I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 343 Boring time on the road

"Even if it's garbage, it's not ordinary garbage." Li Ming scratched the electronic screen a few times with his finger, then handed it to Luo Huai, pointed at it and said, "Many [garbage] in the universe contain ultra-rare The material can be used to make ultra-precision instruments.”

Luo Huai took the electronic board, which showed some special metals that he had only seen in textbooks.

"And it's not just that. If you can find the [garbage dump], you will make a lot of money." Li Ming came over and slid down the interface. "There are a few traces of ruins on some desolate planets. If we can examine them clearly, You can even start a new copy.”

Professor Bai happened to be sitting next to him. When he heard them talking about this, he came over and interrupted, saying: "We once discovered the remains of a giant dragon on an asteroid, and accidentally opened a copy of an ancient fantasy background. The BOSS is that There’s a giant dragon.”

"Wow!" The two kids said honestly.

"But why can a dungeon be opened when the dragon's remains are discovered?" Li Ming asked.

I have always heard that there are wild dungeons in the wild, but I have never been very clear about the generation rules of these dungeons.

"This job depends on sacrifice." Professor Bai pointed back at himself, "Sacrifices can contact the gods through sacrifices, or they can open portals through sacrifices."

"Isn't it possible for other ranks?"

"No, because only priests often deal with various gods."

This is also the reason why priests can become a separate class independent of other classes.

After all, no matter how strong the other classes are, they still have to call the priest "big brother" when opening the dungeon.

At this time, the broadcast sounded again: "To enter the wide area, the escort aircraft are about to evacuate."

Next, we have to rely on the research ship to move forward alone.

As for why they are not escorted to the end, this is because the void is filled with nihilistic energy. All other energies, including the core energy used by machines, are living bait here, which will lure the cosmic monsters over.

Escort aircraft pursue various functions, and their energy output during actions and attacks is extremely large, making them like living cursors.

At this time, it is best to let the research vessel equipped with an energy recovery device act alone.

But this also means trying to avoid fighting as much as possible. In the universe, hiding is always the most important thing.

"There will be nothing to do for a long time. If you want to return to the mortal world, you can go to the sleeping cabin so that you won't fall outside the next time you go online." Professor Bai pointed to the edge, where There is a row of health cabins.

But we had just set off, the novelty had not worn off yet, and no one wanted to leave.

And Luo Huai plans to stay here from beginning to end.

"There is nothing to do before discovering the research target. You can just stroll around." After Professor Bai finished speaking, he and a few other old men went to who knows where.

There is a small lift on the side that can go down to other places.

Luo Huai and Li Ming were given a small lounge alone, with two simple beds on both sides, and a glass wall in the middle to see the void outside.

Of course, it looks pitch black now, the distances between planets are very long, and the scientific research ship is currently operating at high speed.

The two stared at the void for a while, and Luo Huai suddenly asked: "How are you going to find the light?"

"Light will guide me." Li Ming touched his heart with his palm, where there was a faint ray of light. "When the light came to me, it left a ray of light. My current light energy is almost the recovery of this ray of light." Every moment, including prayer for light, also relies on this ray of light."

"What if this light disappears?"

"As long as I don't give up my good thoughts, this ray of light will never disappear." Li Ming was not worried at all, "This is the only thing I know from this beam of light."

"I wish you good luck." Luo Huai took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started playing with it.

But this move shocked Li Ming, "Why do you have a mobile phone? This is the fantasy world!"

"Bought with a lot of money."

"..." Li Ming suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Boredom is not terrible. What is terrible is that someone is playing with their mobile phone next to you when you are bored.

So the two of them played stand-alone games together in their heads.

Once you leave the planet, the concept of day and night disappears. Although the time will be displayed, it is of little significance.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been playing.

Suddenly, a red light appeared in Luo Huai's palm, which was a contract.

"Alo Alo! Summon my projection!" The wolf girl shouted anxiously.

"I know~" I'm just bored, maybe calling this guy over can make it more lively.

The contract circle lit up, and a beam of red light shot out from Luo Huai's palm. The red light magnified in the air, and finally solidified into a figure.

"Open your teeth!" As soon as the wolf girl left the range of the red light, she automatically found Luo Huai's direction and pounced.

"Don't make trouble." Luo Huai picked her up with a ruthless hand, "This is a scientific research place, so you can't make too much noise."

"Oh..." The wolf girl has been pestering Yu Xi for the past two days about what Luo Huai is going to do, so she knows.

"Then Aluo, what are we going to do next? Are we going to fight a powerful space monster?" The wolf girl waved her pink fist excitedly. She had studied hard for several days and was just waiting to see when she could practice it. Wave.

By the way, the space monster that Alang is talking about here refers to the crayfish star in Giant of Light... If he encounters it, everyone will be dead.

The key is that the universe is huge, so it’s not impossible.

Fortunately, everything is still calm at the moment. Li Ming just went to inquire again. The navigation system of the scientific research ship has captured a meteorite floating relatively close, and he is preparing to capture it.

However, this "relatively close" is only relatively speaking, and the call will still cost nearly an hour.

"It's so boring..." The wolf girl occupied Luo Huai's bed and doubted her life on it. She even missed her pile of unfinished homework - all assigned by Yu Xi. UU Reading www. ukanshu.net

"I told you a long time ago that I won't let you come, right? You still don't believe it." Luo Huai stood at the side with his hands on his hips, "If I really let you come, you must not go crazy."

"Who asked you to be secretive and not tell me what you are doing..."

"Scientific research, I told you so."

"There's a lot of scientific research. People think it's like traveling around the mountains and rivers." The wolf girl wanted to roll, but the bed was too narrow and she almost rolled to the ground. Fortunately, Luo Huai caught her.

"I told you to watch more science and education films, but you just didn't listen, and..." Luo Huai began to criticize how lazy and out of tune the wolf girl was.

The wolf girl's face turned red and bulging at the words, and she finally said, "Huh! I'm going back to study!"

Watching the red light dissipate, Luo Huai clapped his hands and said, "The goal was achieved."

Li Ming: "..."

Friends, do you know there is a saying that goes, "It's cool to be cool for a while, and you'll be chased to the crematorium"?

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