I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1440 High Risk Occupation

"And there is obviously an addiction reaction in some eyes, so when the cigarettes are handed over, the reaction will be excessive..."

While Luo Huai was making breakfast, he carefully considered the various details Li Ming said.

Is it just a simple addiction to smoking?

That shouldn't be the case, otherwise even in the outside world, officials would directly use the strongest armed means to ban the flow of all cigarettes.

"Little Alice, have the components of yesterday's cigarettes been analyzed?"

It was the thin cigarette in the box at that time. Judging from the changes in the demeanor of the people around it, there was definitely something different about that cigarette that was different from ordinary cigarettes.

The look in his eyes was even a little greedy and impulsive, as if he was trying to restrain himself. It was not a reaction to seeing something he liked, but more like a body's instinctive desire, so much so that it even shook his reason.

It's called addiction.

"Master, only part of the result came out..." In fact, little Alice did not notify Luo Huai of the composition result all night long, which already explained part of the problem.

"The components that have been analyzed are all the components in ordinary cigarettes, but there are also some more complex components, which will take time."

"Is there any preliminary inference?"

"Yes." Little Alice immediately replied, "Even if we haven't analyzed what the substance is, we can still find several similar substances through database comparison."

Photos of several plants were projected in Luo Huai's eyes, all with a red slash mark on them, indicating that they were all prohibited items.

Take a look at the text introduction on the side, and you will see that they are all toxic substances that have been banned from processing for a long time.

Little Alice continued: "Similar ingredients can be obtained from these plants after certain processing, but judging from the comparison of various aspects and the rules of material changes, the degree of processing of the substances in this smoke is much deeper."

"So the addiction is basically gone, right?"

"Yes, although not all functions have been understood, it is certain that it makes the absorber dependent."

"Then according to the official standards for determining addictive substances, can this kind of thing be considered a poison?"

"It's very close, just a little bit close. If you add the attraction of cigarettes and take into account the self-control of young people... there will be no difference."

"That's it."

Since the effect is the same, there is no difference.

This has completely reached the point where official intervention is needed, and the venue is still in the college. The nature of this is extremely bad.

It seems that the new system of the college has given some guys some illegal ideas, and some gray and black areas that will be born under the urban system will inevitably breed.

No wonder those who were arrested were so strict with their mouths. It turned out that they were all "tied".

Put the breakfast on the table, put a small sticker to mark which portion belonged to whom, and then Luo Huai left for the college early.

The appearance changed to the Luo Huai whom Yunlin and the others knew. He went to the store early to prepare today's products.

But when he arrived at the commercial street entrance, he found that there were more people than usual.

After squeezing my way to the front of the crowd, I saw that the entrance to the commercial street was blocked by yellow and black warning strips. A group of people who usually came here to buy breakfast looked confused.

Only after reading the news did I know the reason, and in the end everyone reluctantly chose to go to the canteen.

It's not that the food in the canteen is bad, it's just that I don't like crowds.

The rest have no classes and are here to watch the excitement and chat. Of course there are also some shopkeepers. It’s okay to delay business, but if the inventory in the shop gets damaged after being stored for a long time, it will be a loss.

But Luo Huai's store is very close, after all, it's right on the road.

But a piece of broken glass in front of the store let him know that the store would definitely not be able to open today.

There were blood stains on the broken glass. When you looked up, you could see that the broken glass was from the second floor, but the broken glass was not limited to that one place.

There are also some other places, and they still bear obvious traces of battle.

Hiss... Although saying this is a bit heartless, I suddenly feel that I have missed a lot of excitement.

Especially seeing those traces of magic, the battle might have been a bit fierce at that time.

No relevant video was found. It may have been temporarily controlled by the college. After all, this incident is quite serious. It would be bad if someone used it to spread rumors.

"Something happened again. Those guys probably don't dare to poke their heads in now..."

Now even if he gets inside, he can't continue to act.

So where to go today? ...How about going to see the injured people.

Maybe you can get some useful information.

On the edge of the business district, just past the dormitory building on the right, there is a wide road that leads directly from the entrance to the wild area. There is a pure white building there, which is the medical building.

There are often injuries when returning from the jungle, so many people rush directly to the medical building after passing the entrance to the jungle... However, there have never been serious injuries before, most of them were just flesh injuries.

Except this time, several students from the student union were attacked. During the fight and scuffle, they broke the glass and fell from the second floor.

The other two accomplices ran away and broke into the commercial building, reading a book www. uukanshu.net also injured several people, but they were finally subdued by Li Ming who arrived.

"Hello, I'm here to visit a friend."

After talking to the health care teacher, Luo Huai got the wounded patient's ward number.

It depends on the authority, otherwise it would be inconvenient for ordinary students to visit the injured people.

"Teacher, how are they doing with the most seriously injured ones?"

"Sigh... Fortunately, it's only the second floor, and the child used energy to protect himself in time, but the leg bones were still cracked, and the internal organs were also injured. He was coughing up blood when he was brought here. He was treated last night It won’t be a big problem when we come down, but we still need to rest... Oh, it’s really dangerous.”

The health teacher is a middle-aged aunt. When she talks about her students, she looks as if she is talking about her own children, feeling worried and distressed.

"What about the guy who fell with them?" Luo Huai was referring to the guy smoking.

"Well..." The teacher's expression visibly darkened, and the difference in attitude was very obvious, "My body is not that good to begin with, and I was exposed to cigarettes and alcohol. After such a fall, my back was scratched several times by the glass. My life is... He was rescued, but if he doesn’t change his bad temper, what’s the use of rescuing him.”

"Yeah..." Luo Huai echoed, fearing that the teacher would catch him nagging him, so he slipped upstairs.

The location of the wounded is on the third floor. The entire medical building has more than thirty floors, covering all aspects of medical care. There is also an annex building half as high as it is. I don’t know what kind of medical department it is. There is a medical department between the two floors. Large channel connection.

Knocking on the ward door, Luo Huai walked in without waiting for anyone to answer.

In the middle, a boy with a spiky head was lying on the hospital bed, his legs and body were covered with bandages. A girl with short hair was sitting by the bed and feeding him.

"Hey, that's quite a coincidence."

. :

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