I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1584 Crossing the Street

This was obviously a good opportunity to shirk the blame. Originally, their behavior was forbidden, but what if they saved someone?昜

After all, it can be regarded as a meritorious service.

Of course it doesn't mean that they want to trap these guys, but if these guys seek their own death, then they have a legitimate reason to take action.

And from a risk perspective, this seems to be safer.

Hehe...bait delivered to your door.

So the four of them gathered together and prepared to secretly observe from behind with a small telescope.

"Zhu Shiqing, you are brave, can you lead the way?"

"Oh, don't be afraid. None of us were afraid when we went to the haunted house before." The boy named Zhu Shiqing has a solid figure and a good face. He seems to be the popular type at first glance.

He took his girlfriend and stood outside. He also initiated this action.

"Of course, taking advantage of the recent trend, some people ask us to take pictures. This is a good time to make money. There is no shop like this after passing this village."

As he said, if there is popularity, there will be people who are willing to pay, and if there are people who are willing to pay, there will naturally be people like them who are willing to take risks.

Besides, they didn't think it was necessarily a risk.

"But what if we really run into each other?" said the petite girl in the other couple.

"Have you ever met him?" The girl holding Zhu Shiqing's arm asked immediately. Her name was Yang Min, and the girl she asked was named Zhang Xiaolan.昜

"That's not true." Zhang Xiaolan shook her head.

"That's okay." In order to show her boldness, Yang Min deliberately raised her voice a little higher. But I didn’t dare to be too loud, otherwise I would alert the dormitory administrator and today’s plan would be ruined.

"Now that the video is taken, we can go several times less often. Comparatively speaking, doesn't it mean we have avoided several unknown dangers?"

"That's right." Zhang Xiaolan's boyfriend comforted her, "I heard that someone had an accident in the wild area, and that one was clearly in the newspaper. Compared with that clear danger, the rumors in the college were also It’s just a matter of catching wind and shadow, there’s nothing to worry about. After all, if it’s really dangerous, how could the academy let such an area open without even a guard?”

"That's right. At worst, if something happens, just shout. It's so close to the dormitory, and someone will definitely hear it." Zhang Xiaolan also convinced herself.

The analysis logic of a few people is actually quite reasonable, but their understanding of sneakiness is very lacking. This kind of thing cannot be prevented by simple isolation.

On the contrary, overly clear information may also become a possible way for them to spread.昜

"Okay, okay, hurry up and finish it. Just go back and go to bed early."

Zhu Shiqing led the five people away from the door and walked into the gray area.

Phew~ A gust of cold wind blew in front of them, surprising everyone.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a passing incident."

Sandwiched between two buildings, a bit of strong wind is normal.

So several people continued walking while holding up their mobile phones to record the scene.

There was a steady stream of wind blowing in front of me, and I got used to it after a while.昜

After a while, we finished walking down the street.

What, it’s nothing at all.

Not to mention ghost shadows, not even a ghost scream was heard.

It seems that the person who paid them to shoot the video intended to post-process the video.

Does this count as spreading rumors? Forget it, if you have money, just take it.

"Very good, let's go to the street opposite the dormitory."

"Wow, can't we finish it in half an hour? If so soon, people will not want our video."

"Hmm... It seems to make sense." Zhu Shiqing felt a little "insincere" when he heard what he said seriously. If the other party took the video and regretted it, wouldn't his work have been in vain?

"Well, how about we add some drama ourselves?"

"How to add it?"

"According to the content of the rumors, let's create some 'ghost noise' ourselves. Anyway, we were the only ones who took the video and no one else knew about it."

"But wouldn't this be equivalent to creating rumors?" Some people are still worried.

But Zhu Shiqing gritted his teeth and said, "Whatever, if you want to arrest the person who asked us to take the video, we are just collecting money to do things. Besides, no one knows whether it is true or false."

Attention soon settled.昜

There is no way, who made the other party give a considerable reward, at least for the students.

Soon, several people walked to the "grey area" on the other side.

But some people wondered, "Huh? Did we just pass by the commercial street?"

There is a commercial street sandwiched between two gray streets. Everyone knows this, so much so that no one pays special attention when walking past.

"They've all walked to another street, so they must have walked over."

No one else cared, and the person who asked the question had no choice but to stop worrying and choose to follow the crowd.

He looked back, but except for some night lights on the street, the rest of the place was dark and he couldn't see clearly.昜

"Let's go." Others have already walked in, UU reading www. uukansu. nnet beckoned him to follow quickly.

By the time he caught up, the people in front had already discussed the next plan.

"You guys walk in front, and we walk behind. We call your names softly, and then we..." Zhu Shiqing said the plan he had thought of on the way, and the others had no objections.

Then, according to what he said, four people were separated from the six people. The one in front was holding a mobile phone, pretending to be the victim's perspective, and the two people behind were also holding mobile phones.

Zhu Shiqing thought very carefully and ensured that everyone could be in the video camera to avoid loopholes being discovered.

Then the acting started.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?" A person walking in front suddenly turned around and was photographed on his mobile phone by Zhu Shiqing behind him.昜

"I..." The man was about to explain, but Zhu Shiqing's expression immediately changed.

"Click, the movement is not natural enough, try again."

"Oh..." The man had no choice but to turn around.

do it again.


"Click." This time Zhu Shiqing shouted to stop before he could say anything.

"..." Brother, if you are so strict, why don't you choose directing directly?昜

The man turned back again speechlessly.

But at this moment, another person beside him suddenly turned around.

"Wait a minute, I haven't prepared the camera yet." Zhu Shiqing lost, "But your movements and reactions are much better and very natural. Why don't you come back later."

"Oh...oh..." However, no one noticed that the person who turned around looked hesitant in his eyes, as if he was wondering about something.

But the people around him didn't react at all, so that the whisper that passed by his ear seemed to be just an illusion.

Even he didn't pay much attention to it.


PS: I once again had a fever, felt dizzy for a few days, and felt numb...

. :

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