I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1755 Small dispute

"This is not made in our kitchen." The captain said with a dark face, as if he had no more patience to explain.

But the other party was unreasonable and kept nagging: "Then tell me where this soup comes from?"

At this time, Luo Huai said again: "I cooked this soup in the morning, when you haven't gotten up yet."

"You're still saying! How can you cook soup without tools? You still use the space in your backpack to hold firewood, right?" The man was angry when he heard that Luo Huai was still busy talking to the captain, so he immediately dismissed him It is also divided into related households.

Then Luo Huai took out a small hot pot-like stove from behind and placed it on the ground.

"You...I..." The man's sharp mouth suddenly stopped.

No, some people in the fantasy world can use special props to make their backpacks bigger. How can this person carry such a big thing in the mortal world?

It’s not that no one can really hold it, but for class people who are traveling, portable safes like backpacks must be used to store emergency resources. At the worst, they can also be used to store various consumables, plus some dry food and emergency medicine. , where would there be space to install such a boiler?

"Is there anything else you want to say?" The captain can still speak calmly now, which is completely the calmness accumulated over the years.

Who is still young and impulsive?

"Tch." The man ignored him and naturally lost the confidence to continue. He paced a few steps unwillingly, and finally glanced at Luo Huai and Hai Shi. From his eyes, he seemed to have discovered something. So he muttered as he walked, "It turns out they are two people without a rank..."

After saying this, he wanted to leave. These words were meant to scare others, but unexpectedly the captain stopped him. His tall figure looked down at him very oppressively.

"What do you want to do?"

"What I'm not doing is just to remind you, young man, to keep your mouth clean." The morning sun shone on the captain's face, illuminating his face like an unshakable statue.

"..." The man couldn't help but shrink his neck, because the energy fluctuations coming from the other person's body were much stronger than his.

One second he was discriminating against others, and the next second he became the suppressed party. He had to flee back to his small group in despair, and then kept talking to his companions.

No need to guess, just from their glances and unfriendly expressions on their faces from time to time, you can tell that they are quarreling with each other to ease their frustration after being defeated.

"No way, there are always a lot of people like this outside the college." Luo Huai put away the boiler, turned around and continued fishing.

Haishi finished the rice ball at this time, drank another gulp of fish soup, and was going to take the wooden bowl to wash before returning it to Luo Huai.

"It's okay, just give it to me." Luo Huai said nonchalantly and took it directly from his hand.

Hai Shi had nothing in his hands, so he simply sat down and continued what Luo Huai said before: "Actually, there are a lot of people like this in the college. It's just that there are people in the college who are in charge, so the gap between them is not that exaggerated."

He talks about this very calmly because he does not deny his ordinaryness and does not think it is a bad thing.

Ordinary people also have their own goals, and if they work hard for them throughout their lives until the end, that is enough.

"But to be honest..." Hai Shi glanced back to make sure that no one else would hear, then he sneaked over and said, "I feel that the level of those guys is not very good. If they were in the water, they might Not as good as me.”

Although Haishi didn't mean it very definitely, when he talked about being in the water, there was always a sense of confidence in his expression.

The water is different from the land. As a land creature, many abilities in the water are not instinctive. The gap between those with training and those without training will be huge. Although he is not a professional, he is also a quasi-professional and has his own abilities. With one or two skills, once mastered, the ability in the water is naturally not bad.

Even many quasi-professional intermediaries have limited skills and energy, so the skills they commonly use are much higher than those of some professionals.

Luo Huai said: "It goes without saying. Judging from the skin of those people, they don't look like people who often go out to work. They should be recent graduates in the past few years."

"Oh, then maybe they are my juniors...although they are probably not people who respect their seniors." Hai Shi shrugged and said helplessly.

The morning episode passed like this.

The captain said he could arrive at the base today, but he couldn't say exactly when. Even if there was no delay, it would probably be in the afternoon, because it would be almost noon just to arrive in Haikou.

The smell of river water mixed with earth is still very good, but as it gets closer to the coastline, the brackish sea breeze comes to the boat.

The captain and crew members closed their eyes and breathed in the friendly sea breath for a long time.

"so boring……"

Unfortunately, for people who have no feelings for the sea, this taste is a bit bad.

After the people in that team managed to finish breakfast, they basically spent the whole morning chatting and playing games.

In response to the needs of today's young people, there is quite a market for stand-alone and LAN online games on mobile phones, which are especially suitable for young professionals who are on missions and do not have access to the Internet for entertainment.

Merchants have even set up a dedicated network channel for this purpose to ensure the normal operation of the recharge function, but this network channel function only goes so far.

But there is always a time when you get tired of playing games. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What's more, this world is already very exciting, and the entertainment power of games and movies is actually very limited. After all, you can use your hands to create magic in reality, and the magic on the screen is attractive. Strength will naturally decrease.

So the bored team started walking around on the board. They also knew that their behavior in the morning was not welcomed by the crew, so they just walked on the bow of the ship to look at the scenery.

Luo Huai was still like a statue, holding a fishing rod and staring at the water. The sea was even more comfortable. He stared at Luo Huai fishing all morning.

"These two guys are really boring..." The bored team watched for a while. They originally wanted to see the scene of the fish taking the bait, but nothing happened.

In the end, Hai Shi, who had been staring at him for almost three hours, couldn't stand it any longer. He rubbed his sour eyes and said, "No wonder my dad wants me to learn fishing but not him. I have to starve to death to make money from this."

"Sorry, I wasn't talking bad about your job."

"It's okay, it's just fishing, that's it." Luo Huai smiled and flicked the fishing rod with his finger. The fishing rod trembled slightly, as if it had an extra layer of luster.

“Sometimes if you catch a big one, you’ll have a full day’s harvest.”

"Then are you planning to go fishing at the fishery base?" Hai Shi now thinks that Luo Huai's class should be fishing, which is barely a job for quasi-class people and ordinary people with low energy. Work.

Luo Huai laughed, "Actually, I still have certificates for ship repair and sailing, and I also have a chef certificate. It shouldn't be difficult to find a job."

"Wow." Hai Shi opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that the other person was a technical boss with so many certificates.

He is also good at sailing, but he is not very good at repairing ships and can only deal with simple problems.

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