I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 201 Doll Catching Game

????"?" Yuxi stood there, confused again.

????Why does that silk thread look so like a spider web? Especially the stretched part at the end, like a wrapped spider web.

????But this is a city, could it be that the police are here?

????That’s right, with such a big fog, it’s impossible for surveillance cameras all over the street to miss it.

????Then she doesn’t have to run now? Just keep it where you are, you can't escape anyway.

????When Yu Xi thought about it, she was about to stand there and wait for the gray fog to be eliminated.

????But suddenly, a piece of spider silk also stuck to her head and feet.

????Yuxi: "..."

????Wait a minute, isn’t it a friendly force? !


???? Before she could figure it out in her mind, she also encountered the same treatment as the evil believers: reverse bungee jumping.


????She originally wanted to scream like this, but before she could scream, she felt herself stop.

????Opening her eyes, she found that she was under a huge spider web, her back was firmly stuck to it, and her front was facing down, facing the thick gray fog.

????Looking sideways at the floor in the distance, this place is probably seven or eight stories high.

????Fortunately, there is gray fog below, otherwise the height alone would be enough to make a person with a fear of heights faint for a while.

????There are still many threads that are constantly shot into the fog, and they pull up ordinary people, and sometimes they pull up evil believers.

The being that shot out the spider web stood above the spider web. Yu Xi couldn't see the whole thing clearly, but she noticed a pair of human-shaped feet.

????And she also saw that every evil believer who was pulled up would be tangled in spider silk, and then the evil believer would struggle painfully.

????"Probably not the enemy." She whispered to herself.

????"Of course not the enemy."

????"Huh?" Yu Xi was startled by the sudden answer...

Chapter 201: Doll Catching Game (page 1/4),. , this voice was just above her, and the spider silk behind her dropped a few centimeters due to being stepped on.

????Then she saw a guy hanging upside down.

????"Hi! Sister Yuxi, what a coincidence." Luo Huai canceled the fusion blood on his head.

????"Xiao Luo!" Yu Xi was surprised and happy, "Why are you here?"

"Of course it's to save people." Luo Huai looked up at the gray fog below, waved his hand and threw out another spider silk, pulling up an injured person.

????This person happened to be the injured person Yu Xi met in the gray mist.

????"You did all this?" Yu Xi asked in disbelief.

"That's not it." Luo Huai picked up the spider silk hanging the wounded man and threw it towards the patrol team on the ground.

????"Mighty Master!" The team collectively released their divine power (the extraordinary energy of believers) on the fallen wounded, allowing him to fall gently onto the ambulance bed, and then be sent directly to the nearby hospital.

????This is how a complete assembly line production line was born.

????As for "Young Master", this is what they call Luo Huai, just like Miss Maple Leaf.

????Luo Huai didn't understand why they called it that way, but it didn't sound unpleasant.

????"Xiao Luo, how many strange abilities do you have?"

????Yuxi didn't ask Luo Huai when he was rescuing people, but waited until he was free before asking him.

????"This is an accident. It's an adventure. I understand."

????“If you don’t want to say it, forget it~”

????Yu Xi heard his perfunctory manner and didn't intend to ask further questions.

????Anyway, Xiao Luo was able to change into a vampire that night, so it’s not surprising that he turned into a spider spirit now.

????Luo Huai continued to pull people in, but it seemed that he had finished saving them, and the next ones he pulled up were all evil believers with ferocious faces.

????Luohuai's spider silk is an absolute nemesis for them. The spider silk can absorb their energy and use it to maintain their own energy consumption...

Chapter 201: Doll Catching Game (page 2/4),. , after all, have the same origin.

????In fact, at first, the evil believers wanted to absorb the fusion blood that made up the spider silk, but the suction power of a small clone was limited, and Luo Huai had no shortage of magic power.

????So in the process of absorbing magic power, Luo Huai successfully figured out the trick and completed the reversal.

????It’s thanks to Luo Huai that he can maintain such a big spider web.

????This is also why every time he brings a few people up, he has to bring up a clone of the evil believer, just like the battery.

"We're done." After Luo Huai finished dealing with the last believer who wanted to escape, he clapped his hands and turned to look at Yu Xi, "Sister Yu Xi, I'll throw you down..."

????As he spoke, he stuck a piece of spider silk to Yu Xi's body.

????"Wait a minute!" Yuxi quickly stopped him, "Aren't you going to throw me down too?"

????It was scary enough when I was pulled up, but now I have to throw it down again... Please! She never rides roller coasters! Not to mention bungee jumping!

"But you are the only one left. If you don't go down, are you going to stay here for the night?" Luo Huai's long hair was blown wildly by the night wind.

????"It's okay if other people don't know you. Aren't you and I still familiar?"

????"SO?" Luo Huai tilted his head.

????"Can't you hold me down?" After Yu Xi said this, her face was a little red.

????Of course it's okay for her to hug Xiao Luo in normal times, but this is completely different from taking the initiative to hug him.

????"That's it." Luo Huai realized.

????He turned over, from hanging upside down to hanging upright, and then removed the cobwebs from Yu Xi's back, then lifted his arms and held Yu Xi in his arms.

????Yu Xi wrapped her arms around Luo Huai's neck. Because she was afraid of heights, she hugged her tightly. Their faces were very close, their breaths were blowing into each other's faces, and their eyes were looking at each other.

????Just like that, it slowly went down, and then while looking at each other silently...

????Yu Xi slapped her little Jiujiu crazily in her heart, but she didn’t expect that Monday...

Chapter 201: Doll Catching Game (page 3/4),. I failed to catch Xiao Luo in the seaside dungeon, but I got another chance here!

????But goose...

????"Sister Yuxi, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is about to jump." Luo Huai's hand grabbing the thread suddenly moved and cut off the spider thread.


????Amidst Yu Xi’s series of question marks, the two of them fell to the ground.

????"Young Master is mighty!" The patrol team smoothly caught Luo Huai and Yu Xi.

As soon as Luo Huai landed, he let go of Yu Xi, and said a little bit strangely to her: "Sister Yu Xi, you are too, you are such a big person, you still need someone to accompany you even if you are just jumping off a building."

????No...that's not what I meant when I asked you to hug me!

????But how can Yu Xi argue? She is indeed afraid of heights.

????So in the end he could only knock Luo Huai gently, "Don't laugh at sister."


????Luo Huai chatted with her for a few more words, and after rejecting some of her strange invitations, he continued to wander above the streets in the city, continuing to play his game of catching dolls.

????However, not all evil believers are so easy to deal with. For example, there were a few that Luo Huai saw disappearing into the shadows before he even had time to get close.

????That is to escape into the shadow in the true sense, that is, to get into the shadow, and then disappear with a whoosh.

????There is no way at all.

Until dawn, Luo Huai seemed to be familiar with every team in the security department.

????He specifically explained that it was best not to make the news about him.

????Although I don’t know why the people in the security team call him Young Master, since they are so polite, it shouldn’t be a big problem to ask him for this little thing.

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