I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1800 A good thing

"You are just too honest." Luo Huai did not expect that this was the reason why he was squeezed out.

You said that if the instructors were on the same team as them, it would be okay for you to be squeezed out. But in the end, the instructors eliminated you without knowing anything about it. You are really frustrated.

"I'd better wait for the next recruitment period before participating." Hai Shi comforted himself, "Anyway, the next recruitment period will be in a month."

"You are just confused." Luo Huai reminded him mercilessly, "Why do you think your parents asked you to come here early? Isn't it just to let you catch up with the opportunity to be approved in advance? One month later, At first glance, that time is the period when the seaport is officially opened, and a large number of people will come in by then. Do you know how fierce the competition will be?"

"And there's one more thing." Ye Kuang also said, "You, the first batch of suitable people, have a natural advantage at the starting point. Now that you have joined, you may be the leader of the second batch of people, and after that, you will be the leader." , we can only start from the most basic team members. Even though the gap in starting point is only one month in seniority, it will have a big impact later on."

"What's more important is that after a month, more bottom-level people will take the initiative to downgrade to compete for this position. If you think about it then, the competition will be at least several times more intense than it is now." Luo Huai continued. Last hit.

"Then... what should I do?" Hai Shi felt more and more uncomfortable as he listened. It wasn't that he didn't understand these things at all, but he just didn't want to face them and didn't know how to deal with them.

His parents spent more than a year teaching him the skills, but they did not teach him how to deal with these guys who cheated and went astray.

After all, he is just a young boy who has just graduated and has little social experience.

"You must be lucky enough to meet both of us here." Luo Huai saw that he was about to collapse and said, "The results of the inquiry are out, and the professional certificates of those five guys are still there. "

"That's easy to handle." Ye Feng snapped his fingers, "I can contact the Security Department to report it directly."

"Then what if they have connections with the security department..." Hai Shi was alone and still worried a lot.

"Don't worry, the Security Department is a department under the supervision of the Cross Will. If you do something that is not good or bad, and the internal staff will show a bright health bar every minute, that kind of guy will not be able to protect himself."

It is precisely because of the existence of such an absolute force that stands on the side of justice that the human race can form a unified situation. At this point, the human race in the mortal world has surpassed at least 90% of the human races in other worlds in the process of civilization. At least thousands of years ahead.

"But I have been eliminated and there is no place to sign up if I want to go back."

"This is not a big problem." Ye Feng said, "I have been cooperating with the military recently, and those who are suitable for armor can be considered a branch of the military. I can just talk to the people there about this situation. "

"Okay, the problem is solved perfectly." Luo Huai clapped his hands and announced that today was still a happy day.

Only Hai Shi opened his mouth wide, looking in disbelief.

He only thought that Luo Huai was not simple, but he didn't know that it was not that simple. And this person who looked a few years older than him but was very familiar with him was actually a big shot and even cooperated with the government.

Suddenly, his nervousness returned, and he felt as uncomfortable as standing among a group of professional people.

Fortunately, in the subsequent interactions, the other two seemed to be different from other professionals, not at all domineering.

This is actually a matter of the level of some professionals. They will overflow some energy unconsciously. Classes with this level of powerful energy don't care. Ordinary people can't feel it. Only quasi-class people can feel it. Being crushed.

In short, Hai Shi suddenly felt that he was so lucky, and his mood finally became more relaxed.

After eating, Luo Huai and Hai Shi made an appointment to go to the sea training ground tomorrow. The first day of the three-day training camp officially starts tomorrow. As long as Hai Shi can go back tomorrow, there is no need to worry about how far the progress will fall.

"I'm leaving first. I'll go back and talk about this matter tonight. It should be settled tomorrow morning." Ye Feng had some work to deal with in the evening, so he left first.

"Well, thank you, thank you." These two words were probably the words Hai Shi said the most from just now until now.

"Okay, go back and have a good rest today." Luo Huai patted him on the shoulder, "If you don't get enough rest and your performance will be poor tomorrow, then there's nothing we can do."

"Yes." Hai Shi nodded heavily and left immediately, going back to sleep now.

Opportunities that are lost and found must not be ignored.

"Oh, it really feels good to be a good person and do good deeds." Luo Huai was in the same happy mood and immediately decided not to go back to sleep tonight and just go shopping at the beach!

"Ah——! Master, how could you do this?" As soon as this thought came out, little Alice was the first to become unhappy.

Well, this is also one of the reasons why I won’t go back to sleep tonight.

God knows what crazy things little Alice did while he was sleeping. Even if it was just one little Alice, he actually saw three of them this morning. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net He didn’t dare to think about it. What happened last night.

It must be very exciting, or even crazy.

No matter what little Alice was screaming in her head, Luo Huai just wanted to wander around on the street.

When there is no storm, the quiet harbor is still very comfortable with a slight sea breeze.

The current number of residents in the harbor is not enough to support a lively night market, but there are still many people in the barbecue restaurants on the street.

Most people who have just moved here choose to have their first dinner at the seaside to formally say hello to seaside life.

"Boss, help me grill this fish." Luo Huai walked to a barbecue restaurant at the end of the street closest to the harbor and took out a fish he caught in the morning.

A blue swordfish has a slender body of more than 40 centimeters, a pointed head, a straight back and a protruding abdomen, and blue scales. It is as slender as a knife, so it is called blue swordfish.

It's not a rare sea fish, but the Luohuai fish is fresh. Not many fish can be found in stores that are so fresh, and this fish is very suitable for barbecue.

"Hey! This fish is pretty good." The boss is quite old. He is also a veteran at the beach. When he saw the fish that Luo Huai brought over, his eyes lit up. After charging some processing fees and charcoal grilling fees, three skewers of delicious charcoal-grilled fish fillets are served.

The boss was in a good mood just after the opening and even gave me two bottles of cold drinks.

"Thank you." Luo Huai accepted happily and ordered a few more skewers cooked by the boss.

We don’t take advantage of others either.

Then he drank a drink while admiring the night view of the harbor.

Compared to the other people who were in groups, he looked so alone at first glance as if he was drinking.

Because of this, a person walked towards him.

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