I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1452 Like to be reborn

"!" Hearing the other party's words, he was subconsciously shocked, but strangely, he soon stopped worrying about it.

It seems that this is quite good.

"Very good...come with us." The man in gray robe turned around and led him towards the depths of the cave. There seemed to be a path that could lead to a deeper place.

"Can you tell me the source of this power?"

"Soon, you'll see it."

They gradually walked underground, and the natural tunnel under their feet gradually showed artificial traces. They entered a corridor diagonally downwards. There were torches at regular intervals on the wall, burning with green flames. But there's still no end in sight.

Just keep going.

"Turn off all your perceptions and feel with the power that is integrated with you, otherwise we will never complete this journey."

"Yes..." He quickly turned off his spiritual perception and completely handed over his perception of the outside world to the gray smoke on his body.

Suddenly, he felt that there was a door not far ahead, and the end was right in front of him.

The man in gray robe seemed to have figured it out a long time ago. He led Him down and pushed open the wooden door.

Then, the smoke perception that originally looked like a gray outline appeared in color the moment it entered the door.

It was the same color as the torches on the corridor outside, it was dark green.

There seemed to be a huge space inside, with two rows of torches on the huge stone pillars on both sides, illuminating the place and allowing Hui Yan to see things clearly in his field of vision.

There were many huge figures standing on both sides, standing motionless between the huge pillars, as if they were soldiers standing on both sides waiting to be dispatched.

Even now that his body has been abandoned by him, when he perceives these huge figures, he still feels a fear coming from the depths of his soul.

The gray smoke that touched the giant statues seemed to be attracted by an incredible attraction and was absorbed into the empty mouths and noses of the giant statues.

Skeleton? Under the armor of those colossi, it seems to have such an appearance.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!" The man in gray robe immediately reminded him, "Follow me and move forward."

He immediately withdrew the gray smoke, but he clearly felt that the gray smoke that had just been attracted could no longer come back.

And he felt weak for a while. Even when he was injured and lost a piece of flesh, he was not so uncomfortable.

So he didn't even dare to look, and only dared to follow the steps of the gray-robed man carefully.

The door behind them has been closed, and they have arrived at a new place.

In the empty underground dark space, the centermost area is a sunken pit, filled with gray smoke, but also burning with faint green flames.

It's just that the flames are not burning very strongly at this time.

"This is……"

"This is the source of our power...and we are the ones who control this power!" As soon as the man in gray robe mentioned this, he became excited. He raised his hands in a habitual worship gesture, but It stopped quickly.

"We all used to be members of various underground churches, but our faith abandoned us for no reason. We were even prepared to sacrifice our bodies and souls for our faith and for the supreme existence, but... in the end Now that we know, we are nothing more than the ashes at the feet of those beings."

The man in gray robe seemed to be in extreme pain and unwillingness. At the same time, there seemed to be a lot of resentment coming from around him. These resentments were twisted and thick, almost turning into reality.

At this time, the green flames in the middle pit suddenly flickered a few times, and those terrifying resentments were suddenly attracted and turned into fuel.

The man in gray robe also calmed down again after this.

"Later we learned that only the power that truly belongs to us is our faith worthy of the occasion."

"What on earth is this..." He couldn't help but ask. When the flame flickered just now, he actually had the urge to jump in.

"Soul fire." The gray-robed man said, finally putting down the gray-robed hat on his head.

His whole body was covered in gray smoke, as if his entire body was made up of gray smoke, and his empty eyes were burning with the same faint green flames.


Seeing such a scene, He was suddenly frightened and backed away in fright.

Human instinct still remained in his heart, but the man in gray robe looked at him sarcastically and said: "Why are you afraid of this? What do you think you are now? Your body has already sunk In the water of that river, what comes here...is just your soul!"

The green flames in the gray-robed man's eyes flickered suddenly, revealing his aura.

"Now, you need one last step."

"No..." Even though it was almost rotten by the gray smoke, the green flame could still scare him. This was the last instinct of his soul sent to him. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

"We should run away... there is... outside..." He tried to use his former human reason to convince these monsters. Yes, there was more than one gray-robed man. The source of resentment just now came from the same existence as the gray-robed men in the surrounding river. .

"Run away? No, no, no... We don't need to run away. Living people can't come here. Come on, kid, welcome your new life and become one of us."

The last sentence seemed to be the only remaining tenderness of the man in gray robe.

However, this tenderness forced him to throw his soul into the flames.

He stood on the edge again, last time it was water, this time it was fire.

But similarly, He still had no right to choose and fell forward involuntarily.

"Ah!!!" Pain and screams from the depths of the soul came from the flames, but the surrounding gray-robed people also burst into crazy and terrifying laughter.

The strong flames produced more gray smoke, and they absorbed the smoke intoxicatedly, making the gray smoke on their bodies more intense, and the soul fire in their eyes becoming more intense.

"Now, welcome our new member!" The first gray-robed man raised his hands. This time, he did not put them down again. The other gray-robed men also raised their arms, as if cheering that another soul had been obtained. newborn.

In the deep pit, after the overflowing gray smoke was absorbed, the remaining gray smoke condensed towards the center.

The flames faded, and He who had just thrown himself into it was still burned until only a skeleton remained. A wisp of green flame was ignited from His skull, and the gray smoke that gathered formed His new "flesh and blood".

"Ah..." Just like every time he smoked the aroma of tobacco before, He moaned in intoxication and enjoyment.

At this moment, He was reborn.

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