I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1491 A visit on a rainy night

When night fell, Zhong Renping opened his eyes on time on the bed and said, "Start a new day."

The almost reversed biological clock makes him always stay alone and act alone.

However, everyone in his family pursues being independent, and killing demons alone is a kind of romance.

It's just that he has never figured out how his father met his mother... Forget it, such gossip issues are insignificant, at least they are not the issues he is struggling with now.

After going downstairs to the hotel, he bought a "breakfast", but ordinary people would call this dinner.

The streets are lively at night, especially in the business district near the city center. Whether they are returning home from work or ordinary people going out to eat and play with family and friends after work, people in a hurry are always fascinated by the night view. It adds a bit of black excitement that doesn't belong to it.

Unless you walk outside, there are many residential areas here, with a lot of people, but it is quieter.

Outside the house, there were probably only a small team of the police conducting night patrols.

Since the resurgence of energy, the closer the city is to its outer settlements, the less safe it becomes.

It's not that monsters are walking sideways, but for ordinary people, even a slightly more ferocious beast may cause trouble.

So in the outer circle of the city, people generally stay indoors at night.

But for Zhong Renping, who comes from the east, these are already very peaceful places.

There are many mountains in the east, and the mountains are the most suitable for monsters to grow and hide.

Wearing a simple Xuanbu long coat, not so popular in ancient times, and carrying a long wooden sword on his back, Zhong Renping stood out in the crowd.

Many passers-by saw him like this and saw that he was young, so they thought he was just a young man dressed a little strangely, not a professional person.

Although he himself prefers another name, Demon Slayer.

Those sneaky things didn't like too lively crowds, so he also left the crowd.

I checked the weather forecast in the hotel before leaving. It will rain tonight.

So he took out a light gray oil-paper umbrella, which happened to block the raindrops falling from the sky.

The lively crowd behind him dispersed in a panic, and his back gradually faded away.

"It is raining again."

It was another rainy night, and Lu Wenyue was sitting on the sofa in front of the window as before, waiting for her husband who had not returned late at night.

But she was a little more worried today because something sad happened... She had a fight with her husband.

It's not a huge noise, but for a family that has always lived in harmony, this is rare.

Because she was worried about her husband, she pressed the "Taoist" call on the phone and made some soup for her husband.

The decoction was just some health-preserving medicine, nothing strange. Her husband asked her where she got the recipe for the decoction. When she saw that her husband liked it, she told her, and the result was...

Her husband was just worried that she had cheated, but he wasn't in a good mood these days. She didn't know why, but it was probably because she stayed up too late.

In addition, the ingredients in the medicinal soup also cost some money. My husband just said a few days ago that there is no need to worry.

In the past, my husband would have been fine, but the situation was special these days.

Now that she thought about it, the person on the phone just told her a very common tonic recipe, and didn't have any powerful skills. Maybe it was really a bluff.


It's raining again tonight, quite a bit.

Looking at the rain outside the window, she sighed again.

When it really didn't work, she decided to call the police. She could no longer let things continue like this.

Boom...there seemed to be some thunder outside the window.

Alas, prepare some hot water. My husband will probably be covered in rain again when he comes back.

She was about to get up, but suddenly she remembered the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella outside the window.

My husband is back! This time everything works!

She quickly turned around and opened the door.

Squeak~ The door opened, and a burst of water vapor and chill poured in from outside the house.

The man in front of her is not her husband.

That was a young man in black.

"Hello, are you Mrs. Lu?" the young man asked proactively.

"Who are you?" Lu Wenyue didn't recognize it at first, and the voice on the phone was a little different from the real voice.

"My name is Zhong Renping, we have communicated on the phone." Zhong Renping held an oil-paper umbrella, and the hazy air filled with water vapor flowed around him and into the house, but did not get close to him.

"Mrs. Lu, it seems that you listened to my advice and made soup for your husband." He said with a smile, and he could smell the residual fragrance of the medicine wafting from the room.

Although the decoction he recommended is not uncommon, it does provide the right medicine for the situation.

However, Lu Wenyue thought of the unpleasant things that happened during the day, and she didn't like to see him. Moreover, she was more concerned about another thing now.

"How do you know the location of my home?"

It might have been a scammer at first, but now it's right at your doorstep, and the risk register suddenly goes up.

"I happened to be passing by and noticed something was wrong nearby, so..." Zhong Renping originally wanted to show off his professionalism and prepare to explain the secrets.

But this way, he looks even more like a liar.

"I'm warning you, UUReading www.uukanshu.net don't meddle in other people's business!" Lu Wenyue, who had also experienced a few days of irritability like her husband, lost patience with outsiders...especially a somewhat scary stranger.


The door was closed, and Zhong Renping was rejected.

Not surprisingly, he had expected it, and it was not like he had never encountered this kind of thing before. After all, their outfits were also commonly used by some guys who were not good at studying or were simply amateurs.

"Forget it, it's just for experience anyway, not for fame or fortune." Zhong Renping turned around and left without any intention of persuading anyone.

Not really leaving, but heading towards the alley diagonally opposite.

Fortunately, he asked a lot of details on the phone before and was able to find this place. In fact, it is not that mysterious. Along the way, he was paying attention to the lights of nearby houses. Ms. Lu mentioned that the windows of her home can directly see the small house. Alley entrance, with these two direct comparison descriptions, you can infer the characteristics of an area, and then just try your luck.

Although Zhong Renping is not very old, his skills have been passed down from his childhood. He started learning skills many years earlier than others. He also strives for success and enters the fantasy world early. His practical experience from beginning to end counts. When he got up, he had just graduated and was already able to take charge of his own business.

From the moment he approached this place, his keen senses had already smelled something unusual.

Just as a professional can see energy visions that ordinary people cannot see, his spells can also allow him to see things that only he can see.

However, compared to his elders in the family, his skills are still shallow, and he cannot directly see the monster's true image, so he has to take some risks to enter the tiger's den.

"It's right here..." Standing in front of the boundary between light and darkness, Zhong Renping raised his sword and pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and there was a more obvious change in his eyes.

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