition to the many desks in the outer lobby of the hot pot restaurant, there are about a dozen private rooms going inside, occupying about the size of another store.

Box 104 is on the innermost left side, not by the window.

When I stood in front of the door, I could faintly hear the voices of people inside. Judging from the timbre, there were about five or six people.

There were a few familiar ones, and little Alice checked the audio track to confirm why Fang took the three guys.

Dong Dong Dong... Luo Huai knocked on the door gently.

The movement inside suddenly became much quieter. According to the method in the invitation message, Luo Huai knocked on the door three times, paused for a moment, then knocked again very suddenly, and then did not knock again.

After a few seconds, the door to the box opened.

Where is the person who opened the door? UU reading www. ukanshu.net Looking over his shoulder, he could still see five other people inside.

Except for Wang Qi and Zhao Lianping, the others all had new faces, but judging from their faces, they were probably sophomores or juniors.

"Come in." He Fang's tone was tepid, but the people inside were quite enthusiastic when they saw Luo Huai walking in.

There is a large hot pot in the private room, which is steaming hot. It is comfortable to eat this when the weather is cool in autumn.

There is an empty chair next to the round hot pot table, which seems to be a seat reserved for him, but this seat is not close to the door, but is actually the closest to the inside.

While exchanging pleasantries, he sat in the back at the signal of others.

The next few people, especially the ones who looked the oldest, were particularly enthusiastic and chatted with him the most enthusiastically. They also kept asking where to help pour the wine.

High alcohol levels will not be allowed in the academy. After all, drunkenness will cause trouble, and young people are very energetic, so it's okay to just indulge in alcohol.

It can be said that the college's control over alcoholic beverages is second only to things like cigarettes. After all, many students are not ordinary people and have weapons on them. Conflicts can easily lead to very vicious results.

The few people did not chat with Luo Huai about cigarettes at the beginning, but kept trying to understand all aspects of Luo Huai's life in the college through enthusiastic communication.

Just from the look of this scene, even if it was recorded on a mobile phone, it would only make people think that some kind of club or hobby is welcoming new people.

Although there was no camera in the box, or perhaps there was one, Luo Huai just didn't know it.

"Master, they are probably inferring what kind of person you are through your family background and tasting behavior..." After chatting for a while, little Alice reminded her.

‘Well, I know that, their speaking skills are still a little immature. ’

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