I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1498 The soul returns

"When the body dies, the Tao disappears..."

The brilliance of the sharp edge streaked through the air as the two swords were swung.

Two pools of blood were sprinkled on the ground. An old man and a girl fell at their feet.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Renping's eyes became colder.

The Taoist heart cannot be shaken. If it has not reached this level, then block your emotions to avoid being caught.

After stepping through the illusion of two corpses, he kicked open the door. In the extremely dark room, there was a bed facing the door.

Very few families would set up a bed like this, and it’s even more impossible given the age of the decoration in “Ghost Story.”

The door is the place for entry and exit, no matter good or bad, yin and yang, joy or sorrow, all pass through it. Therefore, the door in ancient times was also called the Yin and Yang Dao, and the bed is the place where you go up or get up when the yin and yang intersect every day, and it is in harmony with the Yin and Yang Dao.

This kind of layout is the easiest to be seduced by ghosts.

It fits the current scene where the big ghost wants to devour the soul.

The bed was covered with a wide quilt covered with dark mold spots. It was not thick. It could be said to be thin in such a cold weather. The figure curled up in it could not be seen clearly. Only half of the head was sticking out, but only half of it could be seen. to the forehead.

Long black hair spread out from under the quilt and hung down from the edge of the bed, covering the entire bed. Even the small patch of ground around the bed was covered in such twisted and messy black.

The ends of the hair were trembling slightly, just like the senses of a predator sensing prey and danger.

So now, these tentacles are slightly pointed at the person coming through the door.

"You have died and you have been reincarnated, but your obsession still remains to harm others... Delayed justice cannot make up for regrets, just like everything you do now cannot calm your obsession. "

This is an irreversible tragedy, and the obsession of turning into a ghost is destined to be a useless nonsense.

But the ghost won't listen to this. It is just a broken thought, unable to think, and just instinctively completes its "mission".

The two little ghosts who were still lying on the bed got up. Under the control of their hair, they were like puppets in the sky, and they were thrown towards Zhong Renping.

Zhong Renping repeated his old trick of throwing out the talisman, but it was the hair that controlled the little ghosts, not the little ghosts. They were still thrown towards them even if they were frozen. He quickly blocked them with another sword, but he felt a heavy force. Impact with a hard object.

ah! The kid's green and black skin was cut open by the sword edge, and he let out a piercing baby scream. At the same time, a woman's frightened and sad cry came from under the quilt on the bed.

If you want to escape from the ghost land, you have to kill the ghosts supporting it, even if it only hurts you once.

Getting up, Zhong Renping jumped forward without mercy, his sword pointed directly at the bed.

Judging from the induction of the Twin Talisman, there is a soul running towards this side from behind the house, it is Lu Yuyang.

In the previous illusion, Lu Yuyang was probably deceived by the ghost. If he acted as a shield for the big ghost, Zhong Renping would not be able to use his tricks.

His time here is also limited, and so is Lu Yuyang.

Look at the sword!

Sword light is something sharper than ruthless eyes.

"No!!!" Lu Yuyang, who heard the noise, never expected that when he rushed out of the kitchen behind the house, he would see such a scene.

Behind the criminal who broke into the house, lying outside the open door, were the bodies of the old woman and her girl who had just left. On the ground in front of the bed, his two newly born children were separated from their swaddling clothes and rolled over. Falling to the ground, blood continued to flow out from the wounds on their young bodies, spreading all over the floor... And the villain's sword pierced into his wife on the bed while he watched helplessly!

Blood seeped out from under the quilt. The weak wife seemed to struggle hard, but soon there was no movement. The blood flowed down the hair beside the bed, and fell to the ground drop by drop, mixing with the blood of the children. Together.

Lu Yuyang's whole body felt stiff due to the great shock and the unreal sight.

A moment ago, he subconsciously tried to prevent all of this from happening, but now, it was too late. He could only stand there like a person who had lost his soul, constantly hoping that everything in front of him was just his illusion, just himself. I stayed up late at night and was tired.

But the blood flowing on the ground is the blood of children! My wife's blood! ! But it seemed to come alive, flowing toward him until it covered the soles of his feet and surrounded him.

The sobs sounded in his mind, as if they were crying to him... Suddenly, he saw a fire burning outside the door. It was clear that there was wind and rain, lightning and thunder, but it could not cover the raging fire... Everyone in the village was screaming and being chased and killed by bandits who broke into the village, but the gangster who killed his wife and children was still standing there.

Anger, and more endless anger transformed from sadness, instantly swallowed up Lu Yuyang's heart.

"Damn bandit!!! I will fight with you!!!" Holding the knife in the kitchen, he rushed forward with his thin body, UU reading www. uukanshu.net slashed with all his strength.


Finally, everything went dark.

"When we get out, we should be able to escape the influence of the illusion."

Zhong Renping raised his finger and drew a talisman out of thin air, receiving the soul of Lu Yuyang who had fallen on the ground into his palm, and then looked at the bed again.

Sigh... Although I don’t know which era this obsession is left over from, it’s still a poor village.

Then, before he even stepped out of the door, everything around him began to fall apart.

Just like the embers after fireworks, they are blown away by the wind.

In the chaos, Zhong Renping's soul returned to his body with Lu Yuyang's soul.

"Hiss... I still have a headache after all."

As soon as his consciousness returned to his body, Zhong Renping felt some tingling in his head, which was normal.

"Husband...husband?" Lu Wenyue on the side saw that Zhong Renping had woken up and quickly called Lu Yuyang.

But although Lu Yuyang's soul has returned to its place and wants to wake up, it still takes some time.

Zhong Renping explained the situation to her, "Wait patiently and feed him some medicinal soup regularly to prevent him from catching a cold."

"Yeah, okay." After seeing the other party's true ability, Lu Wenyue was now very convinced of Zhong Renping's words.

"I'll fill a bowl for you too."

"Oh, okay, thank you." My body felt a little cold. After going to a ghost place, it is easy to be contaminated by some yin energy.

However, this little Yin Qi is almost the same as natural Yin Qi, so there is no need to worry.

He sat next to Lu Yuyang and continued to check the situation to make sure everything was okay.

"It's a pity that this big ghost didn't drop out its remnant soul. According to what dad and grandpa said, the one dropped by the big ghost should probably be quite big. Am I really so unlucky..." I checked several times. , he muttered in confusion.

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