"Hmm..." Wutong just responded softly.

She is not bored here. There is a big bed with fruit and food on the side. There is a large-screen TV right in front of the bed. Little Alice is connected to the Internet. If she wants to watch anything, she can just tell the maid next to her. good.

But she doesn't watch any entertainment programs, she only watches official news. After all, a large part of the media is under her control.

Furthermore, regarding the current public opinion, the most important thing to be careful about at this juncture is the emergence of rumors.

"Sister..." Luo Huai let go of his hand and asked Ah Lang to get some food, and sat down by the bed.

There was something he wanted to talk about.

On the big screen showing the news, there happened to be several scenes of the skeleton giants fighting. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a small figure in the sky.

On the ground below, there are many other figures. If you look carefully, you will find many undead, green monsters, and spiders.

These news materials were decided to be released only after Luo Huai underwent official testing.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that the appearance of the monsters on the ground is related to the figure in the sky.

Officials are also explaining this fact one by one.

However, they did not reveal Luo Huai's true identity, only claiming to be an official combatant.

I have to say that the priest class is very useful.

Because they can always summon some weird things, even the undead can make people feel more acceptable.

"Sister, those undead were actually summoned by me...except for the two big ones." Luo Huai said directly, even pointing clearly at the screen.

He saw that Wutong's brows were always furrowed when he looked at the undead.

However, she didn't seem to have any reaction to what Luo Huai said, and her response was just a flat, "Yeah."

Seeing Luo Huai looking at her with a strange look, she explained: "Didn't you tell me this several times before? Have you forgotten?"

"Ah, did I say that?" Now it was Luo Huai's turn to be surprised. He was so confident in his memory, there was no reason why he didn't know!


"You still ask!" Wutong's face suddenly became slightly hot and he turned around, "That's a time like that."

"Uh..." Luo Huai still couldn't remember what time it was.

At this time, the maid Alice who was waiting beside the bed suddenly jumped over and pointed at the big screen. All she saw was the news on the screen, and then some indescribable pictures appeared.

And it’s still documentary footage!

"Ahhhh!!! Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off!" Luo Huai was instantly frightened and hurriedly ordered little Alice to stop.

Then he asked loudly: "You stinky girl, when did you record it?! There are so many angles!"

As a result, little Alice looked shy and said coyly: "Hey, Master, people occasionally need new materials for their own entertainment. It would be boring to always use a few old ones."

"..." The more this girl spoke, the darker Luo Huai's face became.

He glanced at Alang and Sister Wutong next to him with a guilty conscience, and actually saw the two of them whispering.

"..." His face turned darker.

"Delete it, delete it all!"

"Ah! Don't let me, master." Little Alice suddenly screamed, "This is a carefully selected collector's edition lens! I am still looking forward to recreating it with my master one day."

But no matter how much he begged, Luo Huai had already made up his mind.

"Okay..." Little Alice had no choice but to put away the things dejectedly.

It seems that there is more "information" that the master will have to avoid seeing in the future.

Although she didn’t know when she had the illusion that this kind of information could be taken out and read.

"Ahem, um..." Luo Huai, who threw little Alice out, sat back on the bed in embarrassment.

Although several people present had met with each other frankly, after all, they were limited to communication within the room, so it was still a bit inappropriate to bring it out so boldly.

"Hmph~" Wutong saw that this guy was so good at this so many times, so he rolled his eyes.

Let’s quickly bring the topic back to the topic.

"So sister, do you really not mind?"

In fact, it is not so much that Luo Huai has forgotten, but that he is just making sure again and again that he is not disliked.

"I've already said it. I've said the same thing every time you asked before." Wutong felt his thoughts again, and his expression softened, "I have always hated those who harmed my family." People', although the undead are still annoying, but I like you silly boy more~"

"Yeah!" Luo Huai smiled.

At this time, he really looked like a child being comforted by his big sister.

It was quite cozy.

But at this time, Alang suddenly sneaked up to him and pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Huh? What's wrong with Ah Lang?" Luo Huai was in a good mood now and had the urge to pick up the girl and lift her up high.

But Ah Lang blushed, and said coquettishly like little Alice just now: "Arlo, there are several positions I haven't tried at UU Reading www.uukanshu.net. Let's try it later, okay~ "

"..." Luo Huai's face turned dark again after finally coming back in vain.

The atmosphere was completely ruined, and so was Sister Wutong. Her beautiful red phoenix eyes narrowed into charming fox eyes with a smile, as if she was watching his joke.

Co-author, what you whispered just now was an exchange of "experiences", right?

"Aluo Aluo~ How about~" It happened to be night now, and the girl Alang looked like she was ready to make a move.

What a coincidence, it was her turn today.

"Hmm..." Luo Huai could only respond with a louder voice than a mosquito.

"Hehe~" Alang immediately showed a successful expression.

"Oh~" Wutong rolled up the hair in front of his forehead, and seeing the two little guys making trouble again, he said, "If you want to play, go back to the room. My hand is still injured. Don't let me hit you. I will I still want to have a peaceful sleep to recover from my injuries.”

"Okay!" With this "expulsion order", A Lang ran away happily with Luo Huai.

But after the two left, Wutong's expression changed back to a not very happy one, "I hope so..."

She looked at the news that had been read back, and it was still reporting on today's events.

It is very wise for the officials to obscure Luo Huai's identity, otherwise some people will soon start targeted rumors.

As a media person, she often sees another side, and the battle on that side has just begun.

She didn't tell Luo Huai this. These were her jobs, so she didn't want to worry the boy.

At worst, when you're really exhausted physically and mentally, you can ask that guy for some "interest."


Luo Huai probably doesn't know that his sisters are actually a bit naughty.

. :

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