I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1615 Emergency Synchronization

Taking Shi Yuan's bracelet in his hand, Luo Huai briefly took a look at the structure inside. whitlow

Surprisingly, the gray matter in the bracelet is not very conspicuous in the energy field. It is said that a substance that can be controlled with such high intensity should have a lot of energy inside.

"It should be that the material body reacts greatly to energy." Luo Huai muttered, and gently peeled off a trace of energy in the air with his fingers.

Sure enough, after the energy approached the bracelet, the gray matter inside it reacted.

It's just that this level is just an ordinary affinity substance.

The essence of human control over energy matter and ordinary matter is to control energy through the "tentacles" (mental power, mental fluctuations) extended by the soul, and then use energy to dominate matter, making it affected by mental fluctuations, thus according to human will to control.

For weaker people to perform this step, they need to mentally control energy and then control matter. The more steps there are, the higher the delay, accuracy, mental load and energy consumption load will be.

On the contrary, powerful people, at their most extreme level, should be able to instantly capture the weak energy that maintains the structure of material particles even in the face of matter that repels energy, thereby affecting and manipulating it. whitlow

In this regard, the big guys who punish the world are more outrageous than the last.

As for his current level, it can't compare with the big guys, but compared to those below that, it should be okay.

"Zi..." A subtle thought passed by, and the bracelet in Luo Huai's hand flashed a brief gray light.

Shi Yuan felt something and immediately raised his head and exclaimed: "Brother Luo, you..."

Gray matter has a connection with him. When new manipulating power appears, he is the first to feel it. It is a subconscious sense of crisis.

"So fast." Huo Lin also felt a little bit, but not as strongly as Shi Yuan.

It only took half a minute from the time the bracelet was given to me. whitlow

So strong, the two of them thought in unison.

"Give it back to you." After briefly controlling the substance, Luo Huai returned the bracelet to Shi Yuan.

When this child learned to wear the bracelet, he immediately put it on his wrist, as if he was afraid that it would be snatched away.

But it's not his fault. This bracelet is his support and the support of the entire institute.

"Okay, you de'e'e'e'e'e'e'ehu, now we have to find a way to command them well."

Luo Huai clapped his hands and directed the two children's attention back to their bodies.

"Brother Luo, how should we practice?"

"Of course it's a fight."

"But..." They hesitated.

"You can still fight without going outside."

"But we feel like we can't beat you, Brother Luo."

"Haha..." Luo Huai was amused by the two children's thoughts, and he said, "What you will have to deal with in the future are monsters."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, palm facing up.

The two children came up curiously to take a look, and suddenly, a mass of gray substance seeped out from Luo Huai's palm! whitlow

Of course Shi Yuan and Huo Lin were very familiar with gray matter, but they were still frightened and jumped back.

Because the gray substance expanded rapidly, and then rolled to the ground. In an instant, its height rose to Luo Huai's chest.

Then, it started to condense and form like a ball of mud, and gradually gained a clear outline.


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