I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 260 Endless Tunnel

"It's good... it's easy to hold up."

On the sofa, Alang clutched his stomach that had lasted for at least several months and grimaced.

"Who told you to eat so hard?" Luo Huai sat on the edge with a flat stomach.

"Why can't Arlo eat his fill?"

"Because I am gifted." In fact, he can convert blood into magic power and store it in the tears of the ocean. In order to recover, the body will naturally speed up digestion - at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You should have a good rest here. I'll go look for some digestive tablets for you..."

Everyone else had gone outside, and now the house was empty.

I don’t know if the old man’s room exists. After his ascension, the room has not been touched. It’s not that he is too lazy to clean it up, it’s just that the three brothers have a tacit understanding not to touch it.

Okay, I'm just too lazy...

The old man's room is very simple, with a bed, a bedside table, a TV, and nothing else.

Luo Huai opened the cabinet drawer. He didn't know if the medicine in it could still be used after half a year, but the pharmacy was closed, so there was nothing he could do. If it didn't work, he would have to let Alang rely on himself.


Just when he opened the third drawer, Luo Huai suddenly felt a subtle change in the room.

But this change was too subtle, and even with his improved hearing, it was difficult to determine the location.

But based on his gaming experience, he knocked around and finally found a tiny crack under the bed.

He pushed the bed away and pushed down. Instead of pushing, he used the fusion blood to stick to it and pulled hard.


The exit of a cellar appeared in front of me.

This...could this be the unfolding of the hidden secrets of the elder characters in the game?

The tunnel leading underground was pitch black and there was no end in sight. Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, you could still feel a coldness rushing towards your face, as if something was blowing air into your face. It was eerie and scary.

"There shouldn't be any monsters in the mortal world, right?"

Most people would definitely run away at this time, but Luo Huai walked in after thinking for a moment.

He often digs underground and has no feeling for this kind of narrow tunnel. What's more, every time he mines in the wheat block, there will be a kind of underworld BGM surrounding his ears. It is much quieter and scarier than this.

The tunnel appears to be spiraling downward, but there are no extinguished lampstands on the walls of the tunnel. It seems that the people who dug here did not intend to illuminate it at all.

"Did the old man dig it, or did he discover it?"

In either case, the old man must know this place.

He had told his three brothers since he was a child that he had built this house brick by brick, and the tunnel entrance happened to be in his room.

After entering the fantasy world, Luo Huai also learned that if a player or adventurer can ascend, he is more or less a well-known figure and cannot be unknown.

But even the three brothers didn't know about the old man's ascension until the end. He always behaved like an ordinary old man, kind and funny.

As he thought about it, Luo Huai fell into memories of the past.

"Isn't the old man some reclusive master?"

Suddenly, the shape of the tunnel changed. It changed from a spiral downward to a straight downward slope, and the slope became steeper.

Even though the Eye of Destiny always has night vision, there is still no end in sight.

"Why don't you look back?" He felt that he had been gone for a long time and the others might have come back. What if he couldn't be found? Shouldn't Alang make trouble?

Thinking of this, Luo Huai turned around.

However... something that made people's hearts skip a beat happened.

Behind him, what was supposed to be a spiral tunnel that didn't go far, turned into a long straight diagonal tunnel.

Again, no end in sight.

Eye of Destiny glanced back and forth, seemingly comparing the differences between the two sides, but except for the direction, they were exactly the same.

"We're on a pirate ship."

What else can I do, I have to keep moving forward.

The purpose of this tunnel is not yet known, but it seems that it does not want people to turn back.

Taking out his mobile phone, Luo Huai didn't expect to be able to contact the outside world, he just wanted to see how much time had passed, but...

"you are vicious."

On the illuminated mobile phone desktop, there is still a long straight tunnel with no end in sight, and the screen is also locked. No matter how you swipe, the unlock interface cannot be displayed.

Time may have lost its meaning here, at least for those who have already walked here, there is no need to worry about this.

The truth can only be known when you get to the end...if there is an end.

While walking at a normal speed, Luo Huai did not do anything else, such as carve a mark on the wall.

From the moment the spiral staircase disappeared behind him, he felt vaguely in his heart that this place was adding pressure to people, making them feel desperate and anxious, thereby creating a sense of fear.

If you carve a mark now, I'm afraid you'll see the exact same mark on the wall in front of you soon.

Once you give yourself a hint of an infinite loop in your thoughts, the anxiety and panic in your heart will increase exponentially until it swallows up your reason and makes you fall into madness.

So sometimes, not knowing is better than knowing.

In Luo Huai's consciousness, he has been telling himself that this is just a long, long tunnel.

As long as you keep going, there will always be an end.

After looking back and forth a few times, the Eye of Destiny also turned back to the front.

Luo Huai never even touched the wall, because there was a lot of dust on it, and it would leave traces with just a light touch. This marking was the same.

This tunnel is made of pure stone, with no soil at all, and no one has come here for a long time, so how could there be such thick dust.

It's too deliberate, UU read www.uukanshu.net too obvious.

The tunnel is very long, keep walking.

But the inevitable happened. It was a skeleton that fell on the stairs.

Luo Huai noticed it when he was far away. When he got closer, he took a closer look.

The clothes on this skeleton are in tatters, and the intact parts are also covered with a layer of dust. It maintains the same posture as when it was alive - it doesn't look like it fell, but more like it fell into the endless tunnel after exhaustion. He fell into despair and finally stepped into the embrace of death.

At this point, Luo Huai finally frowned.

The tunnel is very narrow, and if you want to go through, you have to touch the skeleton.

But if he touched it... his mind was desperately telling him to try not to leave any traces.


Just when Luo Huai was thinking about how to get over it, the rotten spine of the skeleton suddenly couldn't bear the force revealed and broke in half.

The skull hung upside down on its back, and its black eye hole was facing Luo Huai. If there were eyes there, those eyes must be staring straight at him now.

In the silent tunnel, this movement kept colliding between the rock walls, echoing faintly, like the sound of a death knell.

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