I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1767 Found the research ship

The storm was getting bigger and bigger, showing no signs of the past. The waves on the sea were getting higher and higher, pushing the ship up several meters and then falling back down.

Even if the ship has a horizontal stabilizer, it cannot offset this vertical drop. If the people in the cabin do not hold on to the handrails tightly, they will end up like clothes in a washing machine.

"Captain! We have run out of energy!" Liu Jinqiang shouted as he drove the ship into the offshore area.

Along the way, although they survived the thunderstorm element attack in the far sea, the cost was also huge. The ship's navigation energy was running low. The last few percent of the energy must be used to maintain the operation of other facilities on the ship, otherwise all Everyone has to fall into darkness, and that's the worst thing.

At this time, the cockpit was already in chaos. The hull display also showed that there was a dent and deformation at the bottom of the outer hull. It should have been caused by the previous collision with the reef on the island. It was the deformation there that caused several energy pipelines to be blocked. The efficiency of energy transmission is reduced, resulting in more energy being consumed when subsequent lightning strikes occur.

Now the research ship has to reduce engine efficiency and only maintain the lowest power to stabilize the ship's position in the waves and prevent it from drifting further away.

Reluctantly, he operated the joystick a few more times, but the energy depletion alarm was still there. Liu Jinqiang had no choice but to loosen his hands and lean on the driver's seat helplessly, grabbing the armrest to steady himself.

At this time, Wang Shiwen put down the communicator and said: "I have sent a distress signal, and the other end shows that it has been received. A ship will come to pick us up soon."

"But captain, do you still remember what happened a few days ago? Monsters attacked and damaged several rescue ships." Liu Jinqiang was not optimistic.

"If that's the case, we can only seal the cabin and wait for the heavy rain to pass." Wang Shiwen glanced at the energy indicator on the console and saw that there was still 6% left.

"The remaining energy can maintain the status quo for more than ten hours."

"It is true if you are lucky." Liu Jinqiang added.

"Can't you say something nice?" Wang Shiwen was helpless.

But Liu Jinqiang said: "There is no way, I am more realistic."

"Indeed, you have been like this before."

Wang Shiwen and Liu Jinqiang are old colleagues, and everyone else in the team is relatively young, so when there are only two of them, they don't have the air of seniors.

Although I am joking now just to lighten the mood and not make people too depressed.

Due to the gradual reduction of energy, the lighting inside the ship seemed to be dimmed, and it flickered on and off as the ship's hull swayed up and down.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect.

The silent atmosphere was a bit stuffy. The waves hit the boat, constantly submerging the glass, cutting off the outside world, making the space inside the boat very narrow and depressing, and even the slightly better mood was immobilized.

The same goes for the people in the cabin on the next floor. From the initial chattering and joking, they became silent. Except for the sound of individual vomiting, there was only the sound of small objects falling and bumping on the ground.

The only good thing is that the thunderstorm clouds in the offshore area are not so big that more thunderstorm elements appear.

Wow...! ! Another wave passed by.

"How far are we from the location where the first distress signal was sent?" Yan Yonghe kept observing the surrounding sea through the periscope, but he never saw the light of the ship.

This is not good news.

"It has entered the range of short-range radar." Xu Yaqiu said.

"But it didn't show up on the radar." Yan Yonghe thought for a few seconds, "Maybe the energy was exhausted and the position shifted a little with the waves."

But the "some" we talk about is far from reality.

Optimistically, there is still energy left, and the engine can stabilize the position and not drift far. If it is troublesome, the energy is exhausted, and a wave with such strong winds and waves can push the boat dozens of meters.

The rescue boat has enough energy, so it is not a problem to circle around in the offshore waters all day long, especially in this environment.

"Look for it. We've already come here. If we go back without rescuing anyone, wouldn't it be a waste of risk?" Luo Huai, who was sitting at the rear window of the cockpit, noticed that the two men were looking at each other and said.

They were just worried that he would not be happy with the additional personnel. After all, in this situation, they should have returned home after a simple search at most. Staying for a long time was not good for anyone.

"Thank you." After receiving Luo Huai's permission, Yan Yong and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

What we fear most at this time is disagreement.

So the rescue boat started searching along the undulating waves. This was the direction of the wind and the direction of deviation.

"..." Luo Huai leaned against the back window and looked outside.

The dark world that others cannot see clearly is somewhat "bright" in his eyes. The dark waves appear transparent, and he is able to see some things.

The fish in the sea are rolled up, thrown into the air and then fall down. Some fish are brave and skillful. They chase the small fish to the top of the waves and swallow them in one bite. There are many under the sea that others only see danger. Something novel.

However, deeper under the water that even Luo Huai didn't see, a black shadow no smaller than the hull of the ship was quietly lurking...

Half an hour passed.

The rescue ship followed the waves looking for the research ship, UU Reading www. uusu. net Yan Yonghe continued to observe the water surface, while Xu Yaqiu stared at the radar signal.

On the contrary, Luo Huai became the most leisurely one.

So he climbed to the lower cabin, where the space was much more spacious, and the other two people ignored him.

Hiss! Another flash of lightning flashed across the sky, farther away.

"Thunderstorm element?" Yan Yonghe turned the periscope and looked at the sky where lightning flashed, which happened to be in the direction they were looking for.

Could it be?

Thunderstorm elements will not attack for no reason unless there is a target, and monsters in the sea generally will not come out of the water in this kind of weather. Even if they are exposed and are not large enough, they will not be targeted. In this way, only those that attract elemental attacks will Maybe a research ship!

"Xu Yaqiu, let's go over there!" Yan Yonghe pointed in the direction excitedly, Xu Yaqiu nodded silently, turned to sail and increased the engine power.

The heavy rescue boat hit several waves, smashing them into pieces.

At this time, the waves and sea breeze were no longer as fierce as before, and the rain curtain was not so dense. The conditions on the sea surface were gradually able to be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"It's the captain and the others! I saw the ship!" Yan Yonghe suddenly shouted excitedly. He saw a light in the distance and a striking orange distress light, which meant that the ship's energy was exhausted and it was a research ship.

He immediately turned on the searchlight on the top of the boat and shined it over there, trying to attract the attention of the people on the other side.

"It's strange, why didn't the captain respond with their lights flashing? Did they not see the lights on our side?" Yan Yonghe wondered, "That shouldn't be the case. Something happened."

Thinking like this, he quickly asked Xu Yaqiu to drive the boat over.

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