"..." There were many unknown movements coming from outside and under the floor, and many things seemed to be coming up here.

Is this the response? It's pretty good. It's so enjoyable to open up and fight. It's so torturous if you insist on it.

Luo Huai moved his neck slightly and said, "Little Alice, the God of Death is wearing a suit."


Wow, he was wearing a black modern-style armor robe, with a special outfit underneath, and two spare guns that could be filled at any time also appeared on his waist.

It was rare that the equipment used in role-playing games was brought out again. Sufficient firepower was always suitable for such terrifying scenes.

The monster outside finally rushed to the door, poof! Bangs hit the door, countless palms scratched the glass and iron plates, and only many looming dark outlines could be seen on the other side.

The terrifying impact of this scene is very strong, but when the grenade appears here, no scene has the impact as much as the explosion that will happen next.

Ding Ding Dangdang ~ Luo Huai took the energy grenade on the tool belt, and then pressed the switch to throw it at the door, and then walked to the door.

boom! The energy fire swallowed up Luo Huai and the door at the same time. The impact blew the door panel and the monster behind it away, and then Luo Huai walked out of the fire.

"Hmm~ The armor is mixed with vibranium alloy, so it's very useful."

The explosion even recharged the armor, which energy can be replenished into another energy grenade on the tool belt.

There were still many monsters on the corridor, and they were still getting up, but they were all killed one by one by Luo Huai who was walking by.

There are still a lot of monsters down there, and with so many guest rooms, the number is indispensable... In short, I walked all the way, using guns when I was small, and thunder when I was big. The entire second-floor cabin was riddled with holes in the gunfire and thunder. .

Well, after the search, there is nothing to find on the second floor, because the second floor is already gone in the physical sense.

It's too much. Even if it's cheating to clear the dungeon, it still destroys the scene and doesn't even follow the plot line.

But it’s not really a game, right?

So Luo Huai blasted a few more thunderbolts through the floor and jumped down from the hole, just in time to return to the lobby on the first floor.

The monsters gathered here have been blown into a blur by just a few grenades.

If the bottom ship plate was not made of steel, these mines could probably explode further down.

The remaining monsters became even more violent.

"Come on, come on, there's no limit to the pills, just come."

"Captain, there is not enough meat. Many people say they are very hungry." The vice-captain came to the captain's cabin again and repeated the same question that he had repeated countless times.

"Eat the rest of the meat first..." The captain's answer was also the same.

"Yes..." The vice-captain turned around mechanically, as if he was just completing a fixed process every time he came.

The scene came to the corridor outside, which was very quiet... From time to time, the sounds of people communicating in the crew lounge nearby could be heard, but most of them were curses.

The deputy captain has long been used to this. He still has to make the next work arrangements and urge the ship's chef to cook quickly.

He walked down to the lobby on the first floor, where the fat chef was chopping today's lunch.

He does not prepare food in the kitchen, but directly prepares the ingredients in the dining area. The very fresh meat is easily chopped into foam in his hands, and the bones are also chopped inside.

The chef greedily picked up a few small pieces and stuffed them into his mouth.

The vice-captain didn't scold him for this, as this was the prerogative of the ship's cook, but he still frowned due to the current food shortage.

"Lunch time is almost here, be on time."

"Copy that." The cook replied impatiently.

He knew that he was the only person still working on the ship. The captain knew it and the deputy captain knew it too!

So he was also the only person besides these two people who knew that there was not much meat on the ship. The others were just huddled in the room.

After the vice-captain left, he muttered: "The New World...the bullshit New World. When the meat is gone, everyone will die."

He seemed to be talking nonsense, mumbling, but his hands kept moving, as if the person speaking and the person doing the work were two different people.

He stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, as if to gag himself.

What's the use of knowing? Compared with others, he is now the best-paid person on the ship - just because he can take two more bites while preparing the ingredients.

The fresh and tender meat slides into the mouth. For ordinary people, the flesh and blood full of fishy smell can bring great satisfaction to the brain.

The cook stopped complaining, his expression became numb again, and just like the captain and deputy captain, he mechanically repeated his work.

On the other side, the deputy captain finished his daily work and returned to his room.

Life on the ship was boring. Apart from sleeping, he could only sit in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, he saw a skinny face. Although he was not skinny, he was definitely not healthy either.

It's just that in these days, everyone has long been accustomed to this look. Even the strongest sailors have this look, it's just a little bigger and a little bigger.

Obviously everyone eats meat...probably because of the lack of vegetables and many necessary nutrients.

This is a good reason to comfort myself. In fact, with such a big ship in such a state, the sailors should have revolted long ago. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

But no one took action. Even the group of boat passengers who were very arrogant at the beginning were now huddled in their rooms.

Oh...yes, they are boat passengers, but there are not many boat passengers now.

Like the deputy captain, there is no one on this cruise ship who is not confused and full of numbness.

Only when the clock rang at noon did Wu Shen's eyes burst with energy, but unfortunately it was just a kind of wildness.

"Captain, this is today's lunch." The bloated cook was carrying a small plate, and the meat in it was no bigger than a few fingers.

After he distributed the meat to all the crew members, he rang the dinner bell, and then he walked away again carrying a plate - this time he was walking down, where the food was stored under the ship's planks.

Normally, no one would stay down there, but the cook was convinced, or perhaps there was such a routine in his mechanical behavior every day.

And this item has a very high priority.

He carried the plate all the way down without turning on the light in the corridor. He was very familiar with the road here.

At the end, the corridor below was dark and nothing could be seen. The cook stopped walking forward, placed the plates on the floor, and then turned around and left.

The door at the stairway slowly closed, and everything fell silent.


The doors on both sides of the dark corridor were slowly pushed open, and shadows with unclear outlines crawled out along the floor, reaching towards the plate on the ground that was larger than any of the crew members...


"Humph~" Luo Huai, who kicked open the iron door at the stairway, smiled and walked down.

"Got you."

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