I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1542 Why are you so thick-browed and big-eyed...

It's another peaceful and beautiful day, at least for most people.

All aspects of the college were recovering well. In just a few days, the students in the college felt as if the recent incident had never happened.

The establishment of the Demon Slayer Division has also caused more social discussion. The junior students in the college who are about to graduate will learn a little bit about it in order to consider their future.

As for other students, they are still immersed in the youth that only comes once in their lives.

There is nothing you can do, people in the future will only become more and more heartless.

According to the notice on the college bulletin board, the jungle area will be reopened again, and this time it is very certain that it will not be closed suddenly like last time.

Indeed, there are always danger factors, but on the premise of ensuring safety as much as possible, this race that is facing changes in the world must have the courage to let the new blood also learn to face dangers.

The previous incident of several students being trapped in a ghost realm was arranged alongside the announcement.

There are many people involved in this matter. Forcibly concealing it will only be counterproductive. It is better to confess.

At the same time, the college also made it clear that the current wild area is directly responsible for rescue by a garrison force. The garrison location is at a training base near the edge of the wild area. The troops who take turns training here receive reports of rescue missions in the wild area at the same time. Through the transformation of the training base, various rescue facilities will be added, and direct aircraft search and rescue can even be carried out. This is equivalent to providing opportunities for on-the-spot training.

Under such conditions, the wild area can be reopened with the approval of most parents.

As a result, the commercial street also ushered in a wave of economic recovery. This wave poured into the student population and naturally caused quite a stir.

In the past few days, the atmosphere in the warrior-type vocational training building has been very heated.

But... for Yunlin, this doesn't seem to be worth his attention.

Today was another day without any classes. After the morning classes, he could allocate the rest of the day by himself.

But this guy just stayed in the green rest area between the teaching buildings, sitting on the bench not knowing what to think.

He leaned forward, rested his thighs with his elbows, and rested his face on his palms, looking listless.

"Hey!" Suddenly, he was patted on the back, and then a person sat next to him and asked, "We are about to enter the wild area this afternoon. This is not the first time that the wild area has been opened. , a bunch of people are ready to compete, how about you looking so listless?"

Zhang Ziwen found that Yun Lin had been absent-minded these days, and he was a little worried. He might have quarreled with his father again.

But Yunlin shook his head and denied, "I already talked about it when I talked to dad on the phone last time."

After entering the academy, he was able to support his daily needs by joining the club, which reduced his family's expenses. This gave Yunlin some psychological confidence and gave him the courage to have a serious talk with his father.

Facts have proved that the somewhat rigid relationship between their father and son is more of a "misunderstanding" caused by thinking about each other. Sometimes, a simple conversation can really melt the rigid family relationship.

"Then why do you still look like you have lost your soul?" Zhang Ziwen couldn't figure it out. This guy is an optimist who doesn't think too much, especially after solving the troubles of family relationships. , this guy probably has nothing to worry about.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about what happened a few days ago and I feel a little emotional..." As he said that, Yun Lin's eyes flickered among the students coming and going.

"Don't say you're scared. We still have a lot to face after graduation."

"Tch~ After you graduate, you go back to inherit the family business. Unlike me, I still have to struggle for who knows how many years." Of course, this was a joke. The two of them have been on good terms since the beginning of school. .

"Come on, no matter how many things happen in the future, I still have to fight now. Besides, I don't want to be tied up at home as soon as I graduate." Zhang Ziwen spoke like a young man.

"So what's going on with you?" After he finished speaking, he was still waiting for Yun Lin to answer, but when he saw it, he found that this guy was distracted again and looked into the crowd.

No, this guy is not looking at the crowd aimlessly, this guy's gaze has a target!

Zhang Ziwen, who discovered the blind spot, deliberately did not disturb Yun Lin, but secretly followed his line of sight and scanned the crowd together.

Finally, after several rounds of eye tracking, Zhang Ziwen finally confirmed that the person he was staring at was actually a girl!

It should be that girl, with beautiful black hair and neat short hair. She is wearing a tight-fitting black suit that is very common in assassin job agencies, highlighting her beautiful youthful curves.

In an instant, all the doubts and confusions as well as Yun Lin's abnormal state these days seemed to have been explained and suddenly became clear.

After learning the truth, Zhang Ziwen immediately opened his mouth and said in disbelief: "No way~~~How did you, a fool like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, fall for it?"

This tone, this ups and downs of tone, it's hard not to think that Zhang Ziwen is hurting him. UU read www.uukanshhu.net

"What the hell!" Yun Lin, who was suddenly exposed, suddenly showed poor acting skills. His sophistry was full of loopholes and he couldn't even explain basic logic. He might as well admit it directly.

When Zhang Ziwen saw that this guy was not asking for trouble, his shocked expression quickly began to change to a certain trend. To put it simply, he was a dog-headed strategist.

"Hey, hey~" This guy nudged Yun Lin with his shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Have you ever talked to this girl after watching her for so many days?"

"Uh..." Yun Lin didn't bother to quibble and took it as acquiescence. As for Ziwen's question, he just shook his head.

Zhang Ziwen took a look and thought about this guy's usual personality. He was cheerful, but in the warrior class, everyone understood the ratio of men to women.

"You haven't even spoken to others yet, have you?" Zhang Ziwen picked up the bottled water in his hand and took a sip.

"Actually, I don't know her name at all." Yunlin spread his hands in confusion.

"Pfft!" Zhang Ziwen squirted out every drop of the water, and then pointed at him speechlessly or numbly. He held it in for a long time before saying, "I stared at a girl I didn't know for two or three days, and... Stop and watch! You’re not a crazy person, are you?”

"..." The upper half of Yun Lin's face turned dark, not because he disagreed, but because he didn't know whether his current mood was the "perversion" that Zhang Ziwen said.

After all, due to his past experiences, he had never thought about this at all.

But it is youth after all. Sometimes just a glance will bring up some thoughts belonging to young people...

"Oh~" Zhang Ziwen suddenly realized something when he saw this situation.

Obviously, you confused young man, you are in need of a dog-headed strategist!

. :

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