"According to the above instructions, there are currently three secret realm entrances that have been locked, but judging from the size of all affected areas, we still have to be careful about encountering other hidden secret realm vortices."

The leader was a strong man named Gao Cheng, followed by several men and women, all members of the team, six in total, wearing official equipment.

It is dressed in gray-green cloth, with a layer of scattered hard material armor on the surface, a mask on the face, and a special hose on the breathing port connected to the compact air supply tank on the back.

Everyone carries a firearm in both hands. It is a fast-firing, small-caliber energy bullet rifle suitable for medium and close combat. It is very light and powerful, and it is not a problem to use it with one hand like Gao Sheng.

Priority is given to the use of unified armed forces when performing tasks, and the abilities of one's own rank are not considered as a factor in the first combat deployment.

"Understood." All the team members stood in a row, in order.

Although this team has not been together for a long time, everyone is very good and they work well together.

"Yeah." Gao Cheng glanced at everyone and nodded, "Then let's get on the forest car."

The final formation of the team will require full concentration later.

The secret realm that is being formed will be like a gravitational ball, absorbing the outside material. It is easy to enter the secret realm at this stage, and you may even enter it accidentally.

There are many such situations in some legends of monsters.

With the cooperation of the college's drone surveillance, the forestry vehicle opened the border blockade and entered the wild area.

Driving into the forest, the campervan was a little bumpy, and the people in the car were also a little uncertain.

"Oh, what a bad luck. You will be assigned such a task just after your vacation, to deal with the undead? This is a once-in-a-century thing that puts us in trouble." The one who spoke was Sun Yan, the only woman in the team.

"At least our subsidy for this trip is quite large, which can cover several missions." Another woman was sitting next to her, her name was Yue Qian.

"But haven't you heard that the energy of the undead is very unfriendly to the body? If you get some of it, you might get a few more wrinkles on your skin! You can't make up for it even if you spend a few missions."

"Uh... I think we should consider the issue of life safety now." The man next to him interjected.

"Zhong Qian, you are still so timid." The two women immediately looked at him, "You have always been afraid of this and that when you were in school."

It can be seen that although they are worried about their skin, they are not worried about whether they can defeat the monsters infected as undead.

"But, the giant skeleton before was so terrifying..."

"Wasn't it solved in a few days?" He Wenye, who was sitting opposite Wang Zhongqian, curled his lips as if he was a little disdainful.

Although they had not been at the scene before, they could learn from various news channels that even if the skeleton giant was very powerful when it first came out, it was not solved by the officials quietly within a few days. No sound was made.

"Now is different from before. There were no such useful guns and equipment in the past. Not to mention the undead we may have to fight today, it was the undead natural disaster before. Now, according to the current equipment conditions of our army, If you encounter one, it’s a good idea to cut the grass.”

He Wenye's words are unreasonable. More than a hundred years ago, the level of development of the human race was very different from before. Especially after the official announcement of crisis contact, many people believed that the human race no longer needed to be as afraid as before. Undead.

It's just that the previous price was too painful, so this time the reaction was like a stress, and several major cities were evacuated directly.

An operation of this scale will definitely have some impact on people's lives, leading to some voices of complaint, especially among young people, because older people have a closer impression of the undead and can understand it better.

Others in the car also agreed with this. After all, official firearms and equipment are much easier to deal with monsters than professional people relying on their own abilities.

"I hope..." Seeing that he was weak, Wang Zhongqian, who had a cautious personality, stopped showing off his "cowardice" and could only mutter in a voice that only he could hear.

"Okay, okay, it's not advisable to underestimate the enemy. This is not the first time. Everyone should pay attention. Even if it is a minor injury, don't be careless." Gao Cheng, who was in the front passenger seat, listened to the conversation of the people behind him and warned.

Then he said to the driver, Chen Yongxue: "Yongxue, park a little further away when you get to your destination, and then clean up the surrounding threats. We have to wait for another team to come."

"Okay, captain." Chen Yongxue drove very seriously. The road conditions in the wilderness were complicated, and it would be bad if he accidentally drove into a ditch.

Their destination was a dense forest. Thick trees blocked the way for the vehicle to enter, so the team could only get out of the vehicle.

Each person has an energy rifle in their hands, and highly compressed energy bullet clips are placed in the backpack space. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett In addition, there are daggers made of special materials on their waists. The equipment of the six people is very sophisticated.

In the forest ahead, the grass and trees are lush, but there is a "road". The grass and leaves are pushed to both sides, as if something big has run through here.

Some of the suppressed grass plants have regrown upward branches, which means that this "road" has been formed for some time.

"Be careful, there may be larger monsters here, or they may be undead." Gawain raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

Although the academy has conducted some inspections of the wild area in the past few days, some large monsters must have died in the wild area in the past, and it is very possible for them to be awakened and become undead.

"If you find the undead, be careful to hit the head. There is usually the energy core, which is their 'soul'."

"Yes." The few people who were still arguing with each other in front were concentrating on holding their guns, ready to shoot at any time.

In the afternoon, the sun was high, shining through the gaps in the branches and leaves. The silence in the forest should be beautiful in this scene.

It just... lacks a bit of the vitality that the wild should have.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the scattered sunlight makes people feel like there's a hint of darkness in the forest.

"Huh?" Wang Zhongqian, who was at the end of the team, suddenly caught sight of a fallen leaf from the corner of his eye.

Brown, are dead leaves.

The dead leaves circled around, falling from the branches above the head to the feet. When stepped on, they turned into tiny pieces.

But the surrounding plants are very lush, how could there be...

He looked up inadvertently, but his pupils shrank instantly.

"Watch your head!"

Wow! ! !

In the woods that had been very peaceful just now, several shadows suddenly emerged from the branches at extremely fast speeds.

They fell with a bunch of leaves, falling straight onto everyone's heads from above!

. :

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