I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 239 Fire-Dragon Wood

"Idiot, the only way to kill him head-on is to kill him head-on."

This time Tanlang didn't need to speak, and someone responded.

Greedy Wolf, on the other hand, sat in the back somewhat dejectedly, staring at the doomsday scene in front of him in a daze.

He was regretting why he had devised such a stupid plan to use fire, even though the one who started the fire was probably even stupider.

Now I don’t know what the consequences will be. I have never heard of anyone doing such a thing that destroys the terrain. If this is a deduction, his grades for this semester will be ruined.

But after thinking hard for a moment, he discovered something was wrong.

Why do those trees burn so quickly?

Yeah, those plants burned at an unnatural speed, like...like...

"Damn it, my brain is stuck at this time!" Greedy Wolf wanted to hit his brain angrily, but thought it would hurt, so he had to hit the ground.

Maybe he let his mind go, so his mind was filled with gratitude and it worked.

"By the way, it's like it was deliberately set on fire!" Greedy Wolf suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the jungle, "When the fire is finished, there may be new discoveries!"

"Cough! Cough! Cough cough!!!"

Luo Huai didn't care whether there were any new changes after the forest was burned. He just wanted to curse people now.

Hanging far away near these guys, he was still happily playing his behind-the-scenes BOSS game, and was about to enter an important stage!

As soon as they get close to any of the six hanging corpses, he will break out of the cocoon!

Yes, he himself played one of the hanging corpses.

Then he would directly kidnap a few people in front of this group of people, preferably girls, and leave behind a few creepy evil laughs that only the villain could make.

What the hell are these guys doing? He actually used such a despicable move as setting fire!

Fortunately, the spider silk is fireproof, so he just needs to hide and not come out, but these guys can be even more shameless, actually setting the entire forest on fire, and running away after lighting it!

No... the battle plan I heard last night was not like this. Did you plot it all night again?

Well, let's not mention these for now, Luo Huai is now facing a bigger crisis.

He didn't run directly out of the jungle like the others. On the contrary, he went deeper.

Because he thought his tights could prevent fire, he planned to put out the fire.

Unexpectedly, the speed at which the fire spread...

What do you say? Are these trees made of paper? Oh no, paper is made of trees, so there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Anyway! Spider Silk didn't have time to put out the fire, and he was now trapped in the middle of the jungle!

But to be fair, it’s okay to release the water, right? Well, indeed you can.

So a waterfall poured down from the top of the tree, and the water cube continuously released a clear stream of water.

But something even more sinister happened. The trees covered by water under their feet still showed symptoms of burning.

Why is it said to be a symptom? Because it is just "burning" without a flame!

There was obviously no flame, and it was obviously covered by water, but the trees were still turning into ashes, becoming darker and darker, and the dark ash surface began to show magma-like cracks, as if there was real magma flowing in it.

Luo Huai turned his attention to the other trees and found that except for the flames and thick smoke, they were all the same.

The fire doesn't feel like it's burning the trees, it's like it's reshaping and recasting them.

The dilapidated gray and lava representing destruction are replacing the rich vitality.

monitoring room.

Almost all surveillance angles are here on this bushfire.

From the perspective of exposure, Greedy Wolf was successful, as his perspective appeared on the big screen.

"Fire Dragon Wood...you really dare to ask someone to add this thing to it."

"I compiled my own map. I can add something as rare as this at will, one piece at a time. How cool! Just think of it as giving these little guys a lot of experience."

Du Tian and Duan Hai's perspectives were much more exciting. Everyone was watching from the outside, but they were the only ones watching from the inside.

It was precisely because of this that Du Tian was able to recognize these trees immediately.

Fire Dragon Wood, the correct spelling should be [Fire-Dragon Wood], a kind of ultra-rare plant (non-intelligent creature), the prefix depends on the attributes, such as [Water-Dragon Wood], [Gold-Dragon Wood], etc.

Depending on the year and texture, its lowest evaluation is {rare}, and the highest... The highest-rated dragon wood discovered so far is {legend}, and {golden legend} has not yet been discovered.

Dragon wood can be used as props, magic equipment with corresponding attributes, and even potions for individual battles.

Among them, the equipment made into it is the best. Not to mention anything else, just one attribute {growable} can make it extremely valuable.

If a person can have such an equipment when he is a novice, then this equipment may really accompany him to the end, and the dragon tree has a spirit. If he can really grow up with it, then the fit of this equipment may not be good. How much worse will it be than the energy in the body.

"But even if you have seen a long time, the hardness of dragon wood is not any lower than that of metals of the same grade, and its toughness is also ridiculously strong. It cannot be mined without professional techniques. Are you going to let these students watch?"

"What's going on? These little guys dare to set fire to the forest. It's good not to punish them. It's already an advantage for them to let them learn a lot. It will save them from not recognizing the treasure when they see it in the future."

Duan Hai was really angry. He stayed up late watching Luo Huai arrange so many things, just waiting to see how he played with these little guys from the perspective of behind-the-scenes persecution today.

The results of it? Just when I was about to reach a wonderful place, a fire was all burned out. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Can you not be angry about this?

"But..." Du Tianyi raised his eyebrows, "If someone really mines it, wouldn't this give me credits?"

If someone mines such a high-grade material, the balance of credits will be completely broken.

But Duan Hai was confident, "You think I don't think about this? Otherwise, why would I pick up dragon wood? Isn't it just because it's difficult to mine? If someone really has this ability, it means he is powerful, and the major guilds will rush to get it before it's too late. Woolen cloth."

Talents who can mine difficult treasures are also important roles in the guild, and their importance is not inferior to that of combat talents.

Du Tian knocked on the table twice and said, "That's right. They are all fake anyway. No matter how much mining is done, it won't hurt."

The bushfire burned all day long.

"This is Longmu..."

Luo Huai lay on the tree trunk, his eyes almost stuck into the lava cracks.

He couldn't believe that the things that the Balrog had mentioned could actually be seen here, in this way.

In fact, he didn't notice it at first, but when the fire burned out, he stood under the tree and suddenly felt that he was looking up at a soaring fire dragon, and then he remembered.


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