I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1729 Trapped Eagle

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The giant eagle did not fly into the sky again. It found that these small bugs on the ground did not seem to threaten it, so it fell to the ground.

The giant eagle with a wingspan of nearly twenty meters is as tall as four or five people even if it stands on the ground with its wings folded. Moreover, it is obviously a monster and knows how to use energy.

The air in the entire street began to flow with its arrival, becoming more and more turbulent, and finally plunged the entire street into a storm.

The sky is clear and clear, but people are so obsessed with dust that they can't open their eyes.

Ordinary people who were successfully evacuated hurriedly hid in the underground shelter of the building. This is an underground structure that every medium and large building has. It is a mandatory requirement of the official design drawings.

Suddenly, the city became empty, with only the huge monster and a few armored men still standing on the street facing it.

Even ordinary security personnel evacuated the building.

"Captain, how to fight!" Although Xu Qingshu mustered up some courage after saving a few people, Tang Xueyu still had more fighting experience.

"Go around the building! The eagle's movement on the ground is not flexible, let's contain its movements!" Tang Xueyu quickly thought of a countermeasure and informed Xu Qingshu through the communication between the armors.

Then she immediately said to the communication channels of other security guards: "Others go to the car to get the No. 3 composite rope!"


People in the open and in the dark took action.

Xu Qingshu followed the armor's prompts and kept running on the street, taking detours, using street lights and street signs to contain the giant eagle's movements.

"Captain! Here's the rope!" A dozen guards came with four or five large bundles of rope. At both ends of the rope, there are speargun-like structures that can be fired, and there is a hook at the top. The structure is made of high-strength materials.

Tang Xueyu immediately shouted to Xu Qingshu who was running: "Qingshu, hit the ice!"

When Xu Qingshu heard this, he immediately lowered his head to find the fire hydrant on the roadside. He didn't have time to turn the valve and kicked it down.

"Bah!" Suddenly water jets shot out, spraying the surrounding road with water.

He immediately pointed his arm at the water-soaked road and shot a stream of energy material from the energy jet port at the front of the arm armor.

After the material hit the ground, it immediately spread along the surface, turning the water into ice instantly.

In addition, the water tank dropped by the giant eagle also made the street very wet, and suddenly there was a piece of slippery ice on the street.

At this time, the giant eagle running over with its huge body swaying unexpectedly slipped and fell. Even if it used its wings to maintain balance in a hurry, it would inevitably slip out.

The huge body knocked down a small vertical traffic light and crushed a large green belt.

The structure of the eagle's claw is not suitable for standing on a hard surface, especially on ice that becomes harder after freezing.

Although the giant eagle could immediately use the tips of its talons to provide friction to regain its footing, the guards on the side were already prepared and would not allow it to stand up easily again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The rope was shot out and passed over the giant eagle's body. As the rope straightened, the heavy rope head fell down and wound around the giant eagle's neck and body several times with the help of inertia.

Xu Qingshu saw the right moment and jumped up and grabbed the rope. Before the giant eagle tightened the rope, he quickly fastened the hook of the rope to the traffic stop pole on the sidewalk. The low metal poles on the side of the road, only reaching calf height, can prevent vehicles from parking on the sidewalk.

This metal pole is rectangular in shape, buried deep in the cement floor, and is very strong.

The security guard at the other end also quickly tied the rope end to the traffic stop.

The next moment when both ends of the rope were fastened almost at the same time, the originally swaying rope suddenly tightened. The soft rope was as hard as a steel bar and very straight.

The giant eagle discovered the problem and began to struggle, but the No. 3 composite rope was a special-grade high-strength rope. It was specially prepared for monsters after Tang Xueyu and Luo Huai inquired about it two days ago. How could a flesh-and-blood body be able to break free easily? It's open.

Taking advantage of the fact that two ropes were successfully fixed, Xu Qingshu quickly cooperated with the security personnel and continued to launch ropes. As long as all five bundles of ropes were successfully tied, the giant eagle would not be able to fly.

The giant eagle was not very flexible on the ground. It became even more restrained after two ropes were tied around its neck and wings. The two ropes at the back quickly wrapped around its body.

It could barely extend its legs and claws, but it still stood. When it tried to stand up, the rope was stretched so tight that it became very thin and even got into the feathers, causing more damage than the previous bullets. .

There was a stalemate for a while, but no one dared to attack because the monster was so powerful that all four ropes seemed shaky.

There was also a rope. Tang Xueyu observed the way the monster was exerting force now and thought: "If I could wrap around its legs and pull it down, then it wouldn't be able to exert force like this."

Coupled with the slippery road surface, it should be possible to just wrap it up and use several teams of armored vehicles to pull it together.

She informed Xu Qingshu of the plan. This action was suitable for them. It would be too dangerous for other people without armor to approach the monster. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

Activating the armor, she quickly ran to get the rope and rushed towards the giant eagle.

Of course, the giant eagle would not turn a blind eye. Its body was restrained, but its neck could still move. It pecked down its sharp beak like lightning, but Tang Xueyu dodged them one by one.

Xu Qingshu ran behind the giant eagle.

"Go on!" Tang Xueyu fired the rope and passed under the giant eagle. Xu Qingshu jumped up and caught it!

But the giant eagle discovered the doorway, suddenly raised a talon to grab the rope, and pulled hard.

The power of monsters is dozens of times that of humans. Even if they are wearing armor, they are still the same, let alone such strengthened monsters.

The rope was pulled instantly, and the two of them couldn't hold it at all. Tang Xueyu let go of the rope, but Xu Qingshu just grabbed the rope and didn't want to let go. Before he could stand still, he was pulled over in an instant.

Although the giant eagle couldn't see what was going on behind it, it could feel an object from the tug of the rope, and coupled with its perception of energy, it was convinced that it was the little bug that sprayed air conditioning.

So it loosened its paws, shook off the rope, then closed it and kicked back.

The tip of the claw hit Xu Qingshu's chest. Although it was a sharp weapon, at this moment he still felt the power of a monster.

The firing pin strikes the bell, but it is the bell that wails.

Xu Qingshu could no longer hold the rope in his hand, and flew backwards from the giant eagle, flying straight to the end of the street and smashing into the glass window of a shop.

The armor prevented the person from being punctured, but at the cost of having to withstand the full force of the blow.

After a successful attack, the giant eagle immediately became so powerful that it raised its head and howled loudly in the fierce wind.

The four ropes became more and more shaky.

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