I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 417: Come to your door to deliver?

A remote small city with no developed transportation and surrounded by barren mountains.

The combination of these elements is not very suitable for causing trouble, so it is not unreasonable for the underground guild to choose this place.

But really speaking, Luo Huai's hometown is also a small town, why haven't I heard anything happened?

Oh, there are a bunch of gods living there... That's okay.

The security department's working meals are still okay, but this is actually not Luo Huai's main purpose. He can actually get a place to live for free.

It happened that Maple Tree caught him and wouldn't let him go, so he settled down justifiably.

The room is on the top floor, and you can see the night view of the city - pitch black.

Luo Huai played with the walkie-talkie in his hand, waiting for news from Feng Shu.

"When you receive the news, just summon a cross shadow." Feng Shu explained before leaving.

The dark streets, with lights flashing from time to time, seemed to have begun.

Do you want to intervene?

Forget it, think about it, it shouldn't be any trouble.

Suddenly, the intercom rang.

"Hurry up!" The maple tree on the other end spoke very quickly, and the figures in the background were very noisy, with faint gunshots.

"I know." Luo Huai threw the walkie-talkie on the bed, bit his finger and threw the blood into the air.

The sacrificial circle is activated, and then the cross law is connected.

Scarlet crosses appeared in Luo Huai's eyes, and then red light began to appear in front of him.

Looking out the window, the Red Cross has descended in the night sky.

The members of the Cross Society in the city instantly felt that they were much closer to the Law of the Cross, and they could control the power in their bodies more easily.

It's strange that there will be nothing more to do with Luo Huai next.

The sounds of fighting seemed to be approaching here, and the villains fleeing in the darkness dared to set their sights on the security department.

Luo Huai, who was sitting in front of the window with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly heard the door behind him being kicked open.

A thin figure wearing a black robe walked in from behind.

"Those police officers are really out of their mind. They dared to let a holy son guard the station alone."

The thin figure stood at the door. He didn't take action immediately, but he was still in the mood to taunt him first.

"Aren't you afraid that the time you waste talking will delay the battle over there?" Luo Huai slowly turned around and sat on the swivel chair.

"Hmph..." The thin figure heard this and did not let out a disdainful laugh, "Are you talking about those mercenaries who are not even qualified to join the guild? Sorry, those are burdens that need the Cross to help us get rid of. That’s all.”

"As for you..." When the thin figure said this, his tone finally fluctuated a little, and there was no doubt that he was excited. "You are not the Holy Son who was found by the Cross Society recently, are you? You are still a little kid after all."

"I'm an adult." Anyway, there's no rush, Luo Huai is really interested in chatting.

"Hmph!" The thin figure smiled disdainfully, "Looking at your soul image, you are only in your twenties, a time when you don't know how far the sky is from the sky. I'm afraid you can't even imagine what it's like to live hundreds or even thousands of years."

"You mean you've lived for thousands of years?" If that's the case, then Luo Huai should be more serious, or find a way to escape.

"Sure enough, the imagination of mortals is poor, and they can only live for a thousand years at most." The thin figure was really addicted to chattering, "My goal is eternal life."

"So how old are you?"

"My goal is eternity."

"So how old are you..."

"I said I would have infinite life!"

"I know, so how old are you?"

"I'll ride on the horse!"

"Don't curse, state your age first."


The thin figure fell silent.

He suddenly realized that he shouldn't be so wasteful, let alone waste his desire to talk on a dying person.

How ridiculous.

He raised his hand hidden under the black robe, and a dark gun barrel was exposed, pointing directly at Luo Huai's head.


There was a loud noise, and he didn't even bother to install a silencer. He was confident that he could escape unscathed.

This pistol was obviously a special product and was incredibly powerful. The impact of the bullet even lifted Luo Huai up and hit the glass window behind him.

The glass shattered with the sound, and it was unclear whether it was shattered or shattered. All that was known was that the shards rolled to the ground together with Luo Huai.

The thin figure did not leave immediately. He walked towards Luo Huai's "body" and pulled out a sharp knife.

The tip of the knife passed through the still warm neck, followed the blood vessels, and reached the heart.

"You're not dead yet...the living heart of the Holy Son, this is an excellent sacrifice."

There was a morbid pleasure in the voice of the emaciated figure.

The blade made a circle around the heart, confirmed the position, and plunged it in! Then he picked Luo Huai up abruptly.

The spurted blood formed a column of blood and splashed on the face of the thin figure, but he was not disgusted at all. On the contrary, he stuck out his tongue to fill it up.

"Ah... As expected of the Holy Son, even the blood is so much sweeter than ordinary people..."

A large amount of blood flowed down Luo Huai's limbs, dripping from the fingertips and toes that were hanging limply, and dripped on the ground, making a "tick...tick..." sound.

It was the only sound in the dark room.

The maple trees in the distance did not seem to notice the gunshots here, or they had no time to pay attention.

The thin figure was also paying attention to these until he was sure that no one was coming.

"It seems that those idiots from the Cross Society didn't notice you. Well, then I will have time to give you a unique reward... How about slowly draining the blood like this?"

A heart full of fear and despair, God, what a perfect sacrifice this must be!

All the blood in the body flowed out along the knife as it passed through the heart. The blood changed from dripping on the floor to pouring on the floor. A large pool of blood soon spread on the ground.

Only half a minute has passed, but to ordinary people, it is a hellish torture.

He should have died long ago, but the blood is still flowing, constantly filling the vacancies, and there is a constant loss.

The body of the emaciated figure was also covered with blood left along his arms, but the smell of blood may be more fragrant to him than perfume, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net This intoxicated him.

He was looking forward to digging out the heart that had just stopped beating after all the blood had flowed out.

The feeling of the tip of the knife cutting through flesh and blood was wonderful.


What happened next made the thin figure a little confused.

This guy's blood... is there too much?

According to this amount of bleeding, it should obviously drain away in just a while.

But... looking around, there was a pool of blood several centimeters deep on the floor, and even on the wall... Wait, why are there blood stains on the wall?

"Yeah...why doesn't the blood flow dry..."

Suddenly, Luo Huai, who had been "dead" for a long time, spoke with a hoarse voice.


At this moment, the protagonists of the bloody game were reversed...

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