I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 24 Let’s work harder

Good luck! Nuclear explosion hits the face!

Luo Huai instinctively closed the window and tried his best to resist.

The exploding wind turned into countless blades and swept forward, harvesting and crushing everything within a thousand miles around, and instantly turned into powder and scattered between the sky and the earth.

The world-destroying high temperature that followed melted the land at the center of the explosion into a vast magma wasteland.

It seems that at this moment, this place truly deserves the name "Hell".

I don't know how long it took for Luo Huai to lie on the ground, his ears deafened by the shock, before he dared to get up.

Through the glass, he saw the scene outside at this time.

The shelter was protected by a barrier and was still intact, as was the ground below.

However, the earth further out was not so lucky. The surface layer was directly annihilated, and the surface suddenly dropped dozens of meters. The remaining rocks were melted and gathered into a huge magma lake.

Mugui: "Thank you... thank you for taking care of me, boss."

The brother who was treading water like crazy said in surprise: "Huh? He didn't die. It seems he was hiding in the shelter."

The boss is very experienced and can guess it right away.

Wood Ghost: "(??﹏??) Boss, please let me go..."

Luo Huai's heart was beating like a pounding. Even if he calmed down after three seconds, he still continued to beat.

The boss's power is terrible.

The brother who was treading water like crazy said: "Huh? What are you talking about? Don't let go of anything. I am indeed taking care of you."

Wood Ghost: "?"

Luo Huai did not dare to contradict him, but only dared to carefully type a question mark.

The brother who was treading water like crazy suddenly understood, and patiently explained: "Look at the status bar yourself."

Luo Huai opened the panel and saw an additional item on the status bar:

[Radiation resistance +1] (permanent)


The boss is generous when he takes action.

Mugui: "Thank you, boss, for taking care of me."

The brother who was treading water like crazy said: "It's not a big deal, just call me brother. Remember to come and play with me when you have time."

After the boss replied, there was no movement. He must have been offline. Luo Huai also exited the chat room.

Although the boss was very generous with his care, it was still a bit too exciting. Just when the world was at nuclear level, he was lying on the ground and was shocked to the point of bleeding.

After a few more cares, the person can be buried.

resurrection? It doesn't exist. I just tried to open the window, and the heat wave that came in almost blew my face off. The resurrection point is at the door. If it gets stuck infinitely, it will be very painful.

I don’t know if the wheat in the yard will be burnt or if I can just take a bowl and eat it.

"It's so hot~ Why is this radiation resistance the same as nothing?"

The sticky sweat soaked my short sleeves, and the clothes stuck to my back.

The heat also brings dryness of the throat.

"No, I have to hide in the fantasy world." Luo Huai lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

But the hot temperature makes it impossible to sleep at all.

Can't sleep! Just play on the computer!

He rolled from bed to the computer again and opened the largest communication website [Camp].

"Help, I'm at home, it's very hot and there's no air conditioning, what should I do?" posted this on the forum.

Soon there were comments from people who were bored:

"Hide in the refrigerator."

"Take off your clothes."

"Bury it."

"Knock yourself out."

Luo Huaibing hurriedly sought medical treatment, and he actually analyzed the feasibility one by one, and finally selected one of the options.

Knock yourself out, pick up the keyboard and hit yourself on the head.

bump! Luo Huai fell on the bed, unconscious.

In the fantasy world, Luo Huai appeared on the grass in front of the city gate.

"This method really works." He fanned his face with his hand, "Cool down."

There is no way to go back to the Punishment World for the time being. Even if the speed of time is variable, it will take ten days and a half for such a large magma lake to cool down.

I don’t want to download the copy for the time being, so why not take a walk.

He wandered around the Holy City and dialed Qinglin's communication.

"Qinglin, do you know the name of the organization Ye Feng joined?"

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about how you two got along so many years before me."

"That's it... The organization Ye Kuang joined is called [Crystal Heart]. It is an organization that is mainly active in the dungeon raiding front. It often develops some large-scale dungeons that have not yet been opened up. It is quite famous."

"Oh~, he's doing well, so what's the name of the dungeon they want to conquer recently?"

"It's called [Demonized Battlefield]. It's a pretty big team war dungeon. There's quite a lot of attention in the camp about it... Why are you asking about this?" Qinglin introduced it in a normal manner at first, but immediately he was surprised that Luo Why is Huai asking this?

"You don't want to use the dungeon, do you? I'm not trying to hit you, but your value panel... the minimum requirement for a formal member of Crystal Heart is to have two C's"

"The core members need to have all B's, and they all need to be the "proud ones of heaven" who can enter the fantasy world in advance. Furthermore, the recommended entry value for [Demonized Battlefield] is to start with all C's."

"You know my numerical value display is abnormal."

"But all major organizations are like this. Even if some focus on strength and don't care much about numerical values, there is a lower limit, F... you know." Qinglin said helplessly.

"Okay, originally I was just asking around." Luo Huai didn't care. He took out a skewer of grilled fish and ate it, then asked Qing Lin, "What about you? Have you joined any organization?"

"I..." Qinglin over there suddenly paused, UU reading www.uukanshu. net "Wandering around the world, I haven't joined any stupid organization, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"As the saying goes, a penny beats a good man. When there was an economic crisis, I joined a small organization."

"What's it called?"

"[Rushui Pavilion]"

"Bah!!!" Luo Huai spit out all the grilled fish in his mouth in one breath, wiped his mouth clean and then said in disbelief: "That guild with all female members?"

Roushuige is not a guild with high combat power, but as is inevitable in every online game, it is a guild in which the vast majority of its members are women.

It was so famous that Luo Huai had heard of this guild a few years before he entered the fantasy world.

As for the source, idols often appear in this guild, and there are many authors who write various YY novels based on this guild, such as the male protagonist who sneaks into the girls' guild.

"Yeah." It wasn't until Luo Huai recalled the entire guild's counterattack that Qinglin responded weakly.

In fact, you are the protagonist! Luo Huai really wanted to say that.

"By the way, let me ask you one more question, who is Ye Feng..."

"Quasi core member." Qinglin knew what he wanted to ask, "As long as he improves his stats, he can become a full member. You know him, it's only a matter of time."

"Looks like I have to work harder."

"Come on."


The communication ended and Luo Huai hung up the communication.

He didn't ask about Qinglin's fate.

It's not that he forgot, but he walked to the square in the center of the city, where there were several lists. The top of one of them, called the Newcomer Contribution List, had four big characters written on it: Immortal Demon Boy.

"You really have to work harder..."

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