Remember in one second【】

Walked all day...

Luo Huai raised his head and glanced at the stars in the sky. The sky in the desert was much brighter and clearer than in the city.

In the city, he could only see a little bit of it every time he climbed to the tallest building.

"The temperature has dropped."

The scorching heat wave during the day turned into a biting cold wind, even through the fusion blood coat.

Luo Huai looked at the log and saw that the color of the terrain on it had not changed at all, which meant that he was still deep in the desert.

"If I had known, I would have adjusted my direction slightly." He briefly recalled the memory of when he jumped down.

His landing point is probably in the center of the desert, and the size of this desert is at least as large as a piece of land, a veritable desert.

"Let's warm ourselves up by the fire." Seeing no hope of going out, Luo Huai decided to find a place to rest for a while.

His satiety level was a bit low, so when he was taking a break to eat, he could also process the food harvest during the day. After all, during the day, he cut it into several pieces and threw them into his backpack. At least the meat and shells had to be separated.

Otherwise, Ah Lang will probably be blamed again - over the past few months, Ah Lang has gradually become the absolute leader in the kitchen with her extraordinary talent. Feeding Luo Huai in reverse is probably her most accomplished achievement. One of the most touching things.

"Huh? Is there a fire?"

Climbing to the top of a sand dune, Luo Huai suddenly saw a fire in the distance, swaying in the cold desert wind.

Someone! Luo Huai immediately locked onto a figure sitting next to the fire, so he walked over there.

Enemies or not, it's better to have something happening than to be alone admiring the sand.

As he got closer, the figure obscured by the firelight became a little clearer.

Sitting there with his knees in his arms was a boy. He was of standard height. Even in the dim light, his face was still pretty and delicate. Covered with some dust, he looked a little embarrassed.

The armor on his body was full of scratches, and he had obviously experienced a fierce battle.

"What?!" The boy didn't notice anyone approaching until Luo Huai walked into the range illuminated by the fire.

At first he thought he was some kind of monster, but when he heard the footsteps of people walking, he realized that the other person was a human, so he changed his mind and said, "Who?"

"An ordinary candidate passing by." Luo Huai walked slowly to the fire, and the firelight illuminated his mask.

"Spider-Man?" The boy was obviously taken aback when he saw his outfit. Where are you playing in the wilderness?

Seeing his doubts, Luo Huai sat down casually and explained: "One of my abilities is that I can not be afraid of the cold."

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?" The boy's eyes lit up slightly with envy, "That's great. It would be great if I also had this ability."

If you look carefully, you will find that his body is shaking slightly, and the equipment on his body does not have a good thermal insulation effect.

Luo Huai didn't know how to answer. You couldn't give him a tights too, right?

So he changed the subject: "Aren't you afraid that I will do it?"

From the moment he approached until now, the boy showed no other action except the initial surprise, as if he was ready to pounce.

"Is resistance useful?" Hearing Luo Huai ask, the boy smiled nonchalantly and said heartily: "Look at how miserable I am. Most of my equipment is broken, my legs are frozen, and it's hard to stand up."

He generously admitted the fact that he was now a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

He is a straight-tempered person, and Luo Huai initially judged this person's personality.

"Then you're right, I just want to find someone to chat with."

"Huh?" The boy turned his head and was a little confused. Most people would definitely take action when they see someone like him who is alone and has no health, so as to reduce the potential pressure of the subsequent test.

But what does the masked man in front of me mean, looking for someone to chat with? Now is the exam.

"Look..." Luo Huai took out two grilled fishes, one for himself and one for the boy. Then he pointed at the yellow sand in the distance, "It will take a long time to go out in such a big desert. It's so boring to be alone. Wouldn’t it be better to find a companion?”

"You mean you want to form a temporary team with me?" The boy was caught off guard when the grilled fish was suddenly thrown towards him. He hurriedly caught it and took a bite first, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, and then asked.

Hungry and cold for most of the night, he was ready to fend for himself.

"You can say that." Luo Huai removed the fusion blood from half of his face and started eating grilled fish.

"Aren't you afraid that I will drag you down?" The boy is very clear about his situation. There is absolutely nothing that can attract attention from others, he will only be a burden.

"If I drag down your credits, don't come to me when the time comes." He seemed to be afraid of trouble, afraid that he would get into trouble.

"Don't worry, I don't have to worry about this." Luo Huai generously told him not to have such worries. After all, he had somewhere to go.

Whether it was relying on strength in the Cross Society, or relying on weakness in Roushu Pavilion... bah, relying on strength, he didn't care.

"Then I'll take care of you in the next month." The boy's ability to accept is so fast that he is a little sloppy.

But these are not important, Luo Huai is faster than him, "Then it is such a happy decision, my name is Luo Huai."

"My name is Li Ming." Li Ming stretched out a hand and shook it gently with Luo Huai, marking the establishment of the two-person team.

It is not a violation to form a team with people outside the team. If you show good communication skills, it is also a bonus point.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"By the way, Li Ming, why are you in such a mess? With the diary here, you shouldn't be attacked by monsters, right?"

But in fact, the arrows on the log only appear at the moment when the monster attacks, so reaction speed is still needed.

However, Li Ming was puzzled by his words, "What are you talking about? Didn't the logs be torn up when they were transmitted?"

"Then you..." Luo Huai subconsciously thought that Li Ming was a bungee jumper like him. UU reading

"Of course I did it in the copy."

Luo Huai suddenly asked in surprise: "The first phase of the test is over? Wasn't it just one day?"

The time of the personal small copy of the first stage of the test is synchronized with the time of the external large map, and generally the completion time for all members is relatively fixed, about five to seven days.

"No." Li Ming shook his head, "It's just that I happened to find a loophole and completed it faster."

He originally wanted to feel proud, but then he thought of his current miserable situation and smiled bitterly: "So now retribution has come. The exit of my copy is in this place where birds don't shit."

"It's also possible that you came out here originally, so considering that the second stage is difficult for you, the first stage will be easier." Luo Huai put it bluntly.

"If that's the case, I'll be at a big loss." Li Ming spread his arms and slumped on the sand, feeling the heat left in the sand by the sun during the day.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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