I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1762 A research ship on a long voyage

【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

Luo Huai waved his hand and everyone got out of the way! He hasn't done the craft of ship repair for a long time...

For a moment, the shed was filled with fire.

"That one should be Luo Huai..."

Near noon, Hai Shi walked around the outer roundabout with the patrolling people. When he got off the island from the other end, he happened to see the movement in the boat repair shed. His good eyesight allowed him to see a group of people standing at the door of the shed.

"Hai Shi, the cafeteria is about to open, so don't stand there." The patrolman with him told him to leave.


The roundabout is not big, but it is not small either. It takes a whole morning to walk down. In the afternoon, they have to go back and walk again, and then hand over to the night shift.

On the first day of work, Haishi only had to follow the three seniors, and he didn't need to fill in the data sheet.

There are very few newcomers of his age in the base now, and the others are all veteran employees with experience and qualifications.

The old man still takes a lot of care of the newcomers. Working on the beach is risky. When encountering danger, he often relies on the people around him to help him. It is always good to be nice to others. Of course, the prerequisite is that the newcomers are not annoying.

Hai Shi's character is pretty good.

The food in the canteen is mostly fish and shrimp. The expensive seafood sold inland is the most common ingredient here, as well as vegetables. The canteen will give you a portion even if you don't get vegetables when you order.

The four of them took their plates and found a place to sit down casually. The place was still quite empty.

After that, we just chatted while eating.

Haishi was still worried about Uncle Zhang, so when he had time, he asked about what was going on at the beach these days.

When several old patrolmen heard Zhang Shouming's name, one of them seemed to recognize him, so they said: "Zhang Shouming, he is really hardworking. He dares to follow the official plan. No one else dares to take the follow-up mission. He dares."

Hai Shi's heart suddenly trembled, "Is this mission very dangerous?"

"Of course, when we went to the island in the morning, you also saw what was happening at the port. If fire reinforcements hadn't come from above, I guess that big guy would have climbed ashore to drag a few people down." The old patrolman said, " I heard from the person on duty at the lighthouse on the island that night that when he looked at it from such a height, the monster didn't even look small, but compared to the sea monster, the surrounding ships looked like toy ships."

After this person finished speaking, another person immediately continued: "It is said that the guys in the sea are big. Now that the energy has recovered, they are even bigger. We used to go fishing at the beach. Now when we come back and see each other, we are not as good as An Anxin can just be a patrolman here."

"Yes, if you want to go out on the sea, you must be at least a quasi-class person now, and you must have a good ship, otherwise the sea monster can overturn your ship at will."

The three people's words to each other made Hai Shi's heart become more and more uncertain.

Uncle Zhang didn't come back this morning. After a whole morning, he didn't see any ships entering the port. The only good thing was that there were no ships leaving the port. After all, if the rescue ship was dispatched, it would mean something had happened.

"Hey Haizi, if you are really worried about your uncle, after dinner, you can go to the office above and ask. It's impossible to make a phone call, but it should be okay if you know the next trip."

"Yeah." Upon hearing this, Hai Shi speeded up his eating speed, finished the meal hastily, put the bowls and chopsticks in the recycling area and left.

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【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

"Oh, this child is so filial, even his uncle would care about him so much..." Several old patrolmen couldn't help but sigh as they talked about this young man.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... In three steps, Haishi ran to the office of the Maritime Supervision Bureau, the official department under which his position of patrolman belonged.

After searching for a long time and bumping into several walls, he finally found the right place.

"Wait a moment, I'll show you." After showing his identification, the female salesperson behind the counter checked the flight status for him.

There were not many ships sailing today. Apart from a few fishing boats operating in the coastal area, the only ship heading to the farther sea was the research ship Zhang Shouming followed, which could be easily found.

"Currently, they are docked at an uninhabited island for a research operation that requires landing on the island. All communications are normal, so you don't have to worry too much." The salesperson usually receives the most consultation calls from family members of this kind. Occasionally, Hai Shi would come over directly like this, so after checking, she comforted her by saying, "Official research ships are all medium-sized ships with the highest configuration. They have the ability to sail independently and are equipped with a lot of armed firepower. Even if Monsters like those from the past few nights couldn't pose any threat."

But even with this comfort, Hai Shi was still a little worried.

He left the consultation office absentmindedly and met up with a few old patrolmen, preparing to start patrolling this afternoon.

The weather today is very good, except for a bit of moisture in the morning, it is sunny throughout the day.

But the sea is different from the land. The weather changes, along with the wind, come as soon as they come, and there is no preparation at all.

At this time, in the vast sea outside, a medium-sized ship more than 20 meters long was docked next to a small island. The hull was painted blue and white, and there was a halo of energy flowing on the surface.

Wang Shiwen stood on the bow of the ship, looking around the sea with a telescope.

Suddenly, he made a movement and locked his eyes in one direction, "Liu Jinqiang, go and put the ship into anti-rock mode!"

"Yes!" Liu Jinqiang, who was working behind him, immediately put down what he was doing and rushed into the cabin at the back.

Then Wang Shiwen immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, looked towards the island and said: "Xu Xiuxiu, where are you guys? Come back soon, UU reading www.uukanshu.net The heavy rain is coming!"

The girl's response immediately came back over the intercom: "Captain, we finally made a new discovery this time! We must collect it...otherwise the rain will wash away the traces of these monsters."

"That won't work, come back right away!" Wang Shiwen looked at the direction of the heavy rain again. The sky over there was already covered in darkness, and the rain poured down from the sky to form a huge water curtain. "You only have five minutes at most!"

"But captain, we have returned without success three times." Xu Xiuxiu was very unwilling.

"Safety first! Come back quickly." Wang Shiwen didn't give any room for negotiation. In fact, it was the same the previous few times. "This island is too small. After the heavy rain, the waves will completely flood it!"

"Yes!" Although Xu Xiuxiu resolutely obeyed the order, she could still feel a little disappointed.

There was no choice but to return without success several times... Every time we went out to sea, there were potential risks for everyone on the ship, but this time we finally found traces of the monster before the heavy rain came.

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【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

Even if it's just a little bit close, no one would be willing to accept it.

After struggling internally for a while, she suddenly turned around and said to her entourage, "You go first. I'll take two photos and leave immediately."

The top priority was to keep some information. She picked up the camera hanging on her chest and took a few pictures, and then ran to the surrounding stones and plants to take a few pictures... Time was getting tighter and tighter.

"Xiuxiu! It's time to go!"

"Here it comes!" She also knew she couldn't delay it any longer and turned back immediately.

Everyone rushed towards the shore.

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