I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1621 The Returned Man

"You can actually transform." Luo Huai thought as he looked at the two huge membrane wings sticking out from the back of the red lizard monster. Ai

The creatures in this world are really outrageous. They can actually achieve almost the same physical changes as elemental creatures.

"Roar!" After spreading its wings, the lizard monster seemed to have really become the legendary flying dragon, and even its roar sounded a bit like it.

The newly born wings did not feel unfamiliar to it. It was not unfamiliar with flying at all. With its huge wings spread out, its visual size was more than three times that of a giant.

With a wave of its wings, a heat wave swept across, curling up all the surrounding plants. The huge body was like a rocket, soaring into the sky. It took off at such a terrifying speed that in the blink of an eye, all the rockets launched by the institute were overtaken. .

"No, it's going to attack the rocket!" Everyone panicked.

Seeing this, Luo Huai said, "Oh, it seems I still have to fly."

The giant cannot organize such a situation simply by relying on its existing foundation. Ai

I had been restraining myself before and didn't want to expose my existence too much, but now I'd better save people first.

However, just when Luo Huai was about to control the giant to leap into the air, a huge figure suddenly moved at high speed from the distance on the other side of the rocket, making Luo Huai subconsciously stop.

He saw that there was still a distance between the lizard monster and the rocket. If the sudden appearance was also an enemy, then the two would be killed together.

But as he got closer to the warp, about seven or eight hundred meters away, he saw what the guy who suddenly appeared looked like.

It looks like a human being, several times larger than an ordinary human, about four or five meters tall, with three pairs of huge cyan translucent light wings behind it.

It was the power of the wind that easily surpassed the speed of the lizard monster flying with its wings, and his target was the lizard monster approaching the rocket.

"Can it absorb the power of the wind element?" Luo Huai stopped completely. Ai

In the process of flying over, the energy of the wind continued to accumulate in the figure.

"Master, that person's ability and strength have reached the level of evolution of the old humans in this world."

Ha... It seems that there are indeed more than just people from this institute surviving on this planet.

It's just that the lizard monsters that didn't belong to this area before and this new guy... their arrival may not necessarily mean a good thing.

"Taku!" The wave almost rolled up a figure and intercepted it between the lizard monster and the rocket in the blink of an eye. It reversed at high speed in the air for several weeks. Finally, all the accumulated energy suddenly burst out, destroying the figure that had already been made. The figure in the flying kicking posture instantly advanced to a new high speed.

The energy and high-speed squeezing made the sound of gas explosions in the air.

Like a sharp sword, it cuts through the powder and penetrates the enemy. Ai

"!" There was a huge hole in the lizard monster's throat, and blood and fire were mixed and sprinkled from the air. Even so, the flying figure did not slow down, and the whole figure still hit the ground like a cannonball, smashing A large crater emerged, and a whirlwind of smoke and dust was rolled up.

His landing point was not far from the giant. When the falling monster caused wind and waves to blow away the smoke and dust, the figure turned around, raised his head and looked at the giant.

It was indeed a person, but his body was covered with an insect-like dark green exoskeleton carapace, and the part of his head that didn't count as a helmet also had large, insect-like red compound eyes.

It's like a person fused with an insect.

Part of the wind energy still remained on his body, emitting light cyan smoke.

At this time, his size had shrunk back to the size of an ordinary person, but when he faced the giant, he did not show any timidity.

Finally, as if knowing that the giant would not attack him, the figure pressed a button on the side of the belt on his crotch. Ai

As expected, his helmet-like thing.

After it was taken off, it was a man whose hair had grown very long, and his resolute face was full of traces of tempering.

He waved to the giant, as if to say hello, and had a smile on his face, which seemed very familiar.

who is he? Luo Huai was still wondering, but the two children behind him already screamed out of shock or surprise.

"It's Uncle Li!"

"Shi Feng! This...how is this possible!" Dr. Du looked at the face on the screen. Although it was more weathered, he still recognized it at a glance.

For a moment, his heart seemed to be in chaos. He didn't know how he should feel, but he knew that he had to go see him quickly. Ai

He watched the monster take him away with his own eyes, how could he still be alive, but he really showed up... and defeated the monster.

"Shi Feng, have you really done it?" With extremely complicated feelings, Dr. Du couldn't care less and ran towards the exit with his old body.

And outside.

The crisis was over, and the matter in the giant's body began to dissolve. Huo Lin and Shi Yuan had a substitute this time, and finally they did not faint directly in the pile of matter.

They just revealed their true form, UU read the book www. uukanshu. nnet rushed towards the Uncle Li they called him, just like a child seeing its parents, rushing to hug him.

Uncle Li also hugged the two children enthusiastically, as if parents had seen their children.

Soon, a group of people rushed around, including Dr. Du who left the institute in person, his old body panting violently from running too anxiously. Ai

But it was all about seeing that face in person.

"Shi Feng, is it really you?"

The people behind Dr. Du also looked at the man with difficulty. They had all worked together, and most of them had witnessed his death with their own eyes.

But now, such a living person appeared in front of them again.

"Teacher..." Li Shifeng asked the two children to return to Dr. Du, then walked forward, looked at Dr. Du and said, "I'm back."

Hot tears flowed from Dr. Du's old eyes. He stretched out his rough fingers and touched the scars on his best student's face. He couldn't help but sob.

It's unmistakable, he won't admit it. Ai

"Where have you been these past years, and what happened? Weren't you taken away by that insect? And what you look like now is..."

"Teacher, it's not safe outside. Let's go back to the research institute and talk about it." Li Shifeng looked at the people he hadn't seen in these years, and his eyes also showed nostalgia. It's just that he hasn't expressed his emotions for too long now, and he was crying when he saw him. As his mentor, he also had mixed feelings in his heart.

In addition, there was a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

"Teacher, I have something to tell you. It's better to go back to the research institute as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, let's go back." Dr. Du heard the unusualness in his words. Thinking of all the recent events, he immediately put away his emotions and led people back to the research institute.

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