"Yonghe, you don't know what happened yet, don't go in rashly." Xu Yaqiu saw his actions from the opposite side and quickly said through the intercom.

"It's okay. I have to confirm the safety of the captain and his crew. If someone is missing, we can't just leave." Yan Yonghe said, having already entered the cockpit.

The cockpit was a mess, but there was no trace of blood, which at least meant that nothing bad happened here.

The door into the lower cabin was locked, as if to prevent seawater from pouring in... Only then did he realize that the glass in the cockpit was broken, and there was a layer of water on the floor inside.

The cockpit had been attacked and the control consoles were all out of action.

"No wonder there was no response to the ship's radio call just now." Yan Yonghe was hesitant to open the door of the inner cabin. The situation on the sea is not yet stable, and opening it will cause seawater to pour in.

In desperation, he had no choice but to return to the rescue boat first and wait until he returned to stable enough waters before making any plans.

But when he returned to the cockpit of the rescue ship, he happened to hear Luo Huai say: "There is bad news. The center of the abnormal heavy rain is staying along the coast. If we go back now, we may have to face more dangerous sea conditions. .”

"Are there any islands in the offshore area where we can dock?" He stepped forward, flipped through the navigation manual, and checked to see if there were any islands nearby that could be temporarily docked.

"There is one." Luo Huai said, and he had also scanned the manual. "But in that case, we have to drive a little distance to the outer sea."

"As long as the sea conditions are stable, the energy of the rescue ship is completely sufficient, so don't worry." Yan Yonghe happened to see this island in the manual and immediately decided to go here, "There should be no big waves here."

"Then let's go over there." Luo Huai turned to sail the boat.

The temporary enchantment on the hull has been cancelled. After all, he is just a clone, and his energy usage is very limited and cannot last long.

Fortunately, the rope of the tugboat was very stable, and the two ships drove away without any accidents.

On the way, Yan Yonghe tried to call the captain and the others using the beeper, but it was useless. The research ship's signal reception seemed to be completely broken.

It was obvious that both groups of people had converged, but the other party was completely unaware of their arrival.

The island recorded in the manual is very small, much smaller than the outer island of the harbor. The island lacks supplies and is not even enough for one person to survive, but it is a rare island with a large coastline. , allowing ships to dock near the shore.

To put it bluntly, this kind of island is the tip of a mountain in the underwater terrain, just above the water, forming a stone island. There are no trees on the island, only some weeds and moss. It is a perfect resting stop for sea birds.

When the two ships arrived here, there was no heavy rain here, the sky was a bit gloomy, the rain was sparse, and there was no strong wind.

The ship is anchored here very securely.

Yan Yonghe planned to go on the research ship again, and this time Xu Yaqiu also went with him.

"Captain! Captain!" They shouted twice before opening the door, but there was still no response.

"Just open it." Yan Yonghe squatted down and put his hand on the door handle, while Xu Yaqiu stood guard.

Squeak~ The door opened, and it was dark inside - now it seemed that the ship really seemed to have been abandoned.

"Huh?" Luo Huai, who had parked the boat, went outside. He looked at the water and his eyes moved.

The outline of the research ship under the water seemed wrong. It didn't have the curve of the hull. Instead, it was a bit swollen, as if something was attached to it.

Without saying anything, he took out the trident first.

He had studied with Destiny two days ago, and found that the buff in the field of spawning monsters with weapons can actually be switched on and off freely. After all, he has recovered his memory now, and no longer needs to rely on this to provide himself with resources and training in the early stage.

Of course, this ability is still very strong even in the later stages, but it is too strong, so it is better to keep it closed at ordinary times.

Phew~ It feels so good to be able to use weapons freely. Why didn't you ask fate earlier? That guy didn't take the initiative to talk to him. It's true.

Let’s go back to the bottom of the research ship.

The swelling turned out not to be a dead thing. He directly chose to throw the trident. The enchantments were piercing and loyalty, and there was no lightning.

If a thunder were triggered from this angle, the entire ship would suffer.

The metal pierced the air and made a crisp sound. It was submerged in the water and hit accurately.

The target struggled and was no longer attached to the bottom of the boat. The swollen outline separated and turned out to be fluttering tentacles. Now Luo Huai could see clearly, it turned out to be a big octopus!

The trident pierced one of its tentacles, and brought the tip of the tentacle up when it flew back. Unfortunately, it was not inserted firmly, and the tentacle retracted into the water.

This octopus is so big. Although its body and head are only as big as a human being, its eight tentacles are surprisingly thick, as thick as thighs, and very long. When entangled, they can occupy the entire bottom of the research vessel.

At this time, there were sounds of fighting inside the research ship.

"Xiuxiu! It's me!" Yan Yonghe didn't expect to go there by himself, UU reading www. uukanshu.net was attacked by its own teammates.

Fortunately, Xu Xiuxiu seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness, and her random attacks, even punches and kicks, did not use energy, so it made people feel weak.

The girl suddenly pounced on her, leaving Yan Yong and the old man in a bit of a hurry. They didn't know where to press their hands, and suddenly they were at a disadvantage.

Xu Yaqiu heard the noise and came down quickly. Finally, the two of them pressed the girl's head to subdue her.

"She seems to have fallen into some kind of hallucination." Yan Yonghe wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He seemed to have accidentally pressed something soft just now. He hoped that the girl would not remember her sin after she woke up.

He turned on the flashlight and took a brief look, "Everyone is here, but they are all unconscious."

Xu Yaqiu found her captain, patted him, looked back at him and shook her head, "I can't wake him up."

"Then let's carry everyone to the rescue boat first."


So the two of them cooperated and moved the unconscious people to the upper cockpit one by one.

In order to prevent Xu Xiuxiu from happening again, they tied up the girl. As expected, the girl was the most restless when she was dragged up.

"Sin, sin, sin..." Yan Yonghe prayed again.

After everyone moved up, they had to find a way to carry them over, and Luo Huai had to come and help.

As a result, as soon as they went out, they saw Luo Huai holding a large octopus by its legs and dragging it to the boat. It seemed that it was already dead.

Seeing their confusion, Luo Huai said hello, "Hey! You guys came out just in time, tonight's dinner is in order."

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