I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 403 Bucket, the Eternal God

Undersea volcanoes, lava trapped beneath the seabed.

If it's the kind that's been dead for a long time, that might be just fine.

"The monster might be blocking the mouth of this hole right now, sucking in energy."

In order to confirm this guess, Luo Huai returned to the hotel and checked the information online.

Sure enough, according to recorded geographical data, this coastal coastline was a relatively active area of ​​the earth's crust a long time ago. There was a period of time when a large number of small volcanoes were active, but most of them were under the sea.

The real situation is worse than imagined. There is more than one underwater volcano. If the monster absorbs all the energy of the volcano, what will it grow into?

"And there's a worse situation..." Luo Huai frowned.

If the monster doesn't choose to keep this energy for itself, but chooses to... explode.

A large continuous submarine volcano was detonated, and its power would definitely not be weaker than the strongest weapon of the human race today.

The huge explosion power can forcibly raise the nearby sea area by more than ten or even dozens of meters. At that time, the intruded seawater will surge to the sea surface, and the huge waves formed will cause a devastating blow to the coast.

This is also a disguised way of destroying the city, which is consistent with the purpose of the 01 monster.

"We must find the monster quickly."

Although it may be a bit taken for granted, Luo Huai has no intention of informing the official.

The internal energy disturbance of the volcano is violent, and it is almost impossible to detect the situation inside. Due to the official nature of seeking stability, there is a high probability that the crowd will be dispersed first, and then wait and see what happens.

But if the monster is really given a chance to develop, even if it is prepared carefully, it is likely to lead to more serious consequences.

For now, it's up to him to check it out first. If he can't solve the problem, he will notify the authorities.

This is not arrogance, but his current physique, which is indeed the first echelon among human beings in the mortal world. Even if there is such a task, he is still a suitable candidate.

Taking out the [Riptide] trident, putting on a full set of enchanted armor, Luo Huai jumped into the sea from the hotel balcony.

The deep-sea explorer's enchantment makes him as agile as a fish in the water, and the resistance of the water becomes his boost.

Underwater breathing formed an isolation layer of water inside the armor, allowing Luohuai to remain dry even in the water.

The effect of underwater breathing was stronger than Luo Huai expected. Breathing was like filtering oxygen from the water, and it was effortless at all.

It's just that the amount of oxygen is not as good as on land, so strictly speaking, the oxygen is still getting less and less.

But this is enough, because he can also use the fused blood to simulate the structure of fish gills, which can just make up for this part of the oxygen.

The trident charged up and took him a distance of more than ten meters.

He looks like a real fish now.

It's just that it's always wise to be cautious. He put the scuba potion in the first compartment of his backpack. There are also various buff potions in the following compartments, both splash and oral types, so he's prepared.

In this way, Luo Huai headed towards the bottom of the sea.

A thousand meters away from the shore and hundreds of meters deep, Luo Huai finally stopped here.

“You can also see the scenery back then from the shape of the seabed.”

Just like the continuous mountains, stretching across the flat seabed, they are the result of the cooling of the lava that poured into the sea from the volcano.

According to the survey results a few years ago, this place should have been silent forever, at least not for thousands of years.

But now, as Luo Huai approached, he felt that the seawater surrounding him was a little warm...compared to the cold deep water.

The reef below was very close, and Luo Huai could see tiny bubbles in the water, which was the result of the water being heated.

The breastplate was protected by flames, so Luo Huai didn't feel too hot.

Swimming sideways, he did not enter directly from here. If he happened to dig high-voltage electricity, the magma could flood him before it cooled down.

"It's okay here." A familiar coldness penetrated Luo Huai, he stopped and took out his pickaxe.

Along the horizontal direction, Luo Huai dug back to the volcano side from the ground.

The closer he got, the hotter it became, and in the end even the stone slabs under his feet felt so hot.

Luo Huai felt better after getting a bucket of water under his feet.

"There should be a magma lake ahead." Luo Huai held the pickaxe with one hand and took out the fire resistance potion with the other hand. He drank one bottle first and got the fire resistance effect for three minutes (magic modification).

Then he took out another obsidian cube, ready to block the gushing magma.

Dang dang dang... the last pickaxe.

Red light was found from the box in front of him, and there was scorching heat oncoming, but luckily there was no magma.

Luo Huai reached in and took a look, and found that his worries were unfounded. The magma lake did exist, but the height of the lake was more than ten meters away from him.

From the top down it looks like it is about to dry up.

"But this temperature... doesn't seem to be caused by this little magma."

Even if it's magma, it can't boil water through the rocks a few meters away without getting close.

There must be something hotter than magma.

Yang eyes, open.

With his eyes emitting beams of light, Luo Huai discovered that there were unusual ripples on the surface of the magma lake, and something was stirring in the magma lake.

Climbing out of the tunnel on the block, Luo Huai saw a hole diagonally downward on the vertical arm of the hole.

It's basically a monster.

The magma lake is slowly declining under the absorption of monsters.

"Are you drinking soup or absorbing energy?" Luo Huai looked strange. He thought of a very harmful way, which could not only cool down the monster, but also trap it.

This method is a universal bucket!

The endless water source and the ability to instantly turn magma into obsidian and stone are deadly.

But before that, Luo Huai had to make some preparations to prevent the monster from self-destructing or something.

He took out the mysterious potion that had been stored in his backpack for a long time.

"Be a human being..." As if he was saying to himself, the smile on Luo Huai's face under his helmet was extra sinful.

In contrast, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net The silly lava-sucking monster has become harmless to humans and animals.


Colorful potions were thrown into the magma, and the monster didn't notice that his food was physically mixed with some strange things.

It swallowed the piece of magma mixed with the potion in one gulp, and then...

Unfortunately, the monster doesn't seem to have the same complex pain sensation as humans, but its body is still telling it, "Ouch~~~"

The monster seemed to be drunk, swaying in the magma, and there was a vague sense of déjà vu.

"It's time to pour the water."

Facing the cave wall and ceiling, Luo Huai poured out the water source cube.


Chichi… These are the sound effects of magma being extinguished and then transformed into obsidian.

The cave soon became pitch black, and there was no movement at the bottom of the cave.

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