In addition to these, there are...

Shen Lin moved his eyes slightly and glanced at Yun Lin walking beside him with his peripheral vision.

To be honest, Yun Lin's first impression on her should have been good. The reason why I said "should" was because she was a little unsure whether that was her own feeling.

Ever since she noticed something abnormal, she began to doubt some of her feelings.

What's more, many of the emotions and impulses in adolescence are under the influence of the body, which makes her even more afraid of being sure of her true thoughts.

But for now, she doesn't seem to dislike Yun Lin very much, even though she knows there may be some unusual reasons for this.

But... let's just consider it as my own fault.

After all, adolescent girls also have many thoughts and palpitations in their hearts.

Maybe it was the things at home that made her feel uncomfortable today, and it would be nice to have someone of the opposite sex with whom he could communicate.

So, she raised her eyes and looked at the boy next to her. She didn't reject his shoulder that he took the initiative to lean on this time. It was like a tacit understanding between the two.

Well, the assassin walking in the darkness may also need a little warmth.

Of course, now is not the time for chatting, it’s better to work hard first.

In this way, the day passed quickly.

Fortunately, after a hard day, the most pleasant thing is that everyone is sitting together in front of the campfire, eating and chatting.

I harvested a lot of monster meat during the day today, and my dinner was quite sumptuous.

Activities together can always enhance the relationship, and such group activities that are not very dangerous can always enhance the relationship between the team.

"You should go to bed early tonight. You kept vigil yesterday. Get a good rest today. Otherwise, you will be as sleepy tomorrow as you were this morning." After dinner, Sumen made a special statement to these two young people who were in high spirits. One sentence.

"Yeah." The two of them still remembered how embarrassed they were this morning, and they understood it deeply.

And after doing so much work today, I do feel physically exhausted.

Want to go to bed early.

"Alas... I'm miserable today." Tonight it was Zhang Ziwen's turn.

Damn it, why did he feel that the whole world was targeting him? He had been listening to these two guys laughing and joking all day, and in the end he had to blow the cold wind alone on this cold day.


It's a pity that no matter how much he wails, his teammates all go into the tent to sleep, and no one cares about him.

"..." They are all a group of ruthless guys.

"Fortunately, there is also a platter~" He touched his shoulder out of habit, but found it empty.

Oh, Platter just went back to the partner space to rest.

Although the bird does not necessarily sleep at night, after following its owner for a long time, the biological clock is almost the same.

"Ahhhh!!!" He pretended to shout and let out a silent cry.

As a result, I stood up and did some movements and felt a little cold.

Forget it, just add more wood to the fire.

Why are you so crazy? It's obvious that your image is literary.

Let's play with the phone for a while. The area around here has been cleared again today. The security is already very safe. A vigil is just in case. There are not even two people needed.

"Hmm..." But after playing with the phone for a while, I got bored.

After all, for people like them who actually participate in adventures, many games may not be as exciting as their own experiences, so they are just for ordinary people to play.

"Huh? What is that?" Zhang Ziwen looked up and looked into the distance, wanting to relax his eyes, but suddenly saw a dark figure standing there.

It looked like a person, holding an unknown object with a long handle, motionless, seemingly not far away, in the direction of the lake.

But if the moonlight hadn't been brighter tonight and his eyesight was good enough, he might not have been able to see.

Is it his imagination?

It's not for no reason. He just looked at the phone for a while, so he won't be dazzled.

He felt a little sleepy, so he rubbed his eyes.

"Hiss..." But this is better.

There's more than one.

two? No, three... not right either...

He became more and more confused until he looked around.

"..." His expression froze for a moment, and he silently picked up the weapon in his hand while preparing to press the alarm with the other hand.

He looked towards the other tents. There should be people keeping vigil there as well. one.

The piles of bonfires were still there, but no one could be seen, and the tents were quiet.

Damn it.

In such a huge camp, it suddenly seemed like he was the only one left, so quiet.

It was like it was abandoned, let alone the surroundings... Hiss, his heart suddenly trembled again, he wanted to rub his eyes, but that was just lying to himself.

That was not an illusion, the surrounding black shadows seemed to be getting closer.

Moreover, it was approaching towards him, centered on this side.

When he looked back, he even saw the black shadow walking to the bonfires in other camps and revealing its appearance...

Is that a scarecrow?

Yes, looks like that, is it a scarecrow?

But this cannot reduce the frightening atmosphere permeating the surrounding darkness at all, it will only make people more frightened.

These scarecrows approached quietly when he looked away.

‘No, you must sound the alarm! ’ he thought to himself.

But a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder from behind.

He almost screamed, but the hunter's knowledge told him that he should resist, but the strength of that hand was surprisingly strong, and he couldn't resist at all.

Then, everything went dark.

He felt as if he was being taken away and didn't know where he was going.

"It's strange, why Ziwen hasn't come back yet." Yunlin turned over and stood up from his sleep, feeling empty around him.

Looking at the time, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

"It can't be that something happened." Yunlin suddenly became more awake as he thought of the possibilities.

There was no light from the bonfire outside, and the bonfire was extinguished.

What's going on? Where are the night watchmen? The captain has obviously arranged it.

That guy Ziwen couldn't have gone to the wrong tent.

Uneasy, Yunlin chose to go out and take a look.

But once he got outside, he was almost startled by the darkness around him. UU Reading

It is not simply black, but a bit cold under the moonlight, which makes people feel that the surroundings are particularly cold, as if they have entered another world.

Go to the captain's tent and take a look. This situation must be reported to him.

"no one?"

But when we arrived at Sumen's tent, the zipper of the tent was open, and there was no one in the sleeping bag. The zipper was open, but it didn't look like no one had touched it, but it looked like someone had suddenly left for something.

He quickly went to other tents to check, but the results were the same.

Then he noticed that the campfires in front of the tents in other camps were also extinguished, and the same was probably true inside the tents.

What is going on, what happened?

Unable to figure it out, he finally looked at the tent where Shen Lin was... and decided to go over and have a look.

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