I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1777 Hallucination

The scent is so attractive that people unconsciously take a few steps forward.

If anyone were here alone, he might have started eating unconsciously, completely following biological instincts.

But when several people moved forward at the same time, they noticed each other and came back in surprise at the same time.

Then, before he could say anything, the fragrance in his nose suddenly turned into a stench, and a strong sense of nausea filled everyone's heart.

The food is rotten, but it is not the kind of dry rot that has gone through for many years. It is rotten like the past few days, mixed with smelly water and mold. This is when the stench is the strongest.

They realized that they had always smelled the rotten smell, but it was just covered up by a stronger "scent".

Even now, they can still vaguely feel the "smell", but they are standing too close, and the rotten smell constantly impacts their sense of smell, which reminds them that they have not fallen into the desire to eat.

This was not an illusion that tampered with one's mind, but a burst of desire driven by the extreme hunger in the stomach.

Yes, the smell is fake, but the hunger is real.

This is not good news.

The few people whose sense of smell has not failed can feel that the smell is still strengthening. Although it is no longer attracting them, it seems to be attracting something else.

It was the boat passengers who were supposed to be attracted, but now that the entire ship was empty, what would be attracted?

Tick ​​tick tick... The clock located directly in front of the hall was spinning, and the three hands were getting closer and closer, and finally they all overlapped vertically on the scale directly above.


Noon has arrived, and then there is a rapid ringing, sudden and noisy... This is no longer like a bell to entertain distinguished guests, but more like a summons.

In the quiet atmosphere, there was the sound of the door lock being unlocked, followed by footsteps, dense footsteps... coming from the corridor outside.

"Get ready to fight." Everyone raised their weapons nervously.

But suddenly a female voice came from behind the ear:

【Run! 】

The voice has a magical power that makes people naturally follow it, without any courage to fight against the monster in their hearts.

Although they turned around and saw the rotten meat on the table, they still noticed that there was a door opened on the side behind it, and behind it was an upward staircase leading to the captain's cockpit on the upper level.

The dense footsteps almost rushed out of the hall, and there was no time to hesitate. The number did not sound like eight or nine people could handle it.

"Let's go!" Wang Shiwen immediately asked everyone to go up, and he closed the door behind him.

At the last moment when he closed the door, he saw a large group of black figures rushing into the hall through the gap. It was a bit far away, and he could barely see the shape of someone. With crazy mobility, even if he fell to the ground, he quickly used his limbs to crawl over. The originally tidy hall was suddenly turned into a mess by the twisted crowd.

Snapped! The door is closed and the valve-like door lock is screwed on.

The last scene was of a crowd of people pounced on a pile of rotting meat. Although the rotten meat was more rotten, they still stuffed it into their mouths as delicacies.

"Captain, are you okay?" The person who walked up the stairs in front turned around and found that Wang Shiwen was still looking outside through the glass on the door.

"It's okay." Wang Shiwen turned around, a little disgusted.

The door blocked out the strange aroma, which made the rotten meat look even more disgusting, and it was even more disgusting to watch others eat it.

The group of people quickly left here and went to the upper level.

As expected, those twisted people all came out of rooms with locked doors.

I hope there can be some progress on the upper level, otherwise it would be a headache just to come back and face these guys who are eating rotten meat and smelling so bad.

"The captain must have some clue about the ship's loss. Let's go to the captain's cabin to have a look."

Everything that happens below is a reflection of what happened after the ship was lost, but exactly why the ship was lost is not yet known.

"It would be fine if the reason for getting lost is to seek money and kill people, then we can just deal with a boss."

But if they encounter some unknown event, it will be more troublesome to break this secret realm - they may have to be in the same predicament as the captain at the time, and then find a way to leave the lost sea before they can leave.

The space on the second floor is much smaller. Apart from the pilothouse, there is only a lounge for the captain and deputy captain. The doors of the two lounges are open. Just looking at it from the outside, there is nothing unusual.

So a few people went directly into the cab. There was a small plate of meat on the cab, and the smell was also very bad.

Fortunately, there is a captain's diary also placed beside the plate.

Xu Xiuxiu pinched her nose and brought the book over. There seemed to be a little smelly water splashed on the book.


This is a bit difficult to start with. If it weren't for getting out of trouble as soon as possible... well, I might as well take a few more showers after I go back to comfort myself here.

[Today is still a calm day, the weather is so sunny, no matter it is day or night, the fuel reserve is sufficient, the food reserve is sufficient, everything is proceeding according to the scheduled itinerary, I believe we will reach the destination soon, oh~ then It’s really desirable. 】

Listening to the content of the diary, feeling the relaxed and humorous atmosphere in the words, it was as if I could suddenly see through the glass in front of me the calm sea outside under the sun. Everything was so beautiful and calm, as if the tragedies that happened below did not exist at all. . UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Is this paragraph talking about the past few days?

Look at the date in the lower right corner, it's not.

Comparing the diary written by the woman, this diary was definitely written after the accident.

"Is this all a conspiracy led by the captain?"

If the ship in the story did not encounter any unknown force, then everything it will face next will become clear.

Behind the back, the door handle of the captain's cabin was suddenly twisted from the outside. Everyone immediately turned around and pointed their weapons at the door.

Through the glass on the door, a vague outline can be seen, and it seems that voices can be heard.

"Captain, we need to talk..."

The words were not spoken in a low voice, as if they were suppressing another meaning.

Just when several people didn't know how to respond, the diary in Xu Xiuxiu's hand seemed to be blown by the wind. The pages were turned over for several days, and then stopped at the new content.


Another blank page, just after the one with written content.

At this moment, the door handle turned completely, and with a click, the door opened.

"What?" Wang Shiwen felt that his five senses had been blinded. When he came to his senses, he found himself sitting on the main seat of the captain's cabin, with a diary and a plate of fresh barbecue in front of him.

He sat on the chair in a very comfortable posture, admiring the sea view in front of him.

All the teammates around him disappeared, but the sound of the door opening behind him did not stop, and was continuous with the sound just now.

Then there was another sound behind me...

"Captain, we need to talk..."

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