"Hello, my name is Du Pinggang, and I am the person currently in charge of this research institute." Yan

"Hello." Luo Huai stood up and shook hands with the other party politely.

This gives a good start.

Don't worry about Alang and his friends, they have a more reasonable identity arrangement.

"You said you can't remember what happened in the past. You must be lying." Du Pinggang said bluntly, "This room is a medical room. The facility has detected that your mental state is stable and there are no signs of any impact. "

"Really?" Luo Huai was not convinced. Although he was indeed faking his amnesia, the impact he suffered was real.

"Just say it directly, we don't have much hostility." Du Pingang was very kind and didn't seem to want to irritate Luo Huai at all.

No one knows how many possibilities he has thought about along the way, but now, he has a more pure curiosity. flood

He hasn't had such thoughts for a long time. Over the past many years, human beings' attitude towards unknown things has changed from curiosity to complete fear.

"Can I keep it a secret?" Luo Huai thought for a while, but still said this, and then he said in a joking tone, "At least you don't have to worry that I'm from another world?"

"Haha, of course not." Du Pingang laughed subconsciously when he heard this.

But after laughing, a moment of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

No way... Luo Huai couldn't help complaining in his heart, why no one believed this kind of thing when he said it seriously, but when he said it as a joke, some people doubted it!

Fortunately, this joke was still too "ridiculous", and even Du Pingang didn't think about it deeply.

But rather than saying that they haven’t thought deeply about it, it’s better to say that humans nowadays don’t have the energy to worry about those things. After all, things on our own planet have already become like this, so how can we still have the energy to study things in other worlds. flood

Now it is enough to confirm whether this boy is dangerous.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it yet, but I'm afraid we can't let you run around." Du Pinggang said calmly, "People here haven't seen outsiders for a long time. If your appearance is spread, If it is turned on, unnecessary things will happen."

"Yeah." Luo Huai understood.

In any doomsday environment, the atmosphere of suspicion is very heavy. No matter how harmonious it is on the surface, as soon as the balance is broken, chaos below the surface will swarm out.

In despair, people will always believe in some absurd hopes. Even if it only takes a little bit of salvation, someone will believe it, and then such emotions will spread among the group.

This is also a classic gambling psychology.

However, this kind of mentality is correct in some conspiracies, so it cannot be stopped and can only be eliminated from the source. flood

"Doctor, aren't you busy?" Seeing that the doctor didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, Luo Huai asked.

"I'm afraid I will only become more and more empty in the future." Du Pingang said with relief after looking at the digital clock in the room.

After so many years, it's time for him to take a break and leave the rest to his students.

Not long after, Luo Huai felt a slight vibration coming from the building structure.

It was Alang's rocket that was launched.

"Can I pretend that what you said is true?"

"What?" Yan

"Pretend that you really come from another world." Du Pingang said, "Otherwise, I don't know from what standpoint I should be chatting with you."

"Uh... Okay." Luo Huai thought to himself that he is indeed an old man, and his logic is much clearer than that of a man who still looks young.

"Dr. Du... I heard them call you that. Can you introduce me to this world?"


Luo Huai noticed the details of Du Pingang's eyes fluctuating again.

This person is not simple. At least as an excellent scientist, he dares to make assumptions.

"You should have also seen that this world is now occupied by countless monsters. They appeared one after another decades ago and quickly destroyed our civilization."

"If this was some kind of biological weapon, maybe we could resist, but then we found out that it was a natural replacement... so we had no choice but to escape."

"How to escape?" Luo Huai asked pretending not to know.

If he knew it very well, then the other party might not be friendly.

"..." Dr. Du did not speak.

Of course he couldn't tell everything.

In the final analysis, he just made an assumption. Compared with this joke-like assumption, the young man in front of him is more likely to be an enemy.

In particular, any questions he has about the situation here cannot be disclosed easily. flood

"Can you tell me about your world?" Dr. Du declined politely.

Luo Huai understood it and said, "My world is okay. Although we have occasionally encountered monsters, we are much better prepared."

"Has your world also experienced such changes?" Du Pinggang asked while wondering whether the young man was talking about another research shelter he knew. UU read www.uukanshu.net

In just a few words, Dr. Du's mind had already flashed several guesses.

"Hmm... It should be about the same." Luo Huai opened his palm and felt the air of this world.

According to what Dr. Du said, their world may have also experienced energy recovery.

It's just that their world is not so lucky and is not prepared for the changes in the world. Unlike the mortal world, they have already prepared a large number of backup plans in their files. flood

Whether or not one realizes the existence of an infinite world is a huge gap for a world's civilization.

But even so, the human beings in this world are still a little too miserable. The energy recovery is so fierce. Even in the mortal world, such a situation will cause a lot of serious losses, not to mention that there is no preparation here. of civilization.

"What about your side?" Dr. Du asked.

"Most people are still safe," Luo Huai said.

Dr. Du's eyes brightened a little, and he couldn't help but guess that if the other world the young man mentioned meant another shelter.

Does that mean that there is another shelter that has survived and found a way to survive, and they are no longer the last humans, and they no longer need to place their slim hopes on that more unknown universe... This The boy is here to find them!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Dr. Du became in his heart. Even if he tried his best not to show it, but as mentioned before, in the apocalypse, people are willing to believe in any absurd hope, and even he is inevitable . flood

And once this hope sprouts, it will grow wildly in the heart.

"Sorry, doctor." Luo Huai understood what he was thinking, but he couldn't give false hope to the people here.

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