I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 300 Day 3, Early Morning, Dragon Shadow

"The third day, the last day."

Luo Huai opened his eyes from the bed after sitting up all night.

It was still early in the morning, not even dawn yet, but all the guilds in Stone Beast Fortress had gathered early and were on high alert.

On the third day, the guilds no longer assigned tasks, but all went into battle collectively.

If the first two days were for the guild to make a profit and defending the city was just a sideshow, then this day was the real defense of the city.

No one expects to get any big gains from the third day. After all... the prerequisite for harvesting is to hold on.

Today was the third day, and it was New Year's Eve. The power of the Nian beast reached its peak. In the early morning, the temperature dropped sharply again. Even if they were prepared, everyone was still frozen and stiff.

This coldness is not just an ordinary low temperature, it also contains energy fluctuations that ordinary clothes cannot completely resist.

Everyone can only use the energy in their bodies to ward off the cold, but this means that they have to start consuming it before the battle begins.

There was no need for a protracted war. The endurance of the human race was never strong, not to mention that after two days of fighting, they were mentally exhausted.

And the siege party has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The group of monsters from the previous two days completely disappeared. The weak monsters simply could not withstand the overly powerful power of the Nian Beast, and collectively fell into a deep sleep.

The monsters that had not been influenced by the Nian Beast in the past two days were finally pulled out of their lair on this day. The already powerful monsters were protected by the top Nian Beast power. This resulted in the guild not daring to expect a good harvest. .

Fortunately, the fighting in the previous two days had added many monster corpses to the city, so there was no shortage of food.

The streets in the city have been blocked by heavy snow more than ten centimeters behind.

Opening the door, snowflakes hit his face. Luo Huai braved the wind and snow and walked towards the city gate. There was a canteen set up by the guild where he could eat.

"Hey! Boss, are you up?"

As soon as he entered the big room, a large group of people turned around to greet him warmly.

After all, there are more or less brothers here who were rescued by Luo Huai. Even if there are not, their favorability will still be full after hearing about Luo Huai's deeds.

Not to mention that two days after the guild guarding the city gathered together, they discovered during the discussion that Bai Qi was actually Mu Gui. Good guy, it turned out that the two bosses were the same person.

Now the two haloes are stacked together. Isn't that awesome?

Now the big boss came to the city wall early again, and it seemed that he wanted to fight side by side with them later, so why don't you be more enthusiastic?

Luo Huai: No, I’m just here to have a hot meal.

He silently went to the window to get a bowl of broth and steamed buns, but when he turned around he found that there was no room left.

A group of big men tried to squeeze in for a spot, but in the end, there was no room.

"Mu Gui, this way!" A group of mage ladies in the corner waved to him, but the girls still occupied a small space.

"Thank you." Luo Huai came over and sat down, thanked him, and then started to eat his own.

And ignore people.

"..." This made the young lady who wanted to talk didn't know what to say, and even the conversation that was still going on was interrupted.

Finally, one girl spoke up, "Hey, Wood Ghost..."

"Huh?" Luo Huai looked back with half a steamed bun stuffed in his mouth.

"Honestly, how old are you now?"

The young ladies around me immediately pricked up their ears, and even the man at the next table leaned over.

"Well..." Luo Huai swallowed the steamed bun in his mouth, took another sip of soup, and fell into thinking.

Should age be added to the experience of punishing the world?

In two time spaces with different speeds of time, he almost no longer has the concept of age.

The young lady who asked the question saw the embarrassed look on his face and quickly waved her hand, "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

"No, it's just that I can't remember it clearly." Luo Huai finally said, "I'm in my freshman year now."


In the silent cafeteria, the sound of a bowl breaking could be heard.

Then there was the sound of more bowls breaking, which made the cooking department feel distressed.

"It shouldn't be that scary, right?" Luo Huai admitted that the contrast between his strength and academic qualifications was a bit strong, but he didn't think it was such an exaggeration at all. For this reason, he also explained, "My classmates have never been surprised."

"Uh... they might be numb." The young lady wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The news reached the ears of the heads of various guilds.

After pondering for a few seconds, almost everyone in charge made a decision:

"Find the academy where Mu Gui is located. Regardless of whether he has joined a guild or not, we need to dig a few holes in this place first."

Regardless of whether he has joined a guild or not, give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle.

The Cross said it was great.

However, after knowing that Luo Huai was young, everyone was no longer so cautious.

The atmosphere of chatting was still very pleasant.

Luo Huai tried his best to make his experience sound calmer, and attributed his abilities to some props.

This reason is also easy to accept.

But the relaxing time is always short-lived.

"Boom!" There was a sudden violent vibration above the head, and a pile of dust fell on the ceiling.

Someone immediately clapped their chopsticks and said, "What's going on!"

The location of the canteen is under the city wall, and this sound means that the city wall is under attack.

Sure enough, the next moment someone rushed in and shouted: "Attack! A monster is attacking the city wall!"

"What?" Everyone immediately put down the bowls in their hands and rushed out.

The strength of a monster that can shake such a huge city wall must be beyond the ordinary range.

The canteen immediately emptied out, and the young lady beside Luo Huai also rushed out.

"Oh, what a waste." Luo Huai drank the last mouthful of soup slowly and walked out.


As soon as we walked out, before we heard the howling of the wind, we heard the roar of the starter.

Looking up, UU reads a book www. uukanshu.net A strong light appeared on the city wall, which was the maximum power of the ballista.

On the last day, there is no need to save anything. Maximize output, otherwise there will be no chance later.


Luo Huai jumped up to the city wall in a few steps, but as soon as he climbed onto the city wall, his face was immediately covered by the wind and snow.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

He felt the bad weather more intuitively.

Almost all the people standing on the city wall were bent over, and their bodies were glowing with energy, resisting the cold.

What kind of monster can make the guild fire the most powerful ballista from the beginning?

With this question in mind, Luo Huai walked to the city wall.

So dark...

At dawn, there was darkness under the city wall, and the eyes that could see at night were blurred by snowflakes.

But through the colors of the fireworks, a huge figure still showed a little outline.

It was a monster with a pair of huge wings on its back, its back covered with dark blue hard scales, its long neck and tail glowing bright blue as the energy in its body flowed.

"Dragon! It's a dragon!"

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