"How big is a Titan?"

This proposition is what researchers of the Monarch Project have been studying for many years, not only its size, but also its scope of influence.

Individual monsters of this type and even their related groups can allow the official to form an organization to deal with them, not just because they are larger monsters.

And unlike the various monsters that have appeared before, most of those are special individuals originating from underground churches and locations. They are not harmful for a long time and can only be dealt with on the spot.

But Titans not only have the strength of previous monsters, but also have the same regenerative nature as most monster groups. This is destined to be the long-term survival competitor of the human race in the future.

Ye Feng was still thinking in the research room tonight. The failure of the first contact meant that several previous plans had to be overturned and redone, and he had to work overtime.

At the same time, Luo Huai's strange appearance also made him feel very uneasy. He thought that if he could make better weapons, then the results he guessed would not happen.

He knew that there were many things he didn't know. The two brothers who grew up together had many secrets, and his talent, which ordinary people thought was extremely powerful, was still left behind in front of the two of them.

Qinglin has glimpsed a corner of the vast and infinite world, so he is more calm than Ye Feng, but Ye Feng is still in this world from beginning to end. Even if he has experienced the illusion world and understood the possibility of ascension, for him It's still very far away.

The three brothers kept talking about going to find the old man, but in fact he was the only one who had no clue.

Therefore, what the other two people saw as a temporary separation seemed to him like a separation of life and death, or in other words, a separation of life and death.

Just like the old man before.

"Alas..." With a depressed mood, Ye Feng could only return his attention to the experiment.

According to the current research on Imperial Titans from various places, it has been basically determined that their influence reaches the level of "natural disasters", such as heavy rains, landslides, hurricanes, tsunamis...

It sounds scary, but in the long run, these can be dealt with. However, the official situation is very awkward now. In addition to dealing with external threats and internal strife at the same time, they also have to coordinate the order between the two.

Those organizations that initiated chaos began to counterattack regardless of the cost after anticipating the failure of their plans. At the same time, they created panic and plunged the situation into turmoil.

Therefore, the timing of the announcement of the Imperial Titan must be after the first Imperial Titan is captured, otherwise empty-handed will not be enough to calm the panic.

For this reason, Ye Kuang contacted the teachers in the west overnight, hoping to get some technical support. However, there is currently too little data on Emperor Titan, and some aspects even exceed the existing scope of academia. If such conditions are needed, Targeting is difficult and difficult.

With no other choice, Ye Kuang had no choice but to look for clues in the official internal database, which contained records from various copies. There were all kinds of wonders in the world, and there were always situations similar to the mortal world.

"Dingling bell~"

Today's hotel is still doing a booming business, but compared to some time ago, there are more people here today, and there are no longer only professional people, but also many quasi-professional people and ordinary people - they all have a common idea of ​​ordering food. The specialty is to order dishes that are not expensive but have generous portions.

Although the portions of the dishes in the hotel are quite sufficient, there are always a few items that are particularly high-quality and cheap. This makes Shi Ji and Tu Yuling busy. Not only is there more food, but it is also heavier.

Even Luo Xiaohuai in the kitchen was a little busy now. He had to urgently ask Little Alice to borrow a few "people", otherwise he would be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, many people took take away food, otherwise there would be no room to sit in the hotel.

"Master! Why don't you help me while you're sitting here? I'm almost dislocated from exhaustion!" Tu Yuling, who finally had a moment of free time, immediately jumped behind the counter and tried to pull up Luo Huai who was looking at his cell phone.

This guy finally came here every day, and ended up sitting here.

"I'm not done yet. Please sit down and rest for a while."

"But Master, what you do is your position. Should I sit on your lap?"


"Okay." Tu Yuling glanced at Luo Huai's legs, looked away a little hesitantly and guiltily, and finally made a chair for guests to sit on.

This chair was also moved out just now due to too many people.

After sitting down next to Luo Huai, Tu Yuling relaxed and threw himself on the table and said: "Master, I saw in the news that many companies were ordered to close down in the past few days, and many people lost their jobs. .”

"Actually, it's just a temporary stay at home."

"Then why is everyone on the Internet saying that I was laid off for no reason?"

"It's just a rumor, the cost is not high."

"Oh~" Tu Yuling tapped his chin on his arm and said happily, "Fortunately, I was wise enough to hug Master's thigh, otherwise I might have been suspended from work now."

"Indeed, you can go home now."

"Ah???" Tu Yuling was furious. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"I'm just kidding you." Luo Huai laughed, but found that the girl looked at him angrily, her eyes holding back as if she was about to cry.

"Master, this is not funny at all."

"I apologize, but I do have to give you a few days off in the next two days."

"Ah? Why on earth? Isn't the business of our hotel very good?"

"I know that, but it's some problems on my side."

"What's the problem?" Tu Yuling asked immediately.

"It's nothing. It's my own problem. It's something I'm not sure about."

Luo Huai doesn't know if this hotel can continue to operate in the mortal world if he is kicked out of the world consciousness.

If not, then he will ask Sister Wutong to arrange a new job for the girl. After all, it is a master-disciple relationship, and there must always be a way out for others.

Sigh... This matter should have been discussed just now. Who knew that this girl would react so violently that Luo Huai even subconsciously changed his mind.

"Master, what is the problem?" The more Luo Huai looked thoughtful, the more Tu Yuling pursued him and asked.

"Hmm..." Luo Huai thought for a while and said, "I may have to renovate the hotel during this period, and it may be closed for a while."

"Really?" Tu Yuling stared at Luo Huai's eyes suspiciously, staring so hard that Luo Huai didn't dare to look at her anymore.

She said: "Master, I have known what adults look like when they lie since I was very young."

When she was very young, her old bastard father lied to her mother, and she saw it. Later, her mother didn't want to make her sad, so she also lied to her, and she saw it.

"So Master, you are lying, right?"

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