I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 280 1 rides out of the city

In fact, there are many Sanren who join the battlefield like Luo Huai.

The battlefield is full of dangers, and it is not easy for the soldiers whose Holy Light Shield has been broken to successfully evacuate, not to mention that most of them are seriously injured.

Therefore, the guild will definitely send people to rescue.

Logistics troops are divided into cooking and medical care. There is no need to consider going to the battlefield for cooking, but medical care must be taken.

They were responsible for picking up the retreating warriors, so they had to leave the city gate, and as long as they left the city gate, they would bear the risk of being attacked.

What's more, the medical troops have to find ways to rush to the front line and drag back the incapacitated soldiers.

However, the number of people stationed in the guild is limited, and the sharpest warriors are already on the front line, so the logistics strength is not strong.

If the rescue fails and the entire army is annihilated, not only will the gain outweigh the loss, it will also be a shameful outcome.

So at this time, it is the turn of the individual adventurers staying in the city to come on stage. The guild usually spontaneously rescues individual adventurers (the crime value is not high), also in order to recruit individual adventurers at this time.

The recruited individuals are responsible for protecting the medical staff carrying the stretchers, going back and forth between the front line and the city gate. The guild will also provide them with a free Holy Light Shield, and will give them corresponding rewards afterwards. Although it is not much, it can be done. Received a lot of non-monetary loot as dividends.

It can be said to be very kind. If you can get a relatively rare monster trophy, it is completely worth fighting for.

"The mercenaries are ready to escort the rescuers!" The messenger's voice came from the city wall.

When adventurers are hired, their title will be changed to mercenary.

Medical staff who had already prepared medical measures in the stone chamber inside the city wall rushed out immediately.

He is not the skinny doctor he imagined. On the contrary, he is also full of muscles. At first glance, he is very good at running at full speed.

One out of every two of them was carrying an unrolled stretcher.

The mercenaries divided into two waves and guarded both sides.

Luo Huai, who had been drifting among the casual players, was a little confused.

What? It turns out that this group is not the same group of onlookers just now. We followed the wrong one.

So he stopped. It's not that he didn't dare to participate, it was just that he paid to stay. If he just followed and didn't have an employment certificate afterwards, wouldn't it mean that his work was in vain?

What a loss.

"Hey! Boy, hurry up and follow me! Don't tell me you're scared now!"

A mercenary man walking in front of him turned around and caught a glimpse of him stopping there. He subconsciously thought that he was cowarded. The bloody mercenary immediately felt contempt in his heart and his tone was a little fierce.

"I..." Luo Huai just wanted to explain, but then he thought, if he said now that he was not a hired mercenary, wouldn't it sound more like a person making excuses to escape?

Although it's okay to be misunderstood, it's a bit frustrating to be looked down upon for no reason.

But now everything seemed like an excuse. Luo Huai paused for two seconds. In the end, he couldn't find a good reason and simply turned around and ran towards the house.

He went back to ride and came back as fast as he could.

It's not impossible to follow him directly, but if he just follows him and blends in the crowd, no one will notice him, and his work will still be in vain.

You must know that the guild is very strict about things like receiving rewards under false pretenses. Just talking with your mouth is useless. Even if there are a few people who help to speak, they will be regarded as accomplices.

So the only way is to let everyone have an impression of him - a white dragon horse is perfect.

"Coward..." Looking at Luo Huai's retreating back, the mercenary curled his lips in disdain.

Ahead, the battlefield in the distance.

The snow was falling heavily, but it was not dust, but white snow, which made the scene less tragic.

But when the white snow was stained with blood red, the chilling atmosphere became even stronger.

"Ten o'clock!"

"One o'clock!"

"Twelve o'clock!"

The battlefield is chaotic, and it is easy to lose sight of the evacuating warriors by looking at them with the naked eye. The position can only be determined by the moment the Holy Light Shield is triggered.

The rescue team quickly spread out. They stopped fighting and rushed to meet the soldiers at full speed, and then ran towards the city gate without looking back.

On the way back, there will be some warriors who are able to move but whose Holy Light Shield has been broken. They and the mercenaries will escort the seriously injured.

After returning to the city, soldiers with low injuries can go to the supply department to recharge the Holy Light Shield, and then go to the battlefield again...if they can get out of the fatal blow immediately.

The fierce battlefield is changing rapidly, and the light of the Holy Light Shield often flashes in large areas - the monsters will also cooperate collectively, especially some lions and wolves, who are good at cooperative operations, even the tiger-shaped monster that usually walks alone. The monsters also cooperated.

The concentrated chokehold and group attack cannot be stopped by any ordinary warrior.

At first, the Holy Light Shield was very effective in immunity from fatal injuries, but the herds that hunted in groups also had their wisdom.

They quickly learned their lesson and changed their strategy - they divided into two waves, one wave concentrated the attack as usual, and the other wave provided cover for the attacking companions to resist attacks from the side.

When the Holy Light Shield bounced off one wave, another wave of escorts on the side immediately caught up.

Under this strategy, many soldiers didn't even have a chance to get up, and were beaten to death one by one by the beasts.

Only a few who fainted quickly were treated as corpses while lying on the ground, and were protected by hard armor so that they did not die immediately.

However, the stampede on the battlefield also puts these people in danger. If someone is accidentally stepped on a place like the neck that is not protected by hard armor, he will die suddenly.

"Damn it, I can't save you."

No matter if you are from a guild or not, no matter if you are paid or not, when you come here, you want to save people.

Looking at the soldiers who were knocked down by monsters in the depths of the battlefield, UU Readingwww.uukanshhu.net was unable to do anything. This feeling was uncomfortable!

"Quick! Over there!"

Another holy light rose, and it was not very far away.

We can’t save those who are far away, but we must save those who are close! The rescue team immediately located a soldier who was getting up.

The soldier's arms had taken on a strange twisted shape, and it was very difficult to get up.

A giant ape is trying its best to hunt him down. The waving arms reveal a terrible sense of power, which makes people's hearts skip a beat.

But there is still a chance to save him, as long as the giant ape approaches...

The rescue team ran at full speed, but something terrible happened. A arrow lizard jumped out of nowhere and pounced on the man's back!

hateful! Still too late!

Just when both sides feel helpless and desperate...

A horse's cry suddenly startled people, and the clanging sound of hoofbeats followed one after another.

In the surprised eyes of the rescue team, a white horse rushed past them.

The horseman was wearing a suit of iron armor and holding a gun in one hand, showing off his sharp edge.

The sharp blade pointed directly at the arrow lizard on the warrior's back.

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