I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 34 Cook [Moonlight Lake]

"Do you have any plans later? Do you want to enter the dungeon?" Qinglin asked Luo Huai.

"The dungeon must continue to be entered, but..." Luo Huai smiled mysteriously and held out a big bear paw: "After a long journey, of course you have to reward yourself!"

He has completely concealed the fact that he is actually going on a trip.

"The big bear paw of the Northern Plains grizzly bear!" Qinglin's eyes immediately went straight when he saw the bear paw, and he said in surprise, "I want to eat it!"

"No." Luo Huai hugged the bear's paw stingily, saying that he didn't want to share the food with someone like the male protagonist of a harem comic.

Several passers-by were attracted by the sound, and then their eyes were immediately fixed on the big bear's paw.

"Hey! The paws of the grizzly bear in the northern plains are a rare ingredient!"

"This basin is bigger, it's very appetizing." A passerby swallowed his saliva. He once spent a lot of money to taste it in a restaurant, and the taste is still unforgettable to him.

And the one he ate was not as big as the one in Luo Huai's hand.

Judging from the thick fat-filled feet, the meat must be very mellow, and the aroma seemed to have drifted into his nostrils, stimulating his olfactory cells.

He finally couldn't help but walked forward and came to Luo Huai and Qing Lin. Luo Huai and Qing Lin also noticed him.

"Hello, let me introduce you to each other. My name is [Feast Guest], and I belong to the B-level guild [Gourmet Hunter]." The Feast Guest first revealed his basic information as a courtesy.

He looked middle-aged, just entering middle age, and his eyes drifted to the bear's paw in Luo Huai's arms from time to time.

"Wooden ghost."

"The fairy boy."

Luo Huai and Qing Lin also responded politely.

"Fairy and demon boy?"

After hearing Qing Lin's nickname, the guests at the banquet looked at Qing Lin in surprise, without even looking away.

"Are you the fairy and demon boy who is number one on the novice list? I have heard about you. You are young and promising."

He opened his mouth with compliments, which made Luo Huai a little curious, but he didn't ask immediately.

"Actually, those are rumors and exaggerations. I'm just opportunistic."

Qinglin quickly smiled and waved his hands, saying modestly.

But his squinted eyes seemed to have turned away from Luo Huai inadvertently.

Of course Luo Huai understood this guy's temperament. He could only read three words in his gaze that turned away for less than a few tenths of a second: Praise me now.

But not Luo Huai! He refused.

Don't expect me to accentuate your protagonist's halo.

The guest at the feast got a little closer to the two through this compliment, so he turned his attention back to the bear's paw.

"Brother Mugui." The guests at the feast rubbed their hands together like a profiteer when he was robbing people.

"You are attracted to this bear's paw, right?"

"To be honest, I am an old diner myself. If I don't ask for anything else, I just like this one."

"How about your cooking skills?"

"Well, my cooking skills are not very good..." The guest at the feast was stumped. He asked tentatively: "But I know someone who owns a restaurant. Her cooking skills are nothing to say."

Luo Huai pondered for a while under the expectant gaze of the banquet guest, then stuffed the bear paw into his hand.

"I have to eat it after it's made."

"Okay!" The overjoyed feast guest agreed excitedly.

"There's me, I want to eat too." Qinglin added himself in without permission.

"Let's go! My friend's hotel is in the city, I'll take you there." The guests at the feast waved their big hands and led the two of them to the most prosperous commercial street in the holy city.

In the fantasy world, there are only two most popular stores, one that can improve combat effectiveness, and the other is restaurants.

Appetite, in a sense, can destroy all other desires, because it is the basis of biological survival.

The three of them walked to the door of a small restaurant that was not very eye-catching. The peak customer flow was at noon, and there was still no one around at this time.

The visiting uncle shouted before he walked in: "Xiaoyue, come out quickly! Dad, I have brought back good things again."

The three of them walked in, and then a tired complaint from the girl came from the backstage: "Dad...your daughter and I only traveled to the fantasy world one month in advance. She is not a genius, and she is being used as a tool again." If you keep doing this, you will be exhausted~"

Luo Huai and Qing Lin immediately looked at the guests at the banquet.

There's something wrong with you, uncle.

The visiting uncle was stared at for a while and felt flustered. He didn't know what to say.

Obviously he didn't do anything, he just acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

It wasn't until he saw these two young men of the same age as his daughter starting to draw weapons from behind that he quickly explained.


However, he opened his mouth and closed his eyes again. He tilted his head and thought, No, is there anything I need to explain?


"Ten seconds, no excuses." Qinglin closed the timing panel.

"That's okay." Luo Huai and Qing Lin put back their half-drawn weapons.

"Eh? Dad, where did you kidnap these two ignorant teenagers from?" Another question came from behind the curtain backstage.

The three of them looked for the sound and saw a kitchen girl wearing a white apron holding a spoon, opening the curtain and walking out.

The girl is not tall, and only the part above her collarbone can be seen across the counter. She is a soft and cute girl.

But when she walked out from behind the counter, Luo Huai and Qing Lin couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and thought to themselves:

"This spoon (apron) is so big."

The visiting uncle didn't care about his daughter's resentful eyes and stuffed the bear's paw into her arms.

[Moonlight Lake], this is the nickname of the visitor’s uncle’s daughter.

She was startled by the huge bear paw that suddenly appeared. Her slender waist was already a little overwhelmed, and with the bear paw, her steps were a little wobbly when she walked back to the kitchen.

"Uncle, is it really okay for her to be alone?" Luo Huai asked a little worried. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"Don't worry, Xiaoyue has handled ingredients bigger than this." The visiting uncle said with a relieved face.

Qinglin: "Wouldn't this cause your daughter's early development to be insufficient?"

Although it ruined the atmosphere, Qinglin still said it. He was the first one in the orphanage to enter the fantasy world, and he knew very well how important it was to accumulate strength in the early stage.

"Of course I know that." The visitor nodded in agreement, "But Xiaoyue has already passed the early stage."

"But didn't she say that she entered the fantasy world a month early?"

"That was a year ago. Now she has entered a bottleneck period. I asked her to show me the store so that her cooking skills would not be wasted."

Luo Huai: "Won't this make her combat skills rusty?"

"Well, I'm not afraid to tell you that Xiaoyue's class is quite special. It's a sub-class of the [Natural Citizen] class [Cook], and it's not a fighting type."

Speaking of this, the visitor's uncle's eyes darkened and his voice became softer.

"Obviously this girl is looking forward to getting a powerful combat class..."

"It's okay, uncle, rank doesn't mean everything." Qinglin comforted him.

"I know you are comforting me." The visitor smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Really!" When Qinglin saw that the uncle didn't believe it, he wanted to prove his words even more. He asked Uncle Ke: "Uncle, do you know who got the bear paw?"

"Is it him?" The visiting uncle looked at Luo Huai.

It's not that he immediately thought of Luo Huai, but Qinglin's finger was already pointed at him.

"Me?" Luo Huai pointed at himself with a question mark, "When can I become an inspirational teaching material?"

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