I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 336 The failure of the first enchantment

"Books? Why do you want those useless books?" the boss asked Luo Huai.

How can anyone not buy good books but books that have been damaged by tea? But with the strange rules in his store, there were indeed some books that he wanted to throw away but couldn't bear to part with.

"I'll use it to read."

"Do you want to read this?" The boss took out a book that was mostly stained with cream. It was hard to imagine what the book had gone through to become like this.

"Uh..." Luo Huai was stuck. Good guy, this was more exaggerated than he intended, but he still nodded and said a little, "I have a way to clean it up."

"Oh?" The boss seemed a little interested in this, but Luo Huai quickly told him that this method was very inefficient, so he gave up the idea.

But it was a reason at least, and since the young man liked reading, the boss didn't mind selling the book to him.

"It's useless to leave these books here anyway. If I give them to you cheaper, they will have a home." The boss held up several seriously "persecuted" books to Luo Huai and handed them to him after he nodded.

The books come in different sizes, but they are all cheap, just a package price.

"Here, this is the one you just soiled on purpose..." The boss stuffed another one in, "Clean it yourself."

"Hehe..." Luo Huai smiled sheepishly. It seemed that the boss saw it clearly.

"However, if you buy a book, you have to do a lot of work. At least you have to help me wash the tableware."

"Okay, no problem." Luo Huai suddenly felt that his behavior of soiling the book seemed unnecessary.

"A Lang, be careful with these books." Luo Huai held forty-eight books and placed them on the table in front of A Lang.

"Ah!" The wolf girl who was reading a book and eating dessert was startled, "Where did you get so many books?"

"I bought it." Luo Huai didn't explain much. After putting it down, he ran back to the kitchen to help.

"Ugh..." The wolf girl looked at the books in front of her and sat a little further away in disgust. This pile of books had an indescribable smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

"If Aluo dares to put these books in his room, I'll see if I can bite him to death."

Facts have proved that Luo Huai's nose is still good, and he also knows that books are good.

So he left the book in the room where Ye Kuang lived before. It happened that he was planning to renovate a study room, and he could finally take action.

"Six wooden boards, with three books sandwiched between them, can be combined into a [bookshelf]."

Well, a study room must first have bookshelves, right? There happens to be this thing in the wheat cubes, which is why Luo Huai wants to buy a book.

"Well... it really stinks, it's all moldy." Luo Huai pinched his nose and put three rancid books on the workbench, "I hope the synthesized bookshelf won't have a weird smell.

Everything is in preparation for the enchantment table.

"Bang!" Luo Huai got the freshly baked bookshelf in his hand.

The smell is fresh, with a bit of the fragrance of books, but it doesn't stink.

Luo Huai put it down against the wall.

The next step is to repeat the action until the bookshelves are placed on three walls, leaving only the windows unblocked.

"Next is the enchanting table..." In the end, just place the enchanting table in the center of the room.

In the nine-square grid, four obsidian stones are arranged in an inverted T shape at the bottom, two diamonds are filled in on both sides of the middle row, and finally a book is placed in the middle of the top, which is appropriate.

The enchanting table with light fell into Luo Huai's hands. He immediately dug up the workbench and put the enchanting table down.

"Wow...even more beautiful than I imagined." The obsidian base was edged with diamonds at the corners, and a closed book was suspended on the top, emitting a warm light.

It's a cloudy day today, and the room would have been dark without turning on the lights, but now it's brightly illuminated by the enchantment table.

Luo Huai came a little closer. When he was about one meter away, the book on the enchantment table automatically opened and rotated to face him.

Mysterious rune characters kept floating out of the surrounding bookshelves, and then they were attracted to the book on the enchantment table. Unlike in the game, these characters were no longer just white, but had many different colors.

And they will fly around Luo Huai, and even stir up these characters in the air when Luo Huai flicks them with his fingers.

When his fingers passed the runes, he was suddenly stunned, "I seem to know how to enchant."

At first, he was still thinking that if there was no such thing as experience points, the enchantment route would be directly abolished, but now he no longer has such doubts.

Because this is a world with magic in itself.

In the game, the player is just a strong man with no so-called magical energy, so experience points are needed to measure these.

But in reality it's different.

"But after all, it's just a guess, and it needs to be put into practice first."

Luo Huai gently placed his palm on the page of the enchantment table.

For a moment, he seemed to be pulled into another space, which was a starry sky composed of mysterious runes, gorgeous and spectacular.

From an external perspective, Luo Huai was motionless at this time, while a large number of runes flew out of the enchantment table and danced around him.

Returning to the first perspective again, the backpack panel also automatically appeared.

"Try it first..." Out of the principle of safety, Luo Huai picked an iron sword.

The runes immediately turned the surrounding target to the iron sword and lifted it up, making it float above the enchantment table. (External perspective)

"There is no option for enchantment..." Luo Huai frowned. During the enchantment process in the game, no matter whether the conditions are met or not, there will be a box on the right about the enchantment attributes. Usually it is a basic item, and other enchantments will appear randomly. Attributes depend entirely on luck.

But now there is obviously something wrong. The flying runes seem to want to attach themselves to the iron sword, but they have never been able to do so.

Luo Huai's heart moved, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "It seems that lapis lazuli is indispensable..."

Lapis lazuli, Luo Huai did a little research on the Internet, and found that this thing does exist in reality, and it is also an important material in enchanting crafts.

Its function is to absorb energy structures with characteristics, that is, runes.

The author of Wheat Block probably designed the enchanting link based on this.

"I don't know if lapis lazuli is expensive or not..." Luo Huai immediately checked its rarity and price, hoping it wouldn't be outrageous. After all, nothing related to magic equipment is cheap.

After checking, it turned out to be very expensive.

As a rare synthetic mineral, lapis lazuli has almost no output in the mortal world, only the fantasy world, but the price and output are equally impressive. There is almost no price but no market. Every known fixed output place has been booked by major guilds and private individuals. It's over.

After all, enchantment is not a civilian technology, and some powerful enchantment attributes are important confidential data.

"Now we have to find another way..."

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