I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 40 The idea of ​​becoming stronger

"It shouldn't be..." The wind blew the leaves and raised the crossbow again.

"Hey! Are you coming again?" Luo Huai rolled up from the ground. In a flash of light, a full set of armor and shield appeared on him instantly.

The light arrow shot out again, and Luo Huai raised his shield.

There was a sound, and the light arrow was blocked again.

"What's going on?" Feng Chuiye felt puzzled. He had a damage bonus to players with high sin points.

Did Silver Cross really forgive him? But I thought, I yelled like this every time, so why did I forgive me this time?

"Is there something wrong with you? Do you shoot at anyone you see?" Luo Huai shouted while hiding behind his shield.

"I will not be mistaken. Your sins are invisible to me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Just because I belong to the [Cross Trial Society]"

"The Cross Judgment..."

Luo Huai has heard of this guild. It is equivalent to the human race's executioner and police in the fantasy world, specializing in hunting down players with sinful values.

Those with low crime scores will be taken back to repent and detained.

Those who are serious will be killed directly, and criminals killed by Cross Judgment will have a cross mark on their body. After returning to the mortal world, their location will be immediately exposed, and all surrounding security agencies will receive the criminal's location.

"I'm just a newcomer, I have no chance to accumulate so many sin points!"

These words made Feng Chuiye frown, but Luo Huai was indeed blood red in his eyes.

"This..., but the protection of the Cross Judgment is not wrong, otherwise..." The wind blows Ye Ye's mouth and he chuckles, "You want me to shoot another arrow? It's only three things, if you're still fine, Then I won’t kill you.”

"Shoot another arrow? I'm still worried." Luo Huai quietly took out a stone ax with one hand behind his back. If the wind continued to blow the leaves, he would throw the stone ax out.

As long as the wind blows the leaves and dodges sideways, he can rush forward and directly engage in close combat. Although he can't fight at a distance, he is worthy of close combat.

Personal lock technology cannot lock you to death.

"Forget it." The wind blew the leaves and the crossbow was fired. The chariot turned back into a carriage. He sat down and patted the wooden board. "Come on, let's keep going."

"Why can you shoot me two arrows and then ask me to sit with you like nothing's wrong?" Luo Huai felt that this man's limit was about to catch up with him, so he took back his armor and sat on it.

"Anyway, I'm just a marginal member of our guild. I don't know how to deal with this situation, so let's talk about it."

"How did someone like you get elected to the Cross Tribunal? Is the internal corrosion so serious?"

"It's not like I'm taking advantage of my genius sister."

"Is she great?"

"Amazing." The wind blew the leaves and looked at the stars in the sky. "Her cross is golden."

He opened his collar and revealed a silver cross pendant inside.

"She is a core member?"

"Yes, she entered the fantasy world two years early, which is rare in the world. She was directly recruited into it the day she came of age."

By the way, entering the fantasy world in advance does not mean that you can enter the dungeon at will like adult players. Children's soul strength is not that high and they cannot withstand too many blows.

Therefore, entering the fantasy world in advance is not so much about early development as it is about building a foundation. People who have a deeper foundation will naturally have smoother adulthood.


Not hearing Luo Huai's answer, the wind blew the leaves and turned to look at him, and found that he was concentrating on thinking about something, so he simply closed his mouth.

Two years?

Luo Huai recalled what he had just said when the wind blew the leaves.

I remember... Qinglin was five years early, right? Night madness lasted for three years.

The dean also said that their talents were average, and asked them not to talk about it and be embarrassed. However, they were each obsessed with their own fields and never understood it. They really thought that was the case.

hateful! The dean lied again!

Moreover, Qinglin and Ye Feng already possessed telekinesis before they came of age in the mortal world.

They are much stronger than they let on.

In comparison, Luo Huai suddenly felt that he was much weaker, at least in terms of ranking.

Especially the values ​​​​on the panel are so ruthless as to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

No, the improvement of the fantasy world is too slow! If you want to truly become a monster... you have to actually fight against the monster!

But where are the monsters? Luo Huai chuckled.

Isn’t it the same over there at home?

Although it's wrong to seek abuse, but I can't bear it and I have a resurrection.

"Ye Ye, I have something to do and I have to go offline." Luo Huai was ready to return to the world of punishment immediately.

But the wind blowing the leaves disagreed.

"No, there is still a contract between us. You must be escorted to Maple Leaf Town safely and cannot leave in the middle."

He pulled the canvas covering the crossbow and rolled it up around him as a quilt.

"You still need protection like this? And aren't you a member of the Tribunal? Do you really think of yourself as a businessman?"

"Who says people in the Tribunal can't be businessmen? I was originally going to be a businessman. It was just a coincidence that I met you."

"But you don't have any goods." Luo Huai pointed to the cargo slot where the crossbows used to be. Now there is nothing there.

"Can't I go to Maple Leaf Town to purchase goods and sell them elsewhere?"

"How do you think I met you?"

"It's fate. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net"

After a flurry of words, the two of them couldn't decide the outcome.

Luo Huai had no choice but to continue helping this guy set up the carriage and just sat there doing nothing.

The cool night wind blew on his forehead, and he suddenly trembled. He reached out and touched the position of the vertical pupil mark, which seemed to be cold.

Speaking of which, he hasn't used it since the vertical pupil mark was attached to his forehead, and only a little passive enhancement of night vision brushes his sense of presence.

With a thought in his heart, there was suddenly an additional perspective in his field of vision, and the things in his eyes suddenly became three-dimensional.

Along with this comes dizziness caused by not being used to it.

Luo Hou had no choice but to close his eyes, leaving only the perspective in the middle.

"This is the second form..."

The black and purple vertical pupils floated in the center of the forehead, moving with Luo Huai's gaze.

It uses darkness as light. The darker it is, the clearer it is.

So the moonlight is quite bright tonight, but the vertical pupils do not have the night vision effect that makes the night look like daylight as expected.

Open your eyes, close your vertical pupils and turn them into seals.

You need to rest if you keep your eyes open for too long.

"Speaking of which..." After opening his eyes, Luo Huai's thinking became much more active.

"Didn't the leaves say that my sin value is almost full? Then even if I don't abide by the contract and increase the sin value a little, it doesn't seem to have any effect."

Besides, if the crime value is high, will you be thrown into the world of punishment?

What kind of threat is this to him? Is going home a threat? He closed and opened his eyes, and three seconds later there was another hero.

With smooth logic, Luo Huai cast his malicious eyes on the wind-blown leaves with his eyes closed to meditate.

"Sorry, bye~"

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