"Tens of millions of years ago, human beings left their own planet and sailed towards the sea of ​​stars, just like they left their own land in the first place to find a new continent. However, the abyss of the universe is not so kind."

"What exactly is a black dragon..." Luo Huai was interested in the story, but now he just wanted to press esc to jump to the plot.

The primary goal now is to know the weakness of the black dragon and then defeat it. The story will be heard after everything calms down.

"Alas... young people are just impatient." The mysterious man sighed helplessly before saying, "The original black dragon is the spirit of the void. It is huge beyond imagination, even enough to wrap around the entire planet, and the way he grows his minions It’s more like a virus, which is why the number of black dragons has increased so horribly.”

"There is only one way to destroy it, and that is to throw it into the star and purify it all at once."

One time... Luo Huai glanced at the ethereal black dragon of origin.

"But how are we going to catch him? How are we going to throw him into the star?"

"The original black dragon will shrink in size when it becomes weak. The human race tens of millions of years ago detonated all large-scale weapons, temporarily beating the black dragon into a weak and curled up state, and then sealed it in a facility underground."

"Then since we have it under control, why did the human race still die?"

"..." The mysterious man was silent.

Because he was the last executor back then, and the price of detonating all the giant weapons... was to bring down the entire civilization to be buried with him.

Future generations will never be able to imagine how desperate a situation must have been for a civilization to make such a decision.

Even he, the only survivor, is just a ghost.

"The radiation of the star can make the original black dragon reveal its core, which is the carrier of its consciousness. It is usually in a state of virtualization, but now..."

In order to destroy the Spark Tower, one of the two remaining threats, the original black dragon has now manifested itself.

It’s the dragon head bone that emerged!

"Hurry up, darkness and light are mutually reinforcing each other. The disappearance of any light on the battlefield means that the power of darkness surges."

Destroying light is how darkness expands.

After hearing this, Luo Huai roared, and the dragon core immediately condensed, aiming directly at the core of the black dragon.

Whoosh! The dragon core streaked across the sky.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist intercepted the front of the dragon core, absorbing its energy.

Before the dragon core could fly in front of the dragon head bone, it lost its internal balance and exploded.

"The distance is too far, and..."

Luo Huai, who flew in, suddenly noticed that wisps of black air were constantly emerging from the city below, converging on the dragon's head bone, increasing his power.

The mysterious man's voice appeared again, "Light can be born out of hope in the human heart, and darkness can also be born out of despair."

For people shrouded in gloom, the Spark Tower has been their spiritual support for decades. This position cannot be replaced by Luo Huai and Li Ming, who have just arrived a few days ago.

"No wonder the black dragon dared to take such a risk to come here." Luo Huai changed his flight path and started flying around the black dragon.

The dragon head bone is always locked on Luo Huai, and the Spark Tower is gradually "digested" in its body. If it is delayed, it will be its victory.

After a few more dragon core shots, Luo Huai made a test.

Just now, the mysterious man went offline again, and I don’t know what state he was in.

It was too strenuous to carry Li Ming and Cross, so Luo Huai left them on the outskirts of the city and concentrated on fighting the original black dragon.

But in a one-on-one situation, Luo Huai couldn't take advantage at all.

It is not feasible to break through forcefully... The dark realm released by the original black dragon is like a speed bump. The more powerful the light, the more difficult it is to move within it.

Even if Luo Huai transforms into a blazing sun, it will be the same inside.

After all, the power of light and darkness is too disparate.

"If darkness could swallow light..."

Luo Huai had an idea in his mind, and he chose to believe in his omnipotent stomach.

If there is too little light, then pull the darkness into a place full of light!

The dragon's mouth is opened wide, not to spit out the dragon core, but to swallow it in reverse.

The armor also reversed its function, increasing Luo Huai's suction power.

Dragon sucks!

A transparent vortex of air appeared in front of Luo Huai, and the darkness was drawn into it and reached his mouth.

Swallowing it all, Luo Huai swallowed a big mouthful.

The first time he ate energy directly, the taste was definitely not good, especially in his current state of light element. Swallowing the darkness raw was like taking a sip of gasoline and then lighting a fire. His throat was sore and his eyes were sore.

But at least the energy response in his body quickly proved that Luo Huai was right.

The darkness was surrounded by light and fire within him and turned into fuel.

Swallowing darkness can actually restore energy, which Luo Huai did not expect.

"That's not the same as drinking soup." Luo Huai smacked his lips, flew to the edge of the black dragon's territory, and took another big sip.

Burp~ After eating it twice more, I found that the taste is actually not bad.

But it's definitely too late to inhale like this, you have to let go of your throat directly.

The armor's dragon head opened its mouth completely and rolled in the dark eyes.

The Origin Black Dragon also discovered that this opponent had awakened a strange ability again, but instead of shrinking back and condensing the energy, it even pressed down, gathered a ball of dark energy and stuffed it into Luo Huai's mouth.

This caught Luo Huai off guard. As soon as the dragon's mouth closed, he quickly flapped the wings on his back and retreated dozens of meters.

"Ahem... I accidentally inhaled too much." Black gas emerged from Luo Huai's body.

The sudden increase of huge amount of dark energy narrowed the difference between light and darkness in Luo Huai's body, which caused the darkness to try to gain dominance in this space.

Luo Huai immediately mobilized reinforcement energy from the core of the star, and then suppressed the darkness.

The dragon head bone on the Spark Tower swayed slightly, as if it was a pity. UU read www.uukanshu. net

Of course the black dragon knew the principle of the coexistence of light and darkness, and its intention just now was to see if it could defeat Luo Huai from the inside at once.

Obviously failed...then let's continue fighting.

After Luo Huai digested the darkness, he repeated his old tricks, but this time he was much more careful, accumulating a section of light energy at his mouth at any time to cut off the energy flow.

The Black Dragon had no chance to take advantage of it. In order to prevent its territory from shrinking, the Black Dragon also accelerated its devouring of the Spark Tower.

The situation suddenly turned into a competition of who could eat the fastest.

But Luo Huai is not stupid and only knows how to eat. If the spark tower goes out, the people below will also explode. By then, the black dragon's strength will definitely far exceed him.

So Luo Huai flapped his wings and flew into the dark realm again.

As long as the timing of devouring is properly controlled, action is not a problem.

He stared at the dragon bone head in the center, and inexplicably thought...if he ate this, would all the problems be solved?

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