I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 241 Familiar Stranger

Maple Leaf spread his wings and jumped into the air. The captain had already retreated to the back row, revealing two boys who looked like warriors behind him.


The two of them held a sword with both hands, tilted it to one side, and after making a sweeping movement, they rushed towards Luo Huai. Once the sword blade was swung out, it had the same effect as a guillotine.

"The radiance of the cross..."

The maple leaf in the sky held the cross sword high, and the golden light shone brightly. A cross shadow spread out from the sword, split into two and hit the warrior's back.

The warrior's sword blade was suddenly covered with a sharp edge of light. Under this layer of blessing, the sword blade would cause higher damage to targets with a higher number of recent kills.

Sometimes in order to improve their combat effectiveness, Cross believers can temporarily change the definition of sin, of course, as long as it does not violate the principles of the Cross.

At the same time, the captain and another mage in the back row had begun to prepare spells, a fire attack spell, and the other worked with the people of nature to prepare a control spell.

When you look at the coordination of these actions, it looks like they have been practiced.

"It's better to have a good time..." Even Luo Huai, who didn't want to fight, felt that it was neat and tidy.

So he also took action...

Without warning, he raised his hands, pointing each finger at a warrior who was charging forward.

As soon as the warrior saw his gesture, he immediately raised the sword beside him, preparing to block.

Unexpectedly, Luo Huai bent his wrist and moved his fingers downward a few degrees, pointing at their feet. It was too late to move the sword downwards.

Phew! Two spider silks were shot out, and the warrior immediately jumped on his feet, trying to make a gorgeous dodge in the air.

But Luo Huai didn't want to play technical tricks with him. He directly attached a net to the end of the spider thread to capture it without any blind spots.

The maple leaf in the sky saw that something was not good, and struck down with the cross sword in his hand. With the blessing of divine power, the sword blade continued to extend, trying to open the cobwebs.

But the sword blade struck the spider web, but it had little effect. It was like being stuck in mud and unable to break free.

Luo Huai flipped his hand, and several more strands of spider silk were shot out at a faster speed. The two warriors had just landed after jumping. It was the most inevitable moment. Unfortunately, the spider silk was all over his face, and The end of the spider silk was shot by Luo Huai onto the warrior's foot, so the warrior kicked his foot hard and made himself fall down.

One of them fell quite hard. When he hit the ground, the sword in his hand fell out of his hand, and it happened to be blocked between his face and the ground. The blade was still upright. The miserable situation... he fell to the ground on the spot and stopped moving.

When Maple Leaf saw how powerful the spider silk was, it was as Greedy Wolf deduced that close combat must be avoided, so she immediately flapped her wings and flew backwards. However, the spider silk in Luo Huai's hand was still connected to her cross sword.

The fusion blood climbed up to the cross sword along the spider silk, wrapping it up to the position of the gauntlet. The fusion blood suddenly jumped up, mimicked a ferocious mouth, and bit Maple Leaf's hand with gestures. .

Maple Leaf has been mobilizing her divine power since the fusion blood climbed onto her sword, trying to find a way to repel the blood. However, every time the divine power is poured into the sword, it seems to be sucked away. Leftover.

Seeing that the fusion blood was about to swallow her hand together, she could only let go.

Luo Huai pulled lightly, and the cross sword fell into his hand, "Two warriors, one believer, and three magicians will solve it."

This is easier to handle.

At this time, the magic halo around the mage has reached its strongest point, and it will be released in just one or two seconds.

Luo Huai might be able to rush in front of them, but he would never be able to stop the spell in time, unless he could teleport.

But luckily, there is something that can move at a speed close to teleportation.

A bright crimson light burst out from the Ocean Tears in the center of his chest, instantly striking the eyes of everyone in front of him.

"Ah!" The three mages were caught off guard. They did not expect that this silk-spinning guy actually had light skills. For a moment, their eyes swelled and hurt, their vision was deprived of scarlet, and their mental power naturally collapsed.

The spell that had been accumulated to the extreme suddenly lost its target on the eve of the explosion, and the energy in it immediately went into riot, breaking through the shackles of the magic circle.


The three mage girls were injured twice due to the backlash of the spell, and they lay neatly on the ground - the mental backlash that followed made them unable to get up for a while.

"Three plus three, one left?"

Everything that can be seen has been solved, oh, there is still one invisible one.

Then there is no doubt that the assassin has entered stealth mode.

This is easier to deal with. It is impossible for low-level assassins to evade physical scans.

Luo Huai's body surface glowed red, and a thorny figure immediately appeared in his mind, right behind him.

Using his left foot as the fulcrum, he performed a beautiful backward roundhouse kick, taking advantage of his legs being longer than his arms to kick the assassin in the face.

The assassin didn't say a word. Luo Huai was kind enough to leave him with his teammates.

At this point, the seven-man team is completely gone.

The remaining one is flying in the sky, with the weapons still in his hand.

"Do you want to continue to fight?" Luo Huai raised his head and asked her, then pointed to the ground, "Their injuries are not serious, and they can still continue taking exams."

"I give up resistance. Thank you for being so tolerant." Maple Leaf closed her wings and slowly fell to the ground. Although she was defeated, her momentum was not lost at all.

"Why can you swallow my divine power?" She asked quickly when she saw Luo Huai turning to leave.

She didn't seem to care about the sword that was taken away, she only cared about why her magical power was ineffective against Luo Huai.

"Well..." Luo Huai turned back.

He held Maple Leaf's sword and poured magic power into it. Suddenly, the golden sword body began to be dyed red with blood until it was completely red.

Maple Leaf's calm eyes obviously widened for a moment, but she immediately returned to normal. She said calmly: "This sword can only be activated by the power of cross faith."

Could it be that those red energies are...

Luo Huai looked at her and still didn't remember. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Net had no choice but to take off his mask, close his eyes and open them, and two red crosses appeared, "Miss Feng, in the past six months, the head of the security department should have been urging us to get to know each other."

"Ah!" Maple Leaf opened her mouth slightly in surprise, "Are you that Luo Huai?"

Perhaps it resonated with him. The moment the red cross appeared, the golden cross in Maple Leaf's eyes flashed slightly.

"I didn't expect us to meet in a place like this." Luo Huai shrugged. He originally wanted to meet again in a friendlier place.

In the past six months, the head of the Academy City Security Department has been urging the two of them to meet. One of them often comes to the first floor of the police station to hang out, and the other lives on the second floor, but neither of them takes it seriously. As a result, Even though I have heard each other's name all the time in the past six months, strangely enough, I have never seen him face to face.

"You...you..." Fengye pointed at Luo Huai, his eyes widened, and he suddenly stuttered for some reason.

This is a bit different from her previous image.

"What am I?" Luo Huai tilted his head.

"Are you a woman?!" Maple Leaf pointed at his hanging long hair and spat out the words.

"..." Luo Huai said with a dark face, "When did you become blind?"


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