To be honest, the new shape of the red flame dragon of the Balrog boss is so cool, and it is countless miles long.

There is also the fire dragon tree, which was cultivated by the big boss and went directly to the sky. The whole tree glowed with bright red light and was full of vitality.

The killer crabs wanted to come and kill the boss, but it was too late.

After the Balrog boss, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, regained his strength, he directly activated all the nearby volcanoes. The coastal areas, whether on land or in the sea, were all flooded with lava and meteorite rain. Violence covered five areas outside the coastline. kilometers.

Peace of mind be damned! My account is unblocked!

Even the bastard was almost thrown into the sea and buried alive by meteorites that attacked indiscriminately.

The comeback of the Balrog boss also brought the team battle between the bosses and the Killer Crab to its final conclusion.

As a result, the world of punishment once again returned to the boring daily life, except for the bastard who happily went to seek abuse from his brother.

The idle boss Yanmo became a chatterbox again, going from ignoring Luo Huai to being overflowing with enthusiasm.

"Tell me, what did you encounter this time?"

"Boss, please stay away from me..." Luo Huai looked at the huge dragon's mouth and felt that his face was about to be burned, so he quickly jumped back and farther.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that I am my real body now." The Balrog boss also immediately shrank his neck to prevent himself from crushing this cute newbie to death.

"Alas..." Luo Huai sighed, lamenting the real gap between himself and the boss, and then said, "The thing is like this..."


"...Then I ended up here out of nowhere." Luo Huai touched his chest and back again, "It seems like I'm not dead, but I'm not asleep either..."

"I probably understand." Boss Yanma said after listening quietly.

"Boss, do you know what it is?" After getting along for a long time, Luo Huai has already regarded the boss as a living collection of books. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask the boss to check.

Rare treasures, strange things and secret methods, everything can be asked to a conclusion.

However, this time the boss shook his head, "No, I don't know."


"But I can give a general idea." The Fire Demon boss climbed down from the dragon tree and rested his head on the ground before continuing, "That black powder should not be devouring your energy, but teleporting it."


"That's right, even though energy particles can be easily transformed and attached with various characteristics, they actually always have a characteristic that cannot be destroyed. Even I cannot annihilate energy particles instantly."

"So it can basically be judged that the energy has been transferred away."

"Is there any way to fight against it?" Luo Huai plans to go back later. If he still falls back into the mysterious starry sky, wouldn't it be in vain?

Punishment can be sent back this time, but not necessarily the next time.

"Didn't you say that before? As long as you don't spread too much on your body..." The Balrog boss didn't care. He was eager to try such a fun thing.

Suddenly, he tilted his head and said, "By the way, those black powder might be a good thing. You can pack some in something and bring it back to study."

"Really?" Luo Huai was doubtful. He was even more worried that the bottle contained some black powder and might have been teleported away entirely.

But he still agreed first, "Okay, I'll pack some back later."

"Hmm, decorate more. I'm afraid if it's too little, it'll be gone in a sneeze."

"That's a lot..." Luo Huai raised his head and put the head of the demon boss in front of him into his eyes, and estimated how many glass bottles he would need.

"Then I'll go first." Luo Huai raised his hand and pointed at his side, and a flame ignited from his fingertips and spread to his whole body. Wherever the flame spread, his body turned into flying sparks.

In more than half a year (in the mortal world), Luo Huai has mastered the teleportation method and developed a relatively handsome teleportation effect (only punishing the world to travel to other worlds).

"Well, bye." Unfortunately, from the perspective of the Balrog, this was just a little grasshopper burned to ashes, and he didn't know how handsome he was.

In the fantasy world, underground, on the vertical hole, where I went down before.

Ashes suddenly floated out of thin air in the air, and these ashes formed a human shape as if they were turned upside down.

"Fortunately, I almost fell again." Luo Huai slightly shifted the point of retracement to avoid making the same mistake again.

He focused on Blackbeard again, but with the reminder from the Enma boss, it no longer mattered to him whether these things were monsters.

That was teleportation, and it was something that could transport him across the world.

The human race has not been able to perfectly solve the problem of safety and consumption of long-distance transmission. This involves space-related knowledge and the materials that can be used for research are extremely scarce.

This is something that sells for a lot of money.

Taking out the container and doing what he said, Luo Huai crushed the black beard and carefully put the black powder into the glass bottle.

He used a glass bottle from a wheat block, which was crafted from three glass cubes according to the crafting scheme of a wooden bowl.

After being realized, glass bottles can also be used to hold other things. They are very convenient containers, so Luo Huai has a lot of them in his backpack.

"Control...control the metering..."

As more and more black powder was contained in the bottle, he became more and more nervous to prevent the glass bottle from being teleported away.

About three-quarters of the way through, just when he sprinkled the black powder on his fingertips into the mouth of the bottle, the weight in his hand suddenly lightened.

At this time, Luo Huai was no longer nervous, "It seems that the limit is three-quarters."

That is, the ball at the bottom of the bottle is almost full.

In this way, Luo Huai began to search aggressively.

At the end of the search, all the glass bottles were used up, so he used wooden boards to make wooden bowls, and then used the bowls to hold black powder.

Not to mention, UU Reading wooden bowls can hold more black powder than glass bottles.

Moreover, the number of wooden bowls that can be synthesized from the logs in the backpack is far more than that of glass bottles.

You're welcome then.

In the following time, except for the vertical hole, all the black whiskers in front suffered disaster.

Luo Huai collected the black powder like a treasure, even the ones stained on stones, and scraped them off with a bowl.

"Hoo~" He didn't know how long he had been working in the dark. Luo Huai straightened up and wiped his sweat.

The black whiskers exposed on the outside of the cave wall have basically been collected.

He walked back to the vertical hole and looked down.

"That starry down here?"

Unlike, if there really was a starry sky hidden under the ground, the ground would have suffered a long time ago.

A strong premonition emerged in Luo Huai's mind... He might not have been directly transported to the world of punishment. Before that, he might have been transported to some other place.

The green starry sky... To be honest, Luo Huai always felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

"Starry sky... teleportation... is it possible that it has something to do with me?"

The answer is... yes.

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