I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 42 Wandering into ancient times by mistake

After inflating himself, Luo Huai chose to face the sea bravely when he was on the verge of expansion.

After several times of block demolition with peak hand speed, Luo Huai figured out the rhythm of the waves.


A wave of waves hit the rocks and then receded. He took the opportunity to take out the small wooden boat and threw it on the sea, and people jumped on it.

As soon as I jumped on the small wooden boat, a special characteristic was blessed on me. No matter how bumpy the sea was, the small wooden boat was as stable as land, but it would just float up and down.

And it seemed that as long as Luo Huai had no intention of getting off the boat, he would not fall out at all.

The small wooden boat is driven by thoughts. The driver only needs a thought to move freely.

The question is about characteristic cowhide.

Looking back at the cliff and confirming the direction for the last time, Luo Huai left the offshore sea.

A long time, I don’t know how long has passed...

Luo Huai wiped the sweat from the sun on his forehead. He had learned a lot of lessons from the experience just now.

For example, when the boss says words like "not far", "soon", "almost", etc., don't use your own understanding.

Because the gap between the two is too big.

"When did the sky kill so fast? It's almost dark!"

Luo Huai set up a sunshade sail on the small wooden boat, otherwise he would be dried in the sun before reaching the dungeon.

Going into the ocean to cool off was out of the question, not that there were sharks or anything.

When he was rowing through a shallow sea area just now, he saw a huge black figure lying on the seabed, a pair of huge black pincers, eight legs, and a horizontal movement.

There is no doubt that this is either a killer crab or a relative of the killer crab.

He was so frightened that he clung to the bottom of the small wooden boat, not daring to breathe at all.

Fortunately, this boss should have given him a shit.

Being weak really scares everyone wherever they go.

Suddenly, a little green appeared on the sea level ahead, and as we moved forward, the green became more and more dense.

It's a jungle! Now that I have found this place, I just need to land on the island and get lost in it to enter the dungeon.

Ah ~ hope is right in front of you!

The experience plan can finally be carried out.


A laser beam a hundred meters thick suddenly blasted from the horizon. Luo Huai's eyes were filled with white light, and the jungle island was also submerged in it.

Fortunately, the laser would not cause extended damage to surrounding objects. With the protection of the small wooden boat, Luo Huai, who lay down in time, was safe and sound.

It was just that his internal organs were slightly ruptured due to the shock, and he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood when he stood up. It was not a big deal, and he even calmly took a bite of bread.

It's just a fatal injury, let me eat a piece of bread to calm down the shock.

After eating three pieces of bread, the satiety level is filled, triggering the body's blood-returning mechanism, and the damaged parts begin to recover.

Ten minutes later, he was resurrected with full health! We deserve to be living in hell, we can't do it without any skills.

But when Luo Huai looked around again, he found that something seemed to be missing.

What's missing?

Think for a moment...

"Where's my island? Where's my big island? My Serpent Temple!"

Luo Huai looked at the direction where the laser came from in his memory. There was nothing there, no trace of land at all, only the sea level.

Lasers come from far away, perhaps across oceans.

Suddenly, it felt familiar again.

Luo Huai quickly turned around, and sure enough, there was another laser that destroyed the world, and the level of this laser was relatively low, and part of the cross section was under the sea.

The seawater around the laser was directly annihilated, and the seawater a little further away was shaken into the air, creating a huge channel on the sea surface, and waves hundreds of meters farther away were set off.

Luo Huai was lucky. He was in the area of ​​the waves and was not directly annihilated by the laser. He was just pushed a little higher by the waves.

He looked at the sea that was moving away from him, and then looked up at the approaching clouds above his head.

"Well, it's only a few hundred meters, not high."

Luo Huai didn't panic at all because of the small wooden boat's non-turnover nature.

It's just that it might hurt a little when you shoot it on the water.


It pales in comparison to hundreds of meters of waves, but it is enough for Luo Huai to eat a pot.

"A mere...fatal injury..." Luo Huai tried to get up, but unfortunately, except for his consciousness, his body was no longer under his control.

The satiety level is still there and the recovery effect is still ongoing.

Ten minutes, ten minutes later, I was still a good rookie.

time up.

Luo Huai sat up as if nothing happened.

Recalling those two exaggerated world-destroying lasers.

"Do the big guys like to confront each other directly across the sea?"

It was as if an ant had glimpsed a miracle from the gods. His mind couldn't comprehend this level of combat power.

"Where am I now?"

Being pushed so far by the waves, he must have deviated from his original route.

But the Serpent Temple is still gone, so sad~

"Huh? Why is there another island in front of me?"

A mountain peak suddenly appeared on the horizon. Luo Huai was attracted to it, and the small wooden boat rowed towards it.

Gradually, the whole island was revealed.

Luo Huai discovered that the island was not an island, but a piece of land.

"This is not a bad place."

Stepping onto the beach, Luo Huai said.

Completely opposite to the Badlands, this land is full of life.

The towering vegetation seemed to have been magnified by a magnifying glass, and even the insects were as big as their heads.

Luo Huai picked up a leaf that looked like a large fern and looked around again, "Why does this place look so retro?"

The ancient here refers to ancient times, ancient times, even before the human race appeared.

And the air here seems to be special to you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Take a deep breath and feel that your mind is clearer and your body is stronger.

"The air concentration is several levels higher than that of the Badlands." Luo Huai clenched his fists. His strong adaptability began to take effect. His body was adapting and changing in a more efficient direction.

Luo Huai felt as if some restrictions on his physical ability had been lifted.

With a slight jump, he stepped on the trunk of an old tree. Using his hands and feet together, he climbed to the top of the tree in just a few clicks.

"This is..." Luo Huai, who was standing on the top of the tree, saw a different scene.


In the sea of ​​trees in the distance, a huge figure took off. It had bat-like membrane wings, a sharp and long mouth, and two rows of neat and sharp teeth in the mouth.

Luo Huai opened his Yang Eyes (golden red eyes) and could barely see the monster clearly.

【Ancient Pterosaur】(Rare)

[Race] beast, dragon

【Introduction】Ancient creatures.

This is really retro.

"not good!"

Perhaps Luo Huai's Yang Eye was too conspicuous, and the ancient pterosaur noticed it after taking off.

It flew over in a swoop, and the sea of ​​trees below stirred up waves of leaves due to wind pressure.

I didn't realize it from a distance, but now that I'm closer, I realize that the ancient pterosaur was as huge as a fighter jet.

Luo Huai quickly climbed down the tree, saw a tree hole in the corner of his eye and got in.

The ancient pterosaur is so big, if it dares to stick its head in...

The pile of stone tools at Luohuai's feet will let him know what cruelty is.

PS: If you see any dinosaurs that you can’t find or the information doesn’t match, don’t doubt it, it’s all made up by me ( ̄▽ ̄)o.

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