I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 19 Luo·Kobold·Huai

The remaining five days of life were uneventful.

The only thing Luo Huai cared about was the body of the player He Ye.

After searching for several days, he finally found the answer in a similarly broken fish on the beach.

This is a fish whose flesh has rotted, but it is still writhing on the beach.

"This is a small chance of becoming undead. It will be alive by default until its brain is broken. No wonder there is no death notification sound."

Undead transformation is also a well-known phenomenon. There is a very small probability that a creature will be triggered when it dies, and then fall into a hazy dying state, and its species will be transformed into [undead].

Of course, this kind of racial transformation is not a permanent transformation. After the player is resurrected, he will be of the same race.

The real [undead] are permanent.

Seven days later, the rescue team arrived as scheduled, and Luo Huai and the three remaining girls boarded the rescue boat.

Um? Why is there one missing?

There is no way, people will always seek death, no matter what, they can't stop it.

Consciousness comes to chaos again.

【Mission successful!

Obtain plot achievement: {Now, who is the hunter? }{Survival master}{Easy}

Copy evaluation: C]

Click Checkout.

【drop! Earn rewards:

{Clean drinking pot x1}

{Useful survival knife x1}】

The reward this time was perfunctory. Only now did Luo Huai realize how good the things given in the first copy were.

Return to the fantasy world.

Luo Huai, who walked out of the beam of teleportation, looked up at the sky.

The stars are shining brightly and it is night.

He spent seven full days in the dungeon, but when Luo Huai lowered his head and looked at the date on the panel, he found that it was the night he entered the dungeon.

After asking, I found out that the closed plot copy of the fantasy world is independent from the outside world's timeline. Although it is impossible to enter the first minute and exit the next minute, you can try to ensure that it does not exceed one day.

"What? The independent time flow rate of the punishment world has suddenly slowed down."

Luo Huai was about to log out, but just when his fingers were about to press on the panel, he stopped.

"The mission to punish the world requires energy ore, can I just buy one?"

It seems that it is really possible. The mission only says to get it, but it doesn't say how to get it.

Turning around and running into the city, he came to the trading street where the old man who wanted to sell his apples was.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it. Most of the street stalls sold useless sundries that players got in the dungeon. Although sometimes some people sold some treasures by mistake, but they were very few.

"Hello, where can I buy energy ores?" In desperation, he had to stop a passerby and ask.

The passerby gave him a strange look, as if wondering why someone would ask these questions, but he still answered Luo Huai's question:

"Each type of energy ore is an important material for making machinery, or an important item for powering large war machines. They are generally monopolized by major organizations. There is almost no circulation on the market, and there are no individual players. Went back and bought these because I couldn’t afford them.”

The passerby left without stopping for a moment when he suddenly met a guy inquiring about military supplies. No matter what the purpose was, it was always best not to get involved.

"What?" Luo Huai looked at the passers-by in a daze, "The items required for the mission turned out to be monopoly goods."

By the way, why do we need this kind of military supplies just to send electricity to the shelter?

"It seems that I can only dig it out by myself." He brought up the panel dejectedly and prepared to log out again.

But his finger stopped on the logout button again and did not press it.

"Mining, can't I just dig in the fantasy world? In the punishment world, I couldn't even dig a piece of iron, which has a refresh rate second only to coal. Why not try it in the fantasy world? I don't believe in the energy in the ground. The ore can be monopolized."

No matter how hard it is, you can still dig some iron, right?

A mining plan sprung up in his mind.

Looking up at the sky, it happened to be midnight with the deep moonlight again.

Nodding, "Well, it's a good time to get things done."

He opened the map of the Holy City and its surroundings and looked for places where energy ores might be produced.

Since it is called energy ore, the place where it is produced must be full of energy.

"This is a great plain, isn't there a volcano or something?" Luo Huai ran his fingers back and forth on the map, but couldn't find a place where energy seemed to accumulate.

This made him so angry that he closed the map, ran to a hole left by the last time he dug a tree, and started digging with a more efficient stone pickaxe.

Since there is no place where energy gathers on the surface, let's look down. There is huge pressure and magma deep underground. These are huge energies.

"Erupt with the power of the European Emperor!" Luo Huai went straight to the ground.

The depth easily reaches a level that is difficult for humans to reach.

I don’t know how deep I dug...


The stone pickaxe struck a hard stone, making a crisp sound, and Luo Huai looked happy.

Found something!

If it is a mineral found in ordinary rocks or wheat blocks, block fragments will be splashed when hit with a stone pickaxe.

After digging for more than an hour, I finally won the prize.

Luo Huai quickly stopped his lavish mining moves.

This ore will not fall automatically if it is broken. If it is accidentally smashed into pieces and the energy is leaked, it will be no different from ordinary stones.

He put the stone pickaxe on the ground aside, took out the wooden pickaxe, and chipped away the gravel soil around the hard stone piece by piece.

The hardness of the wooden pickaxe is not high. Even if it accidentally hits the ore, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett is not afraid of breaking it.

But when he got to the back, he wanted to use a brush like the archaeologist on TV.

Because as the hard rock being carved out grew larger and larger, he realized that he might have encountered a big guy.

"Such a large piece of ore is of the highest quality."

The more he digs, the more excited he becomes. This feeling of buying a lottery ticket and winning a big prize is really exciting.

In order to mine this giant ore, he specially opened up a space as big as a large room around the ore.

Another long period of time passed, and it was probably almost dawn outside, and the ore finally revealed its full appearance.

After swinging the last pickaxe, the entire ore was finally separated from the ordinary rocks below, and was suspended in the air by the suspended cubes Luo Huai had placed in advance.

After taking a few steps back, Luo Huai used a {wooden stick} and {coal} to synthesize several torches and stuck them on the surrounding stone walls. Luo Huai wanted to see how big the ore was that wasted all his efforts.

But the more he looked at it, the more something was wrong.

"This shape...why doesn't it look like a stone? Wait...did this thing move just now?"

A pebble rolled under his feet, and his sixth sense became stronger and stronger.

In order to prevent collapse, the surrounding stone walls are covered with a layer of cobblestone blocks. It is impossible for small stones to fall, which are obviously falling from the ore.

Suddenly, his eyes automatically turned golden red, and the panel instantly appeared on the side of his eyes, and a panel message appeared on the ore.

【Name】Sleeping Stone Statue {Rare}


[Introduction] Sleeping deep underground, theoretically only kobolds who love mining may encounter it occasionally, so...are you a kobold?

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