I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1512 The downward wooden ladder

"We have to consider many aspects..." Wang Jianning said, "Even if we prepare to go to the border of the secret realm, we still need enough food."

It was even said that there will be unknowns after that. They are captains and have to make arrangements for the worst case scenario.

"Well." Gao Cheng looked at the lake and said, "Although the formation of the secret realm here is related to the energy of the undead, the environment here is the wild after all. There should still be ways to obtain food, but in winter..."

"You can think of ways to fish." Since Wang Jianning put forward his opinion, he must have already thought of something.

"With such a big lake, there should be fish in it, but I don't know if those fish can be eaten."

The surrounding terrain is very gentle, and there are no mountains in sight. Otherwise, hunting can be done in the mountains.

All you need to do is lay a plank on that small dock and you can fish.

Related equipment is also carried by logistics personnel.

After all, in many secret realm dungeons with natural environments, fishing can always be one of the sources of food.

So except for the two captains, everyone else followed the instructions and went into the house to make a new sled and wooden electrical panels.

I don’t know if it will snow again, so I have to take this opportunity to get some food as much as possible.

At this time, news came from the person on the other side who was looking at the outside of the wooden house.

"Captain." One person slid back and said, "There may be compartments in this cabin that we haven't discovered!"

"Huh? What should I say?" Everyone pricked up their ears.

"The overall view of this wooden house is larger than the space we explored inside. Especially at the back, there are several wooden walls without windows, and they are located far away from the room where we lit the bonfire. We must not have arrived. I’ve been in that position.”

When I first saw the wooden house, I didn’t think it was big. After entering, I thought it was bigger than I expected. But now that I looked around, I found that it was even bigger.

"Captain." Before this person could finish speaking, there was another call, and someone came back and said more crucial information, "This wooden house may have a basement."

"The entire wooden house is supported above the ground by a wooden structure, but I just looked in from the bottom and found that part of the structure is directly inserted into the ground. Judging from the size, it may be a stairwell."

"By the way, that's right there." Everyone's eyes lit up.

It seems that the food storage matter can be slowed down a little for the time being.

"How about we take a look at the basement first?"

"Okay." The two captains agreed.

All the people outside were called back, organized their equipment, and began to find the hidden compartments in the room.

The easiest way is to knock. If the partition is empty, a drum-like sound will come out. The partitions in wooden houses are not very thick, so it is not too difficult to find.

"Here!" someone shouted.

Others rushed over immediately.

Sure enough, it was the iron ring embedded in the wooden board on the stairs leading to the second floor. Part of the iron ring was penetrated into the wooden board and could be pulled up.

Then a narrow entrance to the bottom appeared in front of everyone. It was dark and there was no light inside.

And in such a silent world, when the entrance opened, everyone seemed to hear a strange sound of wind. They didn't know whether it was air flowing into the darkness, or something coming out of the darkness.

Listening carefully, I found that it was still so quiet.

Although it was only for a moment, everyone was stunned for a moment, as if something frightening passed through their hearts.

The entrance is not suspended in the air, but consists of a wooden ladder leading to the depths.

But at this time, no one dared to come forward. Even He Wenye, who was usually the boldest, remained silent at this time.

Gao Gao squatted down and used the small flashlight on his arm to shine inside.

The narrow ray of light pierced the darkness, and finally entered the darkness.

What appeared in front of everyone was a wooden ladder that went downwards at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Unlike the wooden ladder leading to the second floor above, this wooden ladder that went downwards was very dilapidated, even if you just imagine the people stepping on it. Scene, you all know that there will be a piercing crunching sound.

That makes people wonder whether this wooden ladder can bear the weight of a person.

"I still can't see the bottom clearly."

The powerful flashlight couldn't shine to the end. It seemed that the bottom was not something like a cellar as imagined.

I originally expected that the secret realm was incomplete and the core would be placed quietly underneath. It seemed that this unrealistic idea was doomed to fail.

Gao Cheng squatted and stretched out one foot, stepping on it tentatively.

Sure enough, an uncomfortable creaking sound of wood filled the surrounding area. In this silent environment, it could be said to be very harsh.

Everyone frowned subconsciously, feeling unhappy in their hearts... although this feeling passed by briefly, just like before. UU read www.uukanshu. net

The footing feels solid, and even though the board sounds shaky, it is still able to withstand it as the altitude gradually shifts the center of gravity of the entire body.

You can go.

It would be better to say that this is the sound that a wooden ladder will make after being stepped on, rather than the wooden ladder leading upstairs above the head, which is as stable as a cement staircase. Everything is just because of the comparison between the front and the back. Just a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Captain, is there some danger?" Wang Zhongqian looked worriedly at the battle that he was about to investigate alone.

This is a secret realm with elements of the undead. In this kind of basement, you almost don't need to think about what unfriendly things you might encounter.

But Gao Cheng shook his head and said: "It is precisely because of this that your strength is not suitable...just use short-distance communication signals. If I suddenly lose contact, Captain Wang Jianning will command you, do you understand?"

"Yes." Wang Zhongqian and others had no choice but to obey the order.

"Gao Cheng, you are more qualified to be the captain than me." Wang Jianning suddenly said to Gao Cheng, whose lower body was already walking down.

"Ha... not necessarily." Gao Cheng just smiled softly and walked down cautiously.

The wooden ladder was really long, and everyone walked away little by little while listening to the creaking sound of the wooden boards.

Wang Jianning turned to a team of people and said, "Just come here to meet your captain."

"Yeah." Several people nodded silently.

I thought everyone could be quiet for a while.

But suddenly, there was movement from the bonfire room.

People from both teams are here, leaving the students and the injured from the third team there.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jianning hurriedly said hello to the first team and hurried back with his team members.

Originally, the doorway had to be carefully guarded. If something happened, it would be bad.

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