I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1456 Emergency Response

The huge bone claws were successfully dodged, but that didn't mean there was no need to be afraid of the big skeleton.

Because Luo Huai found that he couldn't think of how to deal with this big guy.

A few random long-range attacks fell on it like raindrops, probing attacks. This guy gave people the impression that he was very tough. Unlike the previous monsters, except for the dark giant, the rest of him basically turned into a dragon. Able to break off the strength.

His eyes swept across the palm of the giant skeleton, and Luo Huai failed to find the guy it had just grabbed.

It's impossible for that guy to master this level of power all at once, but he is most likely a guiding node.

Otherwise, this skeleton giant would definitely get lost in space with such a ruthless way of moving in space without the guidance of guidance nodes. It would be like just crawling out of the ground and not going directly to the ground because of the lack of a target.

But where did that guy go? Did he disappear? Did he escape or was he swallowed by the giant skeleton?

This was unknown, but the giant skeleton stopped its movements and paused for a moment.

Then it turned around, seemingly giving up on his goal, and slowly looked to the other side. Luo Huai followed him and saw at a glance that it was the direction of the academy.

not good!

This skeleton giant may still be influenced by the little undead and wants to attack the academy.

And such a large undead, whether it is a monster or a simple weapon, its actions must require huge energy support.

"Little Alice, have you found it?" There are many runes on the skeleton giant's bone armor. This is information. Since it is information, there is a place to check, and maybe we can find clues.

Otherwise, it is unlikely that such a big guy would appear out of nowhere after hiding for so long.

"Master, I found it. The runes on the bone armor are recorded in the official archives!"

It's good news, but it's also bad news.

"The earliest overlapping record that these runes can find is the undead disaster more than a hundred years ago."

"Is it the one Sister Wutong experienced before?"


This is really hell...didn't it mean that all the souls of the disaster have been cleared away in all directions? Could it be that some evil believers collected some undead remains at that time.

There was indeed such a record at that time, but when we said it was settled, it actually included the settlement of this.

It can only be understood as a fish that slipped through the net.

The top priority is to let the officials know the situation here as soon as possible.

But just as he was thinking this, three fighter planes flew in from the distant sky.

Well, maybe the officials are more skilled than him.

"Didi!" The communication bell suddenly rang, and it turned out to be the theater commander who had been in contact with Luo Huai before.

The communication level is very high, it is S level.

"Little Alice, connect the communication and turn on the camera."

"Yes, Master."

Communication is connected.

"Luo Huai, what's going on over there?! Our patrol satellite here has directly issued the highest level warning, showing that you are nearby."

How long did it take for Nannan to calm down before this kind of alarm appeared again?

"Commander, just watch." Little Alice's video request was quickly answered.

"This is...skeleton, undead!"

In the command room of the theater headquarters, looking at the giant skeleton standing on the ground on the big screen, the commander and even everyone felt that their hearts almost stopped.

Combined with the rough pattern of the satellite alarm, the analyst quickly compared the runes on the huge bone armor.

But Luo Huai told them directly on the communication channel, "The undead in that undead natural disaster had such runes on their bodies."

"Is that really that?!" Even with the decisive judgment of the commander, he had to confirm it again when he heard this.

This is not something to be joked about. Even though most people now have not experienced that disaster, that disaster almost caused the human race to disappear from this world.

This incident is often mentioned in everyone's education from childhood to adulthood, not to mention that many film and television works cannot escape such a major event. Both life and education emphasize to people over and over again the story of that year. A disaster.

As for why this happened, it was because that disaster was different from the previous disasters that came from evil believers and underground churches, but a real natural disaster that came suddenly.

The former, like the underground church, is a struggle between humans and rebels, which can be called internal fighting, but the latter is the first time that humans have realized that there is a threat that can cross the barriers of the world and come.

The human race, which had always thought that they could live alone in the mortal world, realized at that time that dangers came from both internal and external sources.

To be prepared for danger in times of peace, it is natural to be alert at all times.

"Yes, that's it!" the analyst in the command team also said.

"Then follow the procedures to initiate follow-up emergency response." The message confirmed that there was no room for hesitation, not to mention that the direction in which the giant skeleton was moving was still in the college city.

The first fighter planes were sent by the TPC. They were always monitoring the security of the southern city cluster, especially the appearance of giant creatures. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

The alarms received in the war zone were initially identified and forwarded by them.

This shows that they cannot handle it, or the impact is too great, requiring the intervention of the war zone to ensure safety.

As soon as the fighter plane approached, it directly attacked it. Six missiles were released from under the wings and flew towards the skeleton giant. However, the opponent did not turn around and allowed the missiles to bombard the bone armor.

Compared with a hundred years ago, human technology today has advanced rapidly. In addition, the previous intelligent machines have left many achievements, which has made all aspects of technology forcibly improved. The missile just launched has the previous technology. Armor-piercing techniques used against omnics.


Several explosions exploded on the bone armor, but the giant skeleton didn't even sway unnecessarily. Not only did the explosions not break the defense of the bone armor, but the impact force did not even have any impact on it.

Even if these missiles were originally designed to attract the target's attention, it is still too outrageous that they did not cause any damage in the real sense.

"How did this terrifying defense force push back the undead wave back then? ... Immediately launch a long-range strike at the nearest armed base. The target is heading towards the academy city! Do your best to stop it!"

"Reporting, the cities and facilities along the target's expected movement route have begun to evacuate people. It is expected that all complete evacuation will take one and a half hours."

"Okay." All departments on the command side started taking corresponding actions. Troops in the theater were dispatched to the city for evacuation immediately. Ordinary troops couldn't get involved in such large targets. They were basically between heavy weapons. of collision.

The sky above the area where the Skeleton Giant is located has been locked by numerous monitoring facilities. As long as the situation requires, even armed bases further away can carry out fire coverage strikes here.

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