I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1550 Surveillance is also very leisurely

Oh my God! Is this okay?

For people who are in a high state of gossip, knowing that they have missed important details is simply the scariest thing.

‘Could it be that something else happened to these two guys last night that he didn’t know about? ’

With this thought in his mind, Zhang Ziwen's eyes suddenly became sharp.

If I had known, I would have unzipped the tent and looked at it yesterday, damn it.

With this reflection in his mind, he decided to make up for the situation immediately.

But the two guys next to him didn't pay attention to his thoughts at all, because he was really sleepy.

Not only Yun Lin, but Shen Lin actually didn't fall asleep immediately after returning home last night. Whether it was the events of the past two days or the things at home, it was easy for her to keep thinking about things that kept her from falling asleep.

The end result is this.

But even so, to be honest, I was a little too sleepy. Because there were night watchmen, the gathering time in the morning was actually not very early, almost eight o'clock.

Because they got up late, Yunlin and the others had no choice but to grab some portable dry food for breakfast, which didn't taste very good.

People from the club came here on the mobile cars of other members. When the time comes, they can just take the passing cars back. But the walk back is actually not far, just a few kilometers.

In the area I am responsible for, there are mainly three types of terrain. It is mainly a relatively large lake. On the shore around this lake, there is a large area of ​​tall grass, which may be as big as several football fields. It is full of tall grass. Many reeds, cattails, etc. will be "submerged" below the waist, not to mention the soles of the feet, which are not visible at all. Even if you deliberately push the grass to both sides, the grass will stand back up after a while. After all, the energy After revival, ordinary grass has also been strengthened.

The cleanup work here is the most troublesome. Not only are you prone to danger, but if you find a monster, it is difficult to chase it. Once you get into it, you won't be able to find it.

"Everyone, please pay attention to your steps. We are mainly cleaning and collecting vegetation in the wetlands. The rest will be taken care of by the construction team coming from behind." Su Men reminded him while leading people on the grass. Go inside.

Everyone's feet and legs were covered with a special thin layer of leather cloth coverings, which could effectively prevent needles from plants or sneak attacks from some small monsters.

It is unrealistic for them to clean up such a large area manually, so they mainly focus on the wetlands.

Don't look at such a large area, but before the energy was revived, these vegetations grew in the wetlands beside the lake. However, after the energy environment changed, the growth ability of these grasses became stronger, and they began to spread to the outside.

The grass on those dry wastelands are basically weeds with little use value, but the conditions in the wetlands where plants originally grew are good, and some spiritual plants may grow after the energy is revived.

This is also a key factor in attracting monsters to gather, so there is no conflict between collecting resources and cleaning up monsters.

Of course, having benefits also means risks. In addition to the danger of monsters, the wetland itself is close to the lake, which is also a dangerous environment.

Looking at the map on his phone, Sumen and his men started mowing the grass and drawing boundaries when they reached the marked location.

This boundary is a dry area a little outside the wetland. It will be used for people to move forward and backward. Otherwise, if there is any problem in the wetland, there will be no way out and the feet will not be able to stand firmly.

Zhang Ziwen also went to work, but seeing the two languid guys, he still said: "While mowing the grass will take a while, you two should take a rest quickly, otherwise the official work will start soon, and you can't be lazy." .”

People in the club are easy to talk to, but there are still rules. Only when you work hard can you get paid. People who are lazy can't do it no matter how good the relationship is, not to mention the current financial situation of the club.

"Yes." Yun Lin and Shen Lin both nodded, then sat down on the grass to adjust.

This is not a tent, so sleeping directly is definitely impossible. The so-called rest is just to make yourself more awake.

As for why the clearing grass is not directly burned with fire, it is mainly because of the fear that the fire will spread and spawn some elemental monsters.

Plants themselves are actually a kind of energy storage point in the environment, and combustion is a violent reaction between energy and matter. Such conditions can easily give birth to elemental monsters, and they are also very dangerous ones, and most fire element monsters There is a possibility of self-destruction.

If one is not careful, the flying flames may cause a large-scale wilderness fire, resulting in a chain reaction and the emergence of more elemental monsters.

"How are you?" Yun Lin adjusted his condition and asked Shen Lin.

"Well, that's almost it."

The two of them were sitting next to each other before they knew it, but they seemed to be used to this situation now.

"Are you two in good condition?" Su Men asked when he saw the two coming.

He also saw their situation, and he had just taken a break and acquiesced.

"It's no problem." It's just mowing the grass, it's not a big problem, and the two of them took the knife. UU read books www.uukanshu.net

"Hmm..." Sumen nodded and assigned them tasks.

"Hoho...this doesn't look like there's any problem."

In the grass, Luo Huai, who didn't know when the cat was inside, said to himself.

With little energy bugs monitoring them and little Alice providing lip translation, he knew exactly what they were doing.

Speaking of which, the feeling of secretly spying on people is really exciting, and there is an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

According to the current situation, after last night, Luo Huai had already observed the sneaky growth.

And this guy is very greedy and even wants to get his hands on two people and influence them.

Although it needs to grow up to solve the problem, it cannot be allowed to grow too much at once, otherwise the safety of personnel cannot be guaranteed.

Last night, Luo Huai quietly intervened again, but the guy seemed to be a little alert.

So now he has no choice but to monitor through indirect means.

But to be honest, it would not be very good for Yun Lin and Shen Lin if things continue to develop in this way.

After all, they are now affected, and many things are unrealistic.

Afterwards, he hoped that the two of them wouldn't be too embarrassed. He also kept an eye on it and didn't let the two of them do anything impulsive under the influence that would be bad for both of them.

"Well... after all, this diamond hoe is surprisingly useful.

Surveillance was actually quite boring, so Luo Huai began to think about his own characteristics.

The hoe in the wheat block is used as a farm tool. It is very helpful for some crops and some agricultural activities. It is like mowing grass. If you swing it in a circle, you will get neat cuts.

Luo Huai had nothing to do and even made a scarecrow.

Hmm...then just draw a card.

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