I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 233 The newbies who were tricked, unite!

In the sky, as more and more magic was resolved, Qinglin's body became surrounded by more and more fairy energy. Slowly, it formed a swirling cloud and mist, making it closer to the appearance of a fairy.

That cloud and mist is...

The captain of the team saw the growing clouds in the sky, and immediately remembered the new sword-wielding mage at the beginning of school, who was also so cloudy.

"No!" He finally realized that something was wrong. This was not the same level. "Run!"

"Run? Can you run away?"

The position of the sniper below had been exposed after several rounds of shooting, so Qinglin began to fight back.

He waved his sleeves, and the gathering clouds began to rotate, and thin needles appeared in his hands.

If you can control a sword, you can naturally control a needle.

The needles wrapped in the immortal power hit the ground like raindrops, making no sound.

"Run!" The captain saw the cloud and mist and urged the team members to move quickly.

He doesn't expect everyone to run away, but he can always escape a few if they run separately. As for himself, he has never been too bold, so he probably hasn't...


A sword light suddenly split open the hilltop where the captain was, exposing his prone figure.

Qinglin holding the sword slowly fell in front of him.

"Please do it." After a few seconds of sluggishness, the captain accepted the reality and stood up, saying dejectedly.

Maybe such calmness can convince the other party to let him go? The captain thought with luck.

"Sorry, my target is an immortal, not a knight." Qinglin's expression didn't change, he raised his hand and stabbed out a sword.

"I knew it." Upon hearing this, the captain felt calm.

As for the snipers, some of them did run away. Their hiding abilities were very good, so Qinglin didn't want to put in so much effort.

His top priority now is to find his three little ones.

He wasn't worried about either Luo Huai or Ye Feng. One of them might be wandering around now, and the other was definitely looking for a wife (daughter) like him.

Only these three little ones were reckless, alas... Qinglin could only sigh.

This is his old father's fate.

On the other side, someone who is riding a wave looks very rough but is actually a stable horse.

From the moment Luo Huai set up the dragnet, the entire jungle was under his control.

In fact, it is the monsters in the jungle that suffer faster than the candidates. After all, pulling so many threads will always disturb the monsters' normal routine, and the monsters crawling around will always interfere with Luo Huai's perception of spider silk.

So he took advantage of the situation and cleared out the monster dens in the entire jungle overnight. The monsters that survived fled and scattered, and fled to other surrounding terrains in confusion.

He is the only monster left here to claim the title of king.

But even he didn't expect that his name as the King of Monsters would actually spread.

The communication medium is the candidates passing by in groups.

Luo Huai and Li Ming can team up across teams, and others can naturally do the same. There are even some miscellaneous teams with seven or eight people. Each member is from a different team. They are often alone, and they are not very strong, but they have a way to go. It's surprisingly far away, so the gregarious effect brings them together.

These people walked into Luo Huai's jungle, and nothing happened after that. However, there were always some who were timid and walked behind. They ran away as soon as they saw something was wrong, and Luo Huai couldn't do anything about them.


In the dark jungle covered with bloodshot eyes, a monster covered in blood is wandering. Anyone who steps into it will be dragged into the darkness by him, and his life or death is unknown.

That's probably what it means, and it doesn't get more outrageous as it spreads.

"One, two,..., thirty."

On the treetops, Luo Huai was counting his gains for the day.

The unlucky children he dragged into the jungle were each tightly wrapped in spider silk, and then dropped to a high branch with a piece of spider silk.

No matter what the purpose of this is... no reason, it's just a bad taste. The candidates included in it have been eliminated long ago. He just feels that it has the feeling of a horror and thriller game.

Now he can somewhat understand the mentality of some designers of horror scenes when working.

This feeling of being a villain and making a newbie cry is really interesting.

"We have achieved such a big harvest in just one day. We will keep up our efforts in the next few days and try to hang all these trees." Luo Huai set a strange goal.

With another night, Luo Huai once again started the work of laying out spider webs. During the day, the candidates messed up many traps. If they were not repaired, there would be loopholes.

Moreover, a lot of spider silk was pulled out in large pieces and then stuck to various places.

In particular, there is a natural forest trail that has been blocked by blood-colored spider silk. It will be scary if there is a little fog again in the morning.

But speaking of horror...

Just as Luo Huai was about to eliminate these messy spider threads, he suddenly had a thought, "What if I leave these behind?"

To be honest, it wasn't that he didn't speak well, but the few he caught during the day were all weaklings. They were either frightened and panicked, or they came in blindly and confidently, which was totally meaningless.

It's like he carefully designed a complete set of death services, but these people died in the first wave, especially the tree full of "corpses", UU Reading www.uukanshu. net It would be a pity if he was the only one to see this spectacle.

Therefore, after patching up the hidden spider silk, he does not deal with the messy spider silk at the same time, and retains the traces of the "victim's" struggle.

By directly telling latecomers like this that there are problems here, is it possible to attract some more capable people?

After all, the stronger the monster, the higher the credits it will get. Ambitious and ambitious candidates will definitely find ways to get a chance to appear.

Not to mention, this kind of setting really exists. The designers set up the most deadly point in each terrain, and the most common one is the monster.

For example, there is a white bear king in the Arctic, an emperor penguin in the Antarctic, an ancient demon whale in the central ocean, the desert is a scarce resource, the jungle is poison, the grassland is always a swarm of monsters... and so on.

Now Luohuai has become a new deadly element in the jungle.

And the facts proved that he was right. His activeness and unabashed persecution really attracted a group of candidates.

And the number of people in this "batch" is really a lot.

It was the fifth night after entering the second stage of the test, and the name of the Bloody Jungle had already spread widely.

Likewise, it was also a rare alliance of multiple teams, with the number reaching a large force of more than sixty people.

It consists of three complete teams and a dozen teams with incomplete personnel.

Because the target was too large, it would cause siege by the herds of grassland beasts, so they established a base camp in the desert on the edge of the jungle.

This is not the end, there are more people joining in.

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