I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 447 Underground Rescue

"That's not your fault." Luo Huai stood up, "How about I make an agreement with you?"


"Since you dare to stand up, it's up to you to organize other classes to protect the remaining ordinary people."

The student obviously hesitated, but still gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay!"

"Very good. As a reward, I will rescue your companion... I hope neither of us will break our promise."

"I won't."

"Then neither can I."

After saying that, Luo Huai jumped out of the broken window.

The students immediately rushed up. They didn't know that Luo Huai could fly.

Until they saw the pair of flaming dragon wings spread out behind Luo Huai, they all exclaimed.

The student who had made an appointment with Luo Huai looked at his retreating figure on the horizon, with longing and longing in his eyes.

He still remembered the agreement he had just made, so he turned around and pushed away the students around him, and began to organize.

"Professionals and ordinary students stand aside on one side and the other on the left!"

Each professional level has a course called Emergency Organization, and the content is similar to this. It can be said that each professional level is a hidden disaster relief worker. This is also what they do after they gain higher social power and resource tilt. Implicit obligations.

It's just that many students don't realize this.

Facts have proved that Luo Huai's arrangement is very necessary, because at the end of the group of students, there are a few students with dull expressions who are strangely close to the people around them.

Behind their necks, there were several tiny black tentacles squirming out of the skin...


In the air, Luo Huai was flying at almost the fastest speed.

There is no guarantee that the men in black robes will ensure the safety of the victims on the road. It is very likely that someone will be killed on the way.

The only good thing is that those men in black robes should all belong to the same underground guild, so they should be heading towards the same destination.

"Hurry up..." Luo Huai urged.

On his arm, a small black tentacle emerged from his arm.

That was deliberately implanted by him in order to allow the power used by the man in black to invade him, thus stimulating energy re-enactment.

Followers of the evil god often have a strong energy connection, which includes mutual induction and even shared perception.

The reason why the man in black robe was able to leave early was because he could have alerted the enemy.

Therefore, the fastest way to track now is to "join" and sneak into the enemy's "intranet".

But the black tentacle didn't take action.

"Can this energy still choose its master?"

Luo Huai didn't know that not all the evil gods' energies were so domineering. Some energy intrusions required the target's spirit to be in an extremely unstable state.

This... Luo Huai is in trouble.

But suddenly, there was movement in the Eye of Destiny, and he looked directly at the black tentacles.

The black tentacles struggled wildly as if they were frightened.

But a beam of purple light shot out from the pupil of the Eye of Destiny and cut off half of it.

Luo Huai suddenly thought, and the mark of fate was placed on the black tentacle.

Suddenly, in his perception, there were many more existences in the distant ground.

"Wow... you still have a way." Luo Huai praised the Eye of Destiny.

But the Eye of Destiny ignored him after finishing its work.

"..." Forget it, let's go chase them.

In my perception, there are many figures underground.

There seem to be many caves buried deep in the ground, leading to even deeper places.


Luo Huai picked the man in black robe closest to the surface. The guy was only a few meters away from the ground.

The dragon's wings flapped, and Luo Huai rushed down. With a shovel in one hand and a pickaxe in the other, he broke into the cave that was not deep.


The man in black robe suddenly heard the cave behind him collapse and turned around in confusion.

But what greeted him was a fist with sharp claws on it.


One punch directly dented the face of the man in black robe, and the light energy on the tip of the fist exploded, causing secondary damage to him, which was also fatal.

The man in black robe's whole head spread out and fell to the ground. The student he was carrying on his shoulders also rolled to the ground.

Luo Huai looked at his fists. He had learned the two levels of damage just now by imitating the Glacier Guardian, and the effect was indeed good.

He knelt down to help the student up and found that she was still a pretty girl. Unfortunately, her face was now covered with plaster and her skin was scratched.

Luo Huai suddenly realized a problem. He couldn't go behind the back of this student to ask for help, but he couldn't just leave him here either.

"We have to find a place to settle...the problem is in this wilderness."

Luo Huai looked left and right, there was no safe place here.

"By the way, why not throw away the empty island..."

Luo Huai pointed his finger in the sky, and a grass cube suddenly appeared. Luo Huai entered the empty island with the person in his arms.

"Can't be exposed..." Luo Huai put the person down, found an open space, built a large closed matchbox, and replaced the top block with a wooden fence to prevent the person from suffocating due to lack of oxygen.

After throwing the person in, Luo Huai appeared in the cave again.

I checked the time and it was very good. It seems that the current time on Sky Island is synchronized with the mortal world.

Otherwise, when he returns, the people inside may starve to death.

Following the cave, Luo Huai chased the other men in black robes.

Without delay.

In order to speed up, Luo Huai extended the fusion blood from his arms to make them as long as his legs, so that he could run directly on all fours.

In a cave, this is much more efficient than running on two legs.

Moreover, with the blood of fusion all over his body, he looked like a monster. Lying down and running only made it more consistent with the image.

Not only can he run on the bottom, but he can also run on the wall, up, down, left, and right. The range of movement is much wider, so he doesn't have to slow down when going through some tricky corners.

According to the movement trajectory of the men in black robes, except for a small part of the caves, the other caves should be moving closer to one point.

To be on the safe side, Luo Huai planned to deal with the black-robed men scattered in the cave first.

However, the cave is curved and runs like a maze. UU read www.uukanshu. net

Sometimes he clearly feels that the man in black robe is right next door to him, but he runs further and further away.

Luo Huai simply wielded his pickaxe and shovel and broke through the wall.

The consequence of this is that caves in many locations have collapsed.

Some men in black robes were hit by rocks above their heads while walking.

Some were walking when their soles suddenly sank and they fell into a pit.

But every time this happens, a pair of hands will snatch the students off their backs.

Oh my god, is it haunted?

Many men in black robes were punched and kicked to death without even seeing them clearly.

"Nine...ten..." Luo Huai pointed out.

The remaining students should have been taken to that unknown place.

Luo Huai exited the empty island, and this time he dug straight down.

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