I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 36 Luo Huai’s true ability

"Waibibabu, Abba Abba..."

Luo Huai and Qinglin's brains automatically filtered out Xiaoyue and Auntie's sermons.

"are you full?"


As soon as the two of them put down the tableware, they prepared to leave.

"Uncle, Sister Xiaoyue, let's go first."

"Okay, remember to come to me if you have any good ingredients in the future." The visiting uncle was still enjoying the remaining bear paws, and saw that Luo Huai and the others were leaving and had no intention of giving them away.

"Hey!" The person who was preaching suddenly ran away, and Xiaoyue suddenly felt that there was a lot of anger in her stomach and she had nowhere to vent it.

Suddenly, her eyes gradually shifted to her father, who ran away every day.


"Huh?" The visitor looked over blankly.



He immediately realized something and shouted to Luo Huai Qinglin who had already run away: "Little brother Mugui! I have something to ask you!"

After saying that, he stood up and wanted to run away.

However, it was already too late. Xiaoyue firmly grabbed the corner of his clothes and began the second half of her lecture.

"Dad! You said you..."

The chatter was endless, as if it was the whisper of an ancient god. The visiting uncle shivered on the chair with his head in his hands, and the joy of eating bear paws was gone.

"Fortunately, we slipped out early." At a street corner, Luo Huai happily patted his chest.

"After listening to the dean's nagging for so many years, this eldest sister's skills are still a little behind." Qinglin was trying to be strong, but he was picking out his ears with his fingers, which was a bit arrogant.

"No matter how big or small, those who are older than us should be called aunties." Luo Huai tried to instill his distorted views on things in him.

"Have you forgotten that you were beaten because of this when you were a child?" Qing Lin still remembered what happened to Luo Huai when he was a child.

At that time, Luo Huai, who was still in elementary school, called his sister who had just grown up, "grandma" and was spanked severely. He and Ye Feng looked on.

"That's because you are blind and can't see through the disguise."

"This girl just wore ordinary light makeup."

"Tch~" Luo Huai turned his head away, obviously dissatisfied.

"Oh... forget it, I don't expect to be able to bring back your three views." Qinglin sighed, thinking that he had tried this way back then and almost didn't get taken over.

"I'm going to find a place to rest first. I've been quite tired these two days." Luo Huai took a long breath and made an excuse.

"Well, it's almost time for me to escape." Qinglin looked at his map, and there was a light spot shining on his teammates approaching here.

Beauty is a disaster, but he has a firm heart.

Turning into an alley, Qinglin disappeared.

"Oh, what a sinful man." Luo Huai looked at the direction in which Qinglin disappeared, not in the mood to care about the ending.

"Sign out."

The lively street in front of me turned into a cold ceiling.

Luo Huai turned on the computer and entered the chat room of the big guys again.

Mugui: "Call Mr. Brother~, is Mr. Brother here?"

After waiting for a while, no one responded, but someone else responded to him.

Deep Whale C: "Hey, I haven't been online for so long. Is Mu Guigui always looking for something to do with me?"

What is Muguigui? The overlapping words are really disgusting.

Mu Gui: "I have something to ask Mr. Ge."

Deep Whale C: "Then you may not be able to find him recently."

Mugui: "What's going on? Is the boss going out to play?"

Deep Whale C→_→: "No, I saw him accidentally encountering another Rampant Killer Crab when I was out for a walk yesterday. He was killed. Now he is waiting for the resurrection CD with the Bird Bastard."

Why is it a killer crab again? What is the origin of this killer crab?

Mugui: "Who is this killer crab? It can kill even a big boss like Mr. Brother." (Afraid)

Deep Whale B cheers ( ̄▽ ̄): "Look what scares you. In fact, they are a group of seclusion madmen. They are weak in nature, so usually they will find a place to get up when they have nothing to do, and just leave it there to hold it in. Move it, it will be ready in seconds when you meet your favorite prey."

Wood Ghost: "Then what does this mean?"

He always felt that the killer crab was not a big guy. Was he hunting these big guys just to eat?

Deep Whale C quickly gave the answer: "Of course not for eating."

Wood Ghost: "Then..."

"They will directly receive twice the extra numerical bonus of their prey in the next month. This is a good time for them to improve their strength."

double! ?

Luo Huai's typing hand almost broke the keyboard.

Luo Huai knew what the concept of twice was, but what was the concept of twice the existence of Mr. Ge...

Luo Huai had no such concept at all. Anyway, he would die if he met him.

"So I said, there's no need to be so shocked." Shen Jing Bing seemed to see Luo Huai's shocked actions through the screen.

"It takes such a long time to hold back the ultimate move that lasts a second. This kind of ability is really not that strong in the world of punishment."

Mugui: "Does each boss have his or her own special abilities?"

"Of course. If you don't have any plug-ins, why are you hanging around here? Even a newcomer like you must have his own special abilities."

Luo Huai immediately thought of his own game characteristics, but would this ability be too idealistic?

So he asked vaguely, UU read www.uukanshu. Net Deep Whale C boss is really well-informed and gave a reply immediately:

"It's okay, it's okay. There are many idealistic abilities. For example, the killer crab clan's instant killing ability that we just mentioned is similar to this, a typical explosive behavior."

After Shen Jing Bing answered, he asked Luo Huai what happened when he first found his brother.

"I just want to ask what kind of care my brother always gave me that day."

"Huh? Didn't you already thank Mr. Brother that day? Why didn't you know? But it's strange, I never figured out why you wanted to thank him. Radiation damage should be very painful."

Luo Huai realized the key point of radiation damage. In other words, that care was actually a simple reverse care?

"Wouldn't that radiation do any good?"

"Of course, that guy, Mr. Brother, doesn't have any auxiliary recovery skills. He's all about output." While Mr. Brother was still resurrecting, Shen Whale Bing took advantage.

"I probably know my abilities." Luo Huai said to himself thoughtfully in front of the screen.

【Katsuki】【Radiation Resistance】......

correct! And my eyes! Get burned, and then it becomes like this...

Luo Huai suddenly remembered this. Maybe the process of opening the panel was not about these golden-red eyes at all.

It burns your eyes! The golden-red eyes were completely evolved from his own body, and the panel appeared only after he survived the test of burning eyes.

The more Luo Huai thinks about it, the more likely it is, but there is still a logical loophole.

"Why does my eye color change as the panel appears?"

If it was his own ability, then he should be able to independently control the opening and closing of the golden red eyes without exhaling the panel.

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