I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 148 [Crying Treeman]

In the werewolf's surprised eyes, Luo Huai took out a lot of raw fish and salmon.

Then he took out a bonfire and grilled the fish on it.

A campfire can roast four fish at the same time, but the roasting speed is very slow, far not as fast as the furnace.

But Luo Huai did this on purpose, because it would give him time to try to communicate with the werewolf.

"Can you speak?" Luo Huai asked the werewolf.

The werewolf has a human character in its name, not to mention it can hear and is not as violent and irrational as the werewolves in the movies, so it should be able to speak.

The werewolf glanced at Luo Huai and seemed to feel that sitting too close was unsteady, so he moved to the side to make some room.

It opened its mouth and wanted to speak, but unfortunately the beast's mouth was not conducive to making sounds, and in the end it only let out the roar of a beast.

The werewolf was lost in thought, and the communication barrier was very serious.

"Do you only become like this on a full moon night?" Unable to carry out complex communication, Luo Huai had to ask questions that only required nodding and shaking his head.

The werewolf nodded, but suddenly, it seemed to have thought of a way, stretched out a paw and scratched on the ground to write.

"I can only lose control of my transformation when the moonlight shines on a full moon night."

The handwriting is surprisingly good, and he seems to be a cultural wolf.

"Are you the only werewolf in this forest?"

"It should be just me. I have never seen other companions." When the werewolf wrote this, his ears were obviously drooped and he was very frustrated.

It went on to write: "There is always enough food in the forest...The bats at the other end of the forest seem to hate me and beat me every time they see me..."

Perhaps because he hadn't talked to anyone for too long, the werewolf regarded Luo Huai as the target of his complaints.

Luo Huai was also happy to "listen", but when he got to the back, even he couldn't help wiping his tears for the werewolf.

The werewolf wrote a large piece of paper on the ground, all about the difficulty of his life since childhood.

Moreover, it can be seen from its narrative that werewolves have a very long lifespan, and there is no record of natural old age and death in history.

"So have you ever tried going outside the forest?"

Although for the players, there is only a forest in this dungeon, but for the people in the dungeon, the outside world should be very vast, right?

But the werewolf shook his head and wrote: I tried, but there is a terrible fog at the edge of the forest. Every time I walk in, I get lost, and then I can't find the way. I don't come out until I can't hold on any longer.

There was fear in its eyes, but more of it was despair, the kind of despair that one had to face alone but could not escape.

"It's literally a prison."

Luo Huai frowned.

He also became more determined to sign a contract with the werewolf.

It would be fine if there was no contact, but now he would not be able to bear it if he left this lonely werewolf behind.

However, he did not immediately request a contract. If the contract could be successful so easily, the priest would have done whatever he wanted.

Although the werewolf in front of him would probably follow him, as long as he had something to eat.

Luo Huai was about to ask a few more questions, but suddenly, the surrounding trees made a creaking sound.

And it’s not just one place, it’s everywhere, everywhere.

"What's going on? Are there other werewolves?" The rotation of the Eye of Destiny suddenly accelerated, scanning the surroundings.

Luo Huai looked at the werewolf with doubts in his eyes.

He didn't suspect that the werewolf was lying, he just felt that it had been here for so long, maybe it knew what this was like.

"Ugh..." The werewolf obviously knew, and he immediately raised his head and glanced at the moon in the sky.

The full moon was just at the highest point in the night sky.

An uneasy feeling permeated the werewolf. It lowered its head and wanted to say something to Luo Huai, but it could only make a whining sound.

It was too late to write on the ground, the noise around him became denser and louder.

The werewolf subconsciously ran in one direction, and Luo Huai had no time to catch up, and soon lost sight of it.

"What a speed."

Luo Huai thought that the werewolf was planning to leave him, so he quickly picked up his shield and sword, and stuck the torch on the ground.

The noise reached its peak, and Luo Huai finally saw the source.

Those grimacing trees are alive...

They seem to be breaking away from the shackles of the earth and trying their best to "stand up".

The branches that originally looked like skeletal claws looked more like them after they were moved and straightened.

Each grimacing tree seems to contain a dead soul.

And fresh life is full of irresistible temptation for them, or as undead, they have the most natural resentment towards life.

"This should be considered a monster."

He concentrated his energy and stared at the nearest tree:

【Howling Treeman】Normal


[Introduction] They are cages, imprisoning every soul who died here...

If Luo Huai remembers correctly, all the trees in the forest in this article look like this.

If a tree counts as a dead soul...

"How many people have to hang up?"

He suspected that this forest might have been a grassland at the beginning, or at most a small forest, UU Reading www.uukns.net Then every time a player died, a monster was left behind, and finally it got bigger and bigger until it became what it is now.

He didn't care much about the imprisoned dead souls in the introduction. It should only be for the existence in the copy.

"I don't know how Brother Wolf is doing."

He recalled the werewolf's movements, its glance at the moon.

That should be looking at the time, twelve o'clock at midnight... This may be the time when the Howling Tree Men start to move.

But now that it’s like this, there’s no use knowing this.

The Howling Treemen moved very slowly, and even for such a boss, they didn't even see them move one meter forward.

But Luo Huai found that they were getting denser and denser. There used to be spaces between the trees, but now there were no gaps for him to get through sideways.

The open space below gradually turned into a cage.

"Surround me...but what's the use?"

But then Luo Huai realized that these things were called Howling Tree People...

No, these guys are not into physical attacks!

The Howling Tree Man had already accumulated its power, and no fewer than dozens of ghost faces were aimed at Luo Huai.

Luo Huai quickly dropped his weapon and covered his ears with his hands, but it didn't help.

The sharp, piercing cry was like a real blade, penetrating the palm of his hand and directly scratching his eardrum.

He felt that his whole brain was shaking, and a series of body tissues that served hearing were either paralyzed or torn.

There was only a buzz in my mind.

After a burst of collective cries, he collapsed completely.

Bleeding from the seven orifices describes his current appearance, with small traces of blood flowing from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

There are also internal organs in the body. Although they cannot be seen, the severe pain all over the body shows that they are torn apart.


Luo Huai only coughed twice, and then coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

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