"Oh? Your boss? Who is it?" Luo Huai still didn't take back his hand.

This is only half of the information.

"That's the one... you know, he was caught selling cigarettes." When the gangster mentioned this, he suddenly shivered.

It doesn't seem like a pleasant thing to hear when your boss is caught.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"That's the one……"

Forced by the spider's fear, the gangster almost revealed all his secrets.

After listening, Luo Huai asked little Alice to check, oh...it turned out to be the junior "boss" who asked him to join the team for dinner.

"The problem is that your boss has been arrested, so you don't want to think about whether the message you sent is true?"

"I never thought about it, we always listen to the boss." Come on, this gangster is still a loyal little brother.

But Luo Huai slapped him speechlessly, "If you ask me, you are stupid. After arresting the boss, you didn't seize the rare opportunity to get off the pirate ship. You are still so obedient. You didn't even think about it after receiving the news. The second illness is not cured yet, right?"

After giving them a lesson one by one, Luo Huai did not let them go. He called Li Ming again and asked them to come downstairs to improve their performance, and then he left.

Before leaving, he also copied the gangster's mobile phone.

Check the information.

Well... there is indeed a message about him, and both his images are explained clearly, and the sender of the message is indeed the boss of the note.

"It's interesting. You can still send out messages after being caught. Could it be because your family is rich and powerful? But even so, they should be under information monitoring. This kind of information will be intercepted by the authorities halfway through. "

Yesterday's emergency evacuation caused those who were arrested to move to the war zone, and there is no news of their transfer back today. Most probably they will just lock down that area first. You can imagine how strong they are. They are probably feeling the effects of training. As for "happiness", there is no chance to send out news.

"Master, the source of this news is not in the academy, but from the outside city."

"Oh?" A little surprised, but only a little.

The question is how would people outside know?

"It is indeed the man in black robe..."

I thought that the official's preemptive attack on public opinion could avoid some of the turmoil, but that guy was actually able to motivate the students in the academy.

But the problem is, just a few gangsters looking for trouble... this method is too hasty.

For Luo Huai, this is not even a trouble.

With a careful mind, he said to little Alice: "Go and search the Internet to see if there is any similar news about me."

"Okay, Master."

If he needed some time, Luo Huai didn't rush to go underground, so he just found a rooftop to sit and wait for a wave of news.

In addition to the strong death aura, the guy in black robe is very different from the undead... It is basically certain that he is still a human being, and he is not as weird as an evil believer.

That means that this guy is likely to be able to move around in the city, and even has another identity as an "ordinary person".

Even if the official information is clear, some voices will still confuse the public.

The only thing Luo Huai is worried about is that his identity will be exposed. In that case... besides him, other people may also be affected, such as Sister Yuxi and others, they all have careers, Qinglin Yefeng and others, and official.

It would be bad if the violent commentators who were bewitched blocked the door of the house. What if their dirty words made Alang cry?

What's even more disgusting is that he can't take action under those circumstances. If he does, he will definitely be described in various ways. Even if the official suppresses it, he will be involved in public opinion.

This is a conspiracy, even if it is revealed, it will still be useless.

The key point of everything lies in the power of the undead.

No matter how clear the authorities are, there will still be those people. They may not be ignorant, but they may be businessmen. Guys who get paid to do things don't care about the serious consequences of what they do.

"Then I have to strike first because I am stronger." Luo Huai, who was well aware of the limitlessness of the online world and the blind obedience of the crowd, thought of this and even gave up his plan to explore the ground first.

Now we have to find the person in black robe first.

"Little Alice, how's it going..."

"I found it, Master. There are really some 'gossips' that have begun to spread rumors to the public about the relationship between official personnel and the undead." Little Alice said seriously, "Although your name, Master, is not included in these rumors, I'm afraid. It’s to brew the influence to a certain level before it explodes.”

"Can you find the source of these messages?"

"It's a bit troublesome. None of these rumor makers have close connections with each other, and some are even just children."

But age doesn't matter, online, they all have the same face. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Then this rumor may have spread online after it spread in reality.

Those guys are really good at this kind of trick.

"Master, how about we track down those people one by one?" With Little Alice's information tracking ability and Luo Huai's teleportation, offline solo killing is not a dream.

But Luo Huai shook his head and said: "Human-to-human transmission is very fast. If you make any sudden moves at this time, I am afraid it will only speed up the deterioration of the rumors."

"That guy doesn't seem to want to stand directly against me, otherwise he would risk his life and attack me for the first reduction." He thought for a moment, "Maybe I can let him take the initiative to come to me."

And at this moment, the information came as it came.

The information is very simple. It has a contact information and a location. This location is not in the city, but in an old city outside the current urban agglomeration.

"Here... you really know how to pick a place." The moment the location information overlapped with the map, Luo Huai's eyes fluctuated, and he didn't know whether to laugh or be surprised.

"Master, is it okay for me to go alone? I just retrieved the source of the message and it is in another city. Could this be a trap?"

"Of course this is a trap." Luo Huai knew it well, and the other party had no conspiracy with him at all. This was just a big pit, standing in front of him blankly.

"But at the moment, it seems that I am already in a trap, and it is not a big problem to take two steps."

The key was that location, which made him have to go.

Wucheng... Although the old man did not allow the tomb to be erected, it was still the place where they grew up.

And that's where he entered the underground tunnel that time, and this time the guy's location is also infinitely close to that location, so it's hard not to feel that there is some connection there.

. :

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